I'm sixteen, starting to find my way
Got a new job, gonna start at the mall today
Thank god I'm on my own for the first time
Made when I couldn't fall asleep one night. Got inspired by the style of an animation I found on twitter. Figured I could do my own spin on it using Rowena, and thus...!
Created over the course of a few hours, first sketched up on Clip Studio Paint, then vectored in Adobe Illustrator. This is definitely a piece where the process dictates the final appearance of a piece- there's no reason why I couldn't have done this completely in CSP, but I find that working in a vector workflow gets much closer to the look I wanted.
It very much evokes the look of 2000s-2010s flash cartoon styles. Honestly, it probably wouldn't be too hard to make a flash or Toonboom puppet of the Summertown characters in this style... but that's for another time, another day.
- acesential/ tf-sential
Category Artwork (Digital) / All
Species Bat
Gender Female
Size 1280 x 1656px
File Size 630.1 kB
Listed in Folders
You really made her work in this stye. Then again Rowe is like Perpetually adorable