In the vast expanse of the cosmos, where stars twinkle like distant diamonds scattered across a velvet cloth, alone he drifts, a solitary speck amidst the celestial tapestry. His heart echoes the rhythm of the universe, a lonely drumbeat against the backdrop of infinity. Around him, the swirling of nebulae in a mesmerizing dance of vibrant hues, their ethereal beauty a stark contrast to the cold, dark grasp of the surrounding void.
Yet, despite these astral wonders, nestled within the depths of eons, the feeling of isolation gnaws at your soul. The darkness is all-consuming, stifling, a suffocating blanket that envelopes you like a shroud.
Here, one may witness the birth and death of stars, the fury of supernovas, and the mesmerizing dance of black holes, their gravity swallowing everything in their path. One may even witness the creator of it all.
🎨 Art by eccstasy!
Yet, despite these astral wonders, nestled within the depths of eons, the feeling of isolation gnaws at your soul. The darkness is all-consuming, stifling, a suffocating blanket that envelopes you like a shroud.
Here, one may witness the birth and death of stars, the fury of supernovas, and the mesmerizing dance of black holes, their gravity swallowing everything in their path. One may even witness the creator of it all.
🎨 Art by eccstasy!
Category All / All
Species Charr
Gender Male
Size 1590 x 2208px
File Size 3.25 MB