Couch Kitties: Mac909"s Not There!
Of all the in-jokey Couch Kitties strips I"ve done, this HAS to be one of the in-jokiest...
Mac909’s a Mystery Man: he’s called the Hidden Bid—
For he’s the master purchaser seems to have endless quid.
He’s the bafflement of Scotland Yard, the Flying Squad’s despair:
For when they reach the auction house—Mac909’s not there!
Zeph © Sharra. Tali and the Kittehs © me. Inspired by Spike Milligna, the well known typing error.
Mac909’s a Mystery Man: he’s called the Hidden Bid—
For he’s the master purchaser seems to have endless quid.
He’s the bafflement of Scotland Yard, the Flying Squad’s despair:
For when they reach the auction house—Mac909’s not there!
Zeph © Sharra. Tali and the Kittehs © me. Inspired by Spike Milligna, the well known typing error.
Category Artwork (Digital) / Comics
Species Housecat
Gender Female
Size 1920 x 654px
File Size 1.05 MB
"Mysteriously vanished"? Don't you mean the train... evaporated? ;)
yes funny and odd - I had no idea there was such a thing as a hydrogen powered train. I did hear Europe has long been trying to develop hydrogen powered cars...
Yep! Fuel Cell technology, as used in the ISS...
Fuel cell went boom on this I ended up selling a bunch of frantic NASA guys some car batteries, chargers, soldering guns, etc one evening right before closing time at the Flagstaff Sears about 20 years ago. They'd tried a fuel cell on the old Moon Rover trainer - were running it near Meteor Crater AZ.
Well, old technology will do that at inopportune times...
1st, a expensive submarine, now this? Next, it's gonna be a plane over the Bremuda Triangle, I tell ya
Had a laugh.
Had a laugh.
Well, I know Virgin Space is back in action...
And for once, the little monsters AREN'T responsible!
No, this guy:
Hydrogen, eh?
Start your countdowns until fiery "oh the humanity" moment occurs.
Start your countdowns until fiery "oh the humanity" moment occurs.
hehehh Pawsome! ...glad m'not the only one who have Cats themed trains of thoughts heh ;)