For stealth Aeros, a special shower has been developed which sprays a solution, helping them maintain their delicate coating. For B-2s and B-21s, this is important as they heavily rely on their stealth compared to F-22s, 23s and 35s, who can defend themselves if things go awry.
Funny how the biggest stealth Aeros in the fleet have comparable radar cross sections to their fighter counterparts... you can thank their curves for that one~
It"s been almost a year since we last saw Liberty so I reckon another pic of her was in order! A friend of mine gave her the nickname of "MOAB"... I will let you guys figure that one out!
Funny how the biggest stealth Aeros in the fleet have comparable radar cross sections to their fighter counterparts... you can thank their curves for that one~
It"s been almost a year since we last saw Liberty so I reckon another pic of her was in order! A friend of mine gave her the nickname of "MOAB"... I will let you guys figure that one out!
Category Artwork (Digital) / All
Species Aeromorph
Gender Female
Size 1806 x 2040px
File Size 4.33 MB
Listed in Folders
I can agree with you about stealth getting B-2s and B-21s out of quite tricky situations. Amazing job and I cant wait to see a "belly full of bombs"
Her little face is what does it for me. I love her <3