One of the artists that has honored me by appreciating my art for years, makeadifference has asked to do a collaborative story with me!
You can follow the links to see the first page. Can anyone guess where Gene is going to be this weekend?
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You can follow the links to see the first page. Can anyone guess where Gene is going to be this weekend?
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Category Artwork (Traditional) / General Furry Art
Species Mammal (Other)
Gender Any
Size 796 x 893px
File Size 347.6 kB
I think I just had heart spasm 8D. I should be done with the next page with a day or so c:
I think I just had heart spasm 8D. I should be done with the next page with a day or so c:
*snickers* It seems I am not the only nerd around here! X3
:D I can't wait to see what happens next! ^_^
:D I can't wait to see what happens next! ^_^
Wait.. they're going to play ALL the episodes? That's going to take waaaay longer than one weekend Gene! Maybe a three-day holiday weekend <=)
Yeah, I did some calculations, and evenassuming that the series is Brittish (brittish TV shjows ave notoriously short seasons, and the movies are all uncommonly short, it'll still be a full 24 hours not including commerscials. As someone who's done sci fi maratons before, that sounds like a really good way to melt you brain into goo...
Melting your brain into goo is what sci-fi marathons are all about.
That, and nachos.
That, and nachos.
Yeah, but this was supposed to be aired on TV, either someone on the channel is a HUUUGE GD fan or there's been a writers strike in Genes universe and they where desperate for re-runs.
Or maybe there's a new GD movie coming out and its promotion for that. Somehow I uspect that it's a reboot directed by someone with a name suspiciously similar to JJ Abrams...
Or maybe there's a new GD movie coming out and its promotion for that. Somehow I uspect that it's a reboot directed by someone with a name suspiciously similar to JJ Abrams...
Well, to tell the whole truth, it's more like four days - a long weekend's marathon. You can see why snacks are vital.
our movie nights rarely go four days, mostly we pass out somewhere around three o clock due to an overabundance of coke (the drink, not the drug), snacks, candy, beer, and booze. And no matter the theme it usually end with a variaton on "fuck it, let's jsut watch Princess bride for the twentheenth thousanth time"...
If I get the veiled reference this should be an interesting series. I prefer the Jody of the other big series but I'm enough of a space opera geek to appreciate it all.
Argh, now I'm hungry!! Shouldn't read comics on an empty stomach.
Oh no! Eat, Henrieke! O_O
Poor girl's wasting away... -_-
Poor girl's wasting away... -_-
Fantastic work, Gene =0) I went back and read the first part. I look forward to seeing how this pans out =0)
Wel, there will be some surprises... my co-collaborator has some specific goals for this story, and they won't be what everyone's expecting at this point.
Just make sure Cookie Monster doesn't know about the cookies.
Oh but he does! Thankfully Jake banned Cookie Monster. XD
Facial expressions.. I work on getting those right ^_^