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(Fades back in as we see the castle still tipping down about ready to rush the merpups while they whimpered in fear, then we see Zuma's sub with both Zuma and Ryder inside it. Captain Barnacles, Kwazii, and Peso were worried about the merpups themselves, but then they saw Zuma's sub coming in.)
Kwazii: Look captain, there's a sub with a pup and a kid inside of it.
Peso: But who's driving that one, the kid or the pup?
Ryder: Zuma use your pincer to keep that castle from falling onto the merpups.
Zuma: You've got it, Ryder. *Barking* Pincers.
(The pincer pops out of Zuma's sub as it grabs onto the castle and holds it back to its place, then we see Coral in her sub heading towards the merpups who were still scared shaking like they're cold.)
Coral: It's okay every merpup, Ryder and the pups are going to fix your castle. *Barking in translation*
(The merpups are relieved after Coral tells them that everything is going to be okay, meanwhile, we see Rocky who is in his tug boat waiting for his chance to become a merpup himself to save the day. Then Mama Merpup pops out of the water as she barks for Rocky to help out.)
Rocky: Don't worry Mama Merpup, *Goes through his tug boat and finds four metal pieces* I'll make sure that the castle is going to stay there for good.
(Then as Mama Murpup uses her magic to make Rocky into a merpup but is still wearing his vest, hat, and pup pack. As Rocky and Mama Merpup swam to where Zuma was still holding up that piece of the castle. Captain Barnacles, Kwazii, and Peso figured that Rocky might need help.)
Captain Barnacles: One merpup with a backpack full of tools isn't enough to fix it.
Peso: Can we help him?
Kwazii: We've got to, otherwise it might still crumble down.
Captain Barnacles: Operation help a merpup fix the castle begins now! *As Captain Barnacles calls for backup.* Barnacles to Tweak, two merpups are trying to fix the castle but need more help while the boy and a pup are trying to keep the castle from falling over, we need more help for them to fix that castle.
Tweak: Got it Cap, I'll get Dashi to come along and help us.
(As Tweak chomps on her carrot and rushes over to get Dashi, meanwhile as Rocky comes with the metal pieces.)
Rocky: Here are some metal pieces I could use to patch up this castle.
Ryder: That's great, but it looks like we're going to need more help.
Dashi: We can help with that.
(As Ryder, Zuma, Rocky, and Mama Merpup saw Captain Barnacles, Peso, Kwazii, Tweak, and Dashi come in with their tools.)
Zuma: Whoa dude, they look like animals wearing domes on their heads.
Rocky: Who might you guys be?
Ryder: Hang on pups, I know them from anywhere, they're the Octonauts.
Captain Barnacles: Yes we are and we're here to help you fix this castle.
(As they took three of the metal pieces from Rocky, they put them on each side while Rocky put the fourth metal that he still has on the back side of the castle piece. They screw the metal in and the castle stopped falling apart, Zuma's pincer lets go of it as it is all fixed.)
Rocky: Thanks for helping us out.
Kwazii: All in a day's work.
Captain Barnacles: But that pup still has our gup.
Zuma: Gup, what's a gup?
Tweak: It's a submarine that looks like an anglerfish.
Ryder: Don't worry, Coral we'll get your gup back. *Ryder calls Coral about Moby and McSquidly* Coral, any sign of Moby and McSquidly?
Coral: Nothing yet Ryder.
(Then all of a sudden, she saw the Gup-A being driven like crazy by Moby and McSquidly.)
Moby: Whoa! How in the world do you drive this thing?
Coral: On second thought, I think I found them.
Ryder: Catch up to them Coral, me, Rocky, Zuma, and the Octonauts will catch up to you so that we can return the gup.
Coral: I'm on it.
(As Coral catches up to the Gup-A, it lands and gets stuck in between two rocks.)
Moby: Oh great, it's bad enough this submarine doesn't have any instructions, but now we're stuck in between two rocks.
(Coral found the Gup-A being stuck in between two rocks and is worried about both Moby and McSquidly.)
Coral: Ryder, Moby, and McSquidly got the gup stick in the middle between two rocks.
Ryder: We're coming, Coral.
(While Ryder, Rocky, Zuma, and the Octonauts were heading in their direction, Coral got out of her sub and swam towards the Gup-A. She sees both Moby and McSquidly looking all worried and needing to escape.)
Moby: HELP!!! Get us out of here!
Coral: Hang in there Moby.
(Coral swims around to find the hatch that will get her into the gup and get both Moby and McSquidly out of it, then as Ryder, Zuma, Rocky, and the Octonauts come, they see Coral looking for the hatch.)
Ryder: Is everything okay Coral?
Coral: I'm trying to look for the hatch Ryder.
Captain Barnacles: Try looking under it.
(As Coral looked under it, she opened it and went inside it.)
Coral: Moby, you and McSquidly have got to get out of the gup.
Moby: What, they call this submarine a gup? That's the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of in my whole life.
Coral: Come on Moby, you both need to get out of the gup immediately.
Moby: Fine. *To McSquidly* McSquidly, let's get out of here, this sub is nothing but a hunk of junk anyway.
(As Coral, Moby, and McSquidly got out of the Gup-A as Moby turned back to his merpup self, Zuma used his pincer to pull the Gup-A out of the rocks.)
Dashi: You got our gub back.
Kwazii: Thanks, how could we ever repay you?
Ryder: A nice "Thank You" is enough and remember, whenever your gub is stolen, just yelp for help.
Moby: Come on McSquidly, let's get out of here.
(As Moby and McSquidly swam away.)
Coral: Hay, we've almost forgotten. The merpups are doing a concert tonight, would you Octonauts like to join?
Captain Barnable: Sure thing, we loved to see more of the Merpups song.
(Then we see the PAW Patrol logo appear on screen, as we cut to the concert where the pups are performing their song in Puplantis, all of the pups including, Zuma and Coral are in their merpup forms, while Fox Prince is in his merfox form. We also see the Octonauts in their Octopods watching the concert through their glass windows. Then as soon as the concert was over, the merpups got a surprise for Dashi.)
Coral: Hay Dashi, the merpups have gotten a surprise for you.
Dashi: A surprise for me?
(As they brought over a necklace with a lot of shells including a gem on it, they put it around her neck.)
Dashi: Why I never have gotten a gift like this before? Mind if I take a photo of it to remember that night?
Chase: Can we get a picture with the merpups for Dashi Ryder?
Ryder: Of course Chase, you've all been such good pups.
(As the pups along with Ryder and Fox Prince pose for the photo, Dashi took the perfect photo only the images show her finger covering the lens to where the pups and the merpups are.)
Dashi: But my fingers weren't in the way and it was a perfect photo, how did the picture end up like that?
Professor Inkling: I believe it's merpup magic, the merpups don't want anyone to know that they exist.
Dashi: Well, at least I still have this to remember.
(As we cut to Dashi's point of view when she holds the blue gem that is on her necklace, it shines as it glows. The screen fades black as we fade to Octonauts Creature Report, as we hear the music play in the background.)
Captain Barnacles: Calling all Octonauts!
Kwazii: Kwazii.
Peso: Peso.
Shellington: Shellington.
Dashi: Dashi.
Professor Inkling: Inkling.
Tweak: Tweak.
(As they look around for Tunip, we then see Tunip appear on screen.)
Tunip: Tunip.
Captain Barnacles: Ahem, Kwazii activate "Creature Report".
(As Kwazii saluted and did a backflip to press the button.)
All (Singing): Creature report, creature report.
(Three screens appeared with a picture of Mama Merpup on screen for the creature report.)
Vegimals: Creature report.
(The Vegimals clapped their hands to the beat, and then we see bits of clips involving the merpups that happened in the fanfic.)
Captain Barnacles (Singing): The merpups live in an underwater castle called Puplantis.
Tweak: Check.
Dashi: Check.
Peso: Check.
Captain Barnacles (Singing): Merpups are like dogs but with a bit of fish.
Kwazii: Check.
Shellington: Check.
Tunip: Bree.
Captain Barnacles (Singing): Merpups sing a beautiful song.
Tweak, Peso, and Dashi (Singing): Creature report, creature report.
Captain Barnacles (Singing): Merpups can sense something wrong.
Kwazii, Professor Inkling and Shellington (Singing): Creature report, creature report.
Captain Barnacles (Singing): Merpups have magical powers.
Tweak and Dashi: Check.
Shellington and Professor Inkling: Check.
Tunip: Check.
Captain Barnacles (Singing): They didn't want anyone to know when it came to the some hours.
Peso, Captain Barnacles, and Kwazii: Dance break.
(The gang clapped and stomped their feet while the Vegimals did some dances, then we pan to the screen that shows various AI pic of merpups that don't look like the ones from PAW Patrol.)
All: Go merpups, go merpups, go merpups!
All (Singing): Creature report, creature report.
Vegimals: Creature report.
Captain Barnacles (Singing): We're done with our mission.
Captain Barnacles: Octonauts at ease.
All (Singing): Until the next adventure.
(The screen fades black.)
(The End)
(Fades back in as we see the castle still tipping down about ready to rush the merpups while they whimpered in fear, then we see Zuma's sub with both Zuma and Ryder inside it. Captain Barnacles, Kwazii, and Peso were worried about the merpups themselves, but then they saw Zuma's sub coming in.)
Kwazii: Look captain, there's a sub with a pup and a kid inside of it.
Peso: But who's driving that one, the kid or the pup?
Ryder: Zuma use your pincer to keep that castle from falling onto the merpups.
Zuma: You've got it, Ryder. *Barking* Pincers.
(The pincer pops out of Zuma's sub as it grabs onto the castle and holds it back to its place, then we see Coral in her sub heading towards the merpups who were still scared shaking like they're cold.)
Coral: It's okay every merpup, Ryder and the pups are going to fix your castle. *Barking in translation*
(The merpups are relieved after Coral tells them that everything is going to be okay, meanwhile, we see Rocky who is in his tug boat waiting for his chance to become a merpup himself to save the day. Then Mama Merpup pops out of the water as she barks for Rocky to help out.)
Rocky: Don't worry Mama Merpup, *Goes through his tug boat and finds four metal pieces* I'll make sure that the castle is going to stay there for good.
(Then as Mama Murpup uses her magic to make Rocky into a merpup but is still wearing his vest, hat, and pup pack. As Rocky and Mama Merpup swam to where Zuma was still holding up that piece of the castle. Captain Barnacles, Kwazii, and Peso figured that Rocky might need help.)
Captain Barnacles: One merpup with a backpack full of tools isn't enough to fix it.
Peso: Can we help him?
Kwazii: We've got to, otherwise it might still crumble down.
Captain Barnacles: Operation help a merpup fix the castle begins now! *As Captain Barnacles calls for backup.* Barnacles to Tweak, two merpups are trying to fix the castle but need more help while the boy and a pup are trying to keep the castle from falling over, we need more help for them to fix that castle.
Tweak: Got it Cap, I'll get Dashi to come along and help us.
(As Tweak chomps on her carrot and rushes over to get Dashi, meanwhile as Rocky comes with the metal pieces.)
Rocky: Here are some metal pieces I could use to patch up this castle.
Ryder: That's great, but it looks like we're going to need more help.
Dashi: We can help with that.
(As Ryder, Zuma, Rocky, and Mama Merpup saw Captain Barnacles, Peso, Kwazii, Tweak, and Dashi come in with their tools.)
Zuma: Whoa dude, they look like animals wearing domes on their heads.
Rocky: Who might you guys be?
Ryder: Hang on pups, I know them from anywhere, they're the Octonauts.
Captain Barnacles: Yes we are and we're here to help you fix this castle.
(As they took three of the metal pieces from Rocky, they put them on each side while Rocky put the fourth metal that he still has on the back side of the castle piece. They screw the metal in and the castle stopped falling apart, Zuma's pincer lets go of it as it is all fixed.)
Rocky: Thanks for helping us out.
Kwazii: All in a day's work.
Captain Barnacles: But that pup still has our gup.
Zuma: Gup, what's a gup?
Tweak: It's a submarine that looks like an anglerfish.
Ryder: Don't worry, Coral we'll get your gup back. *Ryder calls Coral about Moby and McSquidly* Coral, any sign of Moby and McSquidly?
Coral: Nothing yet Ryder.
(Then all of a sudden, she saw the Gup-A being driven like crazy by Moby and McSquidly.)
Moby: Whoa! How in the world do you drive this thing?
Coral: On second thought, I think I found them.
Ryder: Catch up to them Coral, me, Rocky, Zuma, and the Octonauts will catch up to you so that we can return the gup.
Coral: I'm on it.
(As Coral catches up to the Gup-A, it lands and gets stuck in between two rocks.)
Moby: Oh great, it's bad enough this submarine doesn't have any instructions, but now we're stuck in between two rocks.
(Coral found the Gup-A being stuck in between two rocks and is worried about both Moby and McSquidly.)
Coral: Ryder, Moby, and McSquidly got the gup stick in the middle between two rocks.
Ryder: We're coming, Coral.
(While Ryder, Rocky, Zuma, and the Octonauts were heading in their direction, Coral got out of her sub and swam towards the Gup-A. She sees both Moby and McSquidly looking all worried and needing to escape.)
Moby: HELP!!! Get us out of here!
Coral: Hang in there Moby.
(Coral swims around to find the hatch that will get her into the gup and get both Moby and McSquidly out of it, then as Ryder, Zuma, Rocky, and the Octonauts come, they see Coral looking for the hatch.)
Ryder: Is everything okay Coral?
Coral: I'm trying to look for the hatch Ryder.
Captain Barnacles: Try looking under it.
(As Coral looked under it, she opened it and went inside it.)
Coral: Moby, you and McSquidly have got to get out of the gup.
Moby: What, they call this submarine a gup? That's the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of in my whole life.
Coral: Come on Moby, you both need to get out of the gup immediately.
Moby: Fine. *To McSquidly* McSquidly, let's get out of here, this sub is nothing but a hunk of junk anyway.
(As Coral, Moby, and McSquidly got out of the Gup-A as Moby turned back to his merpup self, Zuma used his pincer to pull the Gup-A out of the rocks.)
Dashi: You got our gub back.
Kwazii: Thanks, how could we ever repay you?
Ryder: A nice "Thank You" is enough and remember, whenever your gub is stolen, just yelp for help.
Moby: Come on McSquidly, let's get out of here.
(As Moby and McSquidly swam away.)
Coral: Hay, we've almost forgotten. The merpups are doing a concert tonight, would you Octonauts like to join?
Captain Barnable: Sure thing, we loved to see more of the Merpups song.
(Then we see the PAW Patrol logo appear on screen, as we cut to the concert where the pups are performing their song in Puplantis, all of the pups including, Zuma and Coral are in their merpup forms, while Fox Prince is in his merfox form. We also see the Octonauts in their Octopods watching the concert through their glass windows. Then as soon as the concert was over, the merpups got a surprise for Dashi.)
Coral: Hay Dashi, the merpups have gotten a surprise for you.
Dashi: A surprise for me?
(As they brought over a necklace with a lot of shells including a gem on it, they put it around her neck.)
Dashi: Why I never have gotten a gift like this before? Mind if I take a photo of it to remember that night?
Chase: Can we get a picture with the merpups for Dashi Ryder?
Ryder: Of course Chase, you've all been such good pups.
(As the pups along with Ryder and Fox Prince pose for the photo, Dashi took the perfect photo only the images show her finger covering the lens to where the pups and the merpups are.)
Dashi: But my fingers weren't in the way and it was a perfect photo, how did the picture end up like that?
Professor Inkling: I believe it's merpup magic, the merpups don't want anyone to know that they exist.
Dashi: Well, at least I still have this to remember.
(As we cut to Dashi's point of view when she holds the blue gem that is on her necklace, it shines as it glows. The screen fades black as we fade to Octonauts Creature Report, as we hear the music play in the background.)
Captain Barnacles: Calling all Octonauts!
Kwazii: Kwazii.
Peso: Peso.
Shellington: Shellington.
Dashi: Dashi.
Professor Inkling: Inkling.
Tweak: Tweak.
(As they look around for Tunip, we then see Tunip appear on screen.)
Tunip: Tunip.
Captain Barnacles: Ahem, Kwazii activate "Creature Report".
(As Kwazii saluted and did a backflip to press the button.)
All (Singing): Creature report, creature report.
(Three screens appeared with a picture of Mama Merpup on screen for the creature report.)
Vegimals: Creature report.
(The Vegimals clapped their hands to the beat, and then we see bits of clips involving the merpups that happened in the fanfic.)
Captain Barnacles (Singing): The merpups live in an underwater castle called Puplantis.
Tweak: Check.
Dashi: Check.
Peso: Check.
Captain Barnacles (Singing): Merpups are like dogs but with a bit of fish.
Kwazii: Check.
Shellington: Check.
Tunip: Bree.
Captain Barnacles (Singing): Merpups sing a beautiful song.
Tweak, Peso, and Dashi (Singing): Creature report, creature report.
Captain Barnacles (Singing): Merpups can sense something wrong.
Kwazii, Professor Inkling and Shellington (Singing): Creature report, creature report.
Captain Barnacles (Singing): Merpups have magical powers.
Tweak and Dashi: Check.
Shellington and Professor Inkling: Check.
Tunip: Check.
Captain Barnacles (Singing): They didn't want anyone to know when it came to the some hours.
Peso, Captain Barnacles, and Kwazii: Dance break.
(The gang clapped and stomped their feet while the Vegimals did some dances, then we pan to the screen that shows various AI pic of merpups that don't look like the ones from PAW Patrol.)
All: Go merpups, go merpups, go merpups!
All (Singing): Creature report, creature report.
Vegimals: Creature report.
Captain Barnacles (Singing): We're done with our mission.
Captain Barnacles: Octonauts at ease.
All (Singing): Until the next adventure.
(The screen fades black.)
(The End)
Here's the second part of the fourth Mysticness saga story cause after Moby and McSquidly crashed the Gup-A onto the castle, the top piece of it is about to fall right onto the merpups so it's up to Ryder and Zuma to keep the castle from falling on them, while Rocky got four pieces of metal to help patch it up in time so it's up to the Octonauts to help Rocky fix the castle in time. Coral also went after Moby and McSquidly who are still driving the Gup-A until they've got stuck in between two huge rocks, will Coral get both Moby and McSquidly out in time and will the Octonauts get their Gup-A back before they damaged it harder?
PAW Patrol is owned by Nickelodeon and Spin Master
and Octonauts is owned by BBC
PAW Patrol is owned by Nickelodeon and Spin Master
and Octonauts is owned by BBC
Category Story / Fanart
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Male
Size 120 x 66px
File Size 9.3 kB