Voolvif Monn: Attention, gentlemen! This is the plan: We are going to use the terrain to our advantage. We´ll split up. One group will folow my lead. We are going to engage the droids into a fight, attack the up front, draw their attention towards us and lure them our way into this canyon.
Clone soldier: And what about the captives?
Voolvif Monn: Meridian will lead the second group. They bypass those massive rocks and stay hidden until they hear, that our battle has started. Then they charge forth and free the hostages. And don´t forget: Their lifes have top priority. Understood?
Clone. Yes, Sir!
Voolvif Monn: Attention, gentlemen! This is the plan: We are going to use the terrain to our advantage. We´ll split up. One group will folow my lead. We are going to engage the droids into a fight, attack the up front, draw their attention towards us and lure them our way into this canyon.
Clone soldier: And what about the captives?
Voolvif Monn: Meridian will lead the second group. They bypass those massive rocks and stay hidden until they hear, that our battle has started. Then they charge forth and free the hostages. And don´t forget: Their lifes have top priority. Understood?
Clone. Yes, Sir!
Category Artwork (Traditional) / Comics
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 1220 x 1713px
File Size 86.9 kB
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I can only assume that the R7 seen here would have a standard R-series body rather than the R7 body, considering that the production R7 seen during Dark Empire was developed exclusively for the E-Wing.
Oi! I am afraid I never payed that much attention towards droids. I googled several astromech designs and chosed one, where I liked the result the most and there the designation R7 was used. So I sticked with that.
Maybe this fella was a special construction to serve Voolvif Monn?^^;
Maybe this fella was a special construction to serve Voolvif Monn?^^;
I could see him being a part of prototype run for a more combat orientated model of astromech made for the Jedi Order. Once Order 66 was issued, the prototypes would be discarded.
Hope they brought lots of EMP grenades...and remember, to bypass a Droideka's shields, a grenade has to be rolling below a certain speed. Also, try to do so from behind, since they have no sensors or detection systems back there.
Ah, thanks for the advice.
As for Droidekas, Voolvif Monn has something special up his sleeves, should those appear.^^
As for Droidekas, Voolvif Monn has something special up his sleeves, should those appear.^^
Force Dribble? I don't know what could qualify as a basketball hoop for a Droideka, but if he can sink one from far enough away, that's 3 points!
Looks like Voolvif has a plan, though it will remain to be seen whether it survives contact with the enemy. One hitch in rescuing the Benathy will be if they're too weak from their drugged state to move under their own power, though I imagine in any case there will be plenty of action ahead.
Favourites parts of this page, the holographic projection and the full body shot of Voolvif Monn.
Favourites parts of this page, the holographic projection and the full body shot of Voolvif Monn.
Thank you very much.
I admit, it was difficult to come up with a plausible ink design for the holographic projection.^^;
I admit, it was difficult to come up with a plausible ink design for the holographic projection.^^;