Ask-Lougosi post. They stupid.
Category Artwork (Digital) / Anime
Species Wolf
Gender Male
Size 1297 x 2840px
File Size 679.1 kB
ROFLOL!!!! I love their outfits so much. XD Also, I love seeing Louis so protective of his hubby. x3
He better! He did it once, he can do it again. ;D
Louis: (inserting gun into the mouth of the lion shishigumi boss) "You messed with my girl, then you messed with my weird boy. You dead now."
Louis: (inserting gun into the mouth of the lion shishigumi boss) "You messed with my girl, then you messed with my weird boy. You dead now."
Oh yea, he will protect his 3 idiots. No one can stop him, plus he has a whole ass family of even dumber lions that he adores to do it. He is a lovely husband.
Wait, his *3* idiots? Haha, but yeah, can't forget about all of Louis' lion daddies. He needs all the love he can get!