I've started branching out into the microcontroller realm. This is one of the ones I've been wanting to tackle for a while, just now getting around to it.
I got the bare bones of the quantizer working with the DAC chip. Decided to test it out by making it play a familiar tune. I'm hoping everyone recognizes it. ;)
Had to work out some tuning issues, but things are definitely moving in the right direction.
More to come.
I got the bare bones of the quantizer working with the DAC chip. Decided to test it out by making it play a familiar tune. I'm hoping everyone recognizes it. ;)
Had to work out some tuning issues, but things are definitely moving in the right direction.
More to come.
Category Music / All
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 120 x 90px
File Size 1.4 MB