Okay, I got off the couch and drew some more Ramble Roofers! Sketched another Tamira and Axle piece because they cute as heckie together!
Two anthropormorphic characters, Axle (an eagle) and Tamira (a panther) from the Malaysian animated show "Rimba Racer." They are standing next to each other in slacks and a tank tap for each. Axle has a brow cocked up and a smirk on his beak, wearing a blue diamond-shaped pendant around his wide, long neck. Tamira has a long ponytail resting on her shoulder as she rests a hand on her shoulder.
Two anthropormorphic characters, Axle (an eagle) and Tamira (a panther) from the Malaysian animated show "Rimba Racer." They are standing next to each other in slacks and a tank tap for each. Axle has a brow cocked up and a smirk on his beak, wearing a blue diamond-shaped pendant around his wide, long neck. Tamira has a long ponytail resting on her shoulder as she rests a hand on her shoulder.
Category Artwork (Digital) / Fanart
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Multiple characters
Size 1899 x 1940px
File Size 3.16 MB