Long ago, and high upon a mountain, far from the prying eyes of any lord or lady, there sat a lone priory. Holy men, under the order of Prior Grimoald, lived high up there, constructing a simple priory from the stone and earth, as well as the small sum of wood they had brought with them. Mist and clouds hung ever-present in such a high place, the lone priory standing in an eternal hazy darkness. Plants hardly grew in such a place. Light hardly pierced such a place. One could hardly view the stars from such a place. Though this may seem backwards to the want to grow closer to the gods, it was indeed by design. Grimoald Priory was not a place touched by the gods, no matter how it may have presented itself, its underbelly was dark and decrepit. Buried below the stonework and floorboards of the above level lay the truth of the priory, a dank and decrepit undercroft with which to practice toward other gods, less popular to many, the worship of some in fact deemed illegal by the courts of most the lords and ladies of the council; but this was of no consequence to Grimoald, whose care was to further knowledge of all things metaphysical. His peers understood themselves to be quite similar to he, yet as time passed, they slowly realized their aims to be more mad than good, yet it was all for naught. To this day nobody truly knows what happened to Grimoald Priory, only that it is a place of evil, that any adventurer, no matter how quick-witted, will call their grave upon entry...
Category Artwork (Digital) / All
Species Housecat
Gender Male
Size 1863 x 1978px
File Size 2.57 MB
I really must say, I really love your historical pieces!
The outfit he has on is so well detailed and I do love the lighting against the skull. Fantastic work!
The outfit he has on is so well detailed and I do love the lighting against the skull. Fantastic work!
Thank you so much, they're absolutely some of my favorites to do. I've always loved historical dress, even if (like in this one) I often kitbash it a little, I always feel very satisfied with the results. Though I'll be the first to admit that the Tabard should be a liiiittle bit longer!
He was sort of the only "planned" part of this piece, everything besides the knave sort of came out, which is always incredibly satisfying heheheh. Thank you a bunch again! Seeing someone enjoy my historical work always makes me happy since they're some of the pieces I do that make me the happiest, cheers!
He was sort of the only "planned" part of this piece, everything besides the knave sort of came out, which is always incredibly satisfying heheheh. Thank you a bunch again! Seeing someone enjoy my historical work always makes me happy since they're some of the pieces I do that make me the happiest, cheers!