Melodi Refs - Brandy
"Need to need to need to need tooooo..o.oo...oo.... findmymagefindmymagefindmymage I was made by a a a a aaaaaaaaaa mage need to find my mage gotta find my mage"
For those unaware, I am working on a video game all by myself! It's almost ready to show off some pre-alpha gameplay footage! Updates on development are happening quite frequently in my Melodi RPG Game Dev Discord!
For those unaware, I am working on a video game all by myself! It's almost ready to show off some pre-alpha gameplay footage! Updates on development are happening quite frequently in my Melodi RPG Game Dev Discord!
Category Artwork (Digital) / Fantasy
Species Feline (Other)
Gender Female
Size 816 x 994px
File Size 179.6 kB