This is Felix Kazzo, who was at the time of this picture's creation a D&D character involved in a certain magical school, one of the uniforms of which you'll notice he's still wearing. That game has since ended, but I don't intend to let the world and characters simply fade away. It's a massive undertaking, but I mean to make a serious effort at creating a real story that anyone can enjoy.
It helps that the aforementioned school's name and some associated lore was very nearly the only copyrighted material in that game, so it can be changed without doing any serious damage to the story. I don't plan to simply change the plates either, I mean to make everything my own while preserving the themes and narratives as they were originally told, with as much help from the others involved as I can get.
If you're at all interested in keeping abreast of developments, I'll be posting updates here now and then as I progress, and eventually I'll be sharing the WorldAnvil encyclopedia I'm building as groundwork for the story.
It helps that the aforementioned school's name and some associated lore was very nearly the only copyrighted material in that game, so it can be changed without doing any serious damage to the story. I don't plan to simply change the plates either, I mean to make everything my own while preserving the themes and narratives as they were originally told, with as much help from the others involved as I can get.
If you're at all interested in keeping abreast of developments, I'll be posting updates here now and then as I progress, and eventually I'll be sharing the WorldAnvil encyclopedia I'm building as groundwork for the story.
Category Artwork (Digital) / Fantasy
Species Longhair Cat
Gender Male
Size 2204 x 1672px
File Size 3.69 MB