6th of January - in Bavaria it's a holiday. Here in the state I am living now - it isn't... D'Oh!
I'm still a Bavarian Schnolf... can I please have holiday, too? 8)
Quick colored sketch, colored in Photoshop.
Character © me
I'm still a Bavarian Schnolf... can I please have holiday, too? 8)
Quick colored sketch, colored in Photoshop.
Character © me
Category Artwork (Digital) / General Furry Art
Species Wolf
Gender Female
Size 700 x 726px
File Size 93.3 kB
Listed in Folders
Snow is "Schnee" in german, so Schnolf is german for Snolf
Germans make every word scary.
"Go outside the SCHNEE has fallen!"
"Go outside the SCHNEE has fallen!"
i feel compelled to write this, sorry Tani
Its a Snow leopard-wolf mix =)
Its a Snow leopard-wolf mix =)
Snow Leopard and Wolf. The "sch" is there because the german word for snow is "schnee"
Put it together and you have a Schnolf
Put it together and you have a Schnolf
Heilig Drei Könige. Ist aber eben nicht in allen Bundesländern Feiertag. ;)
Gibt so einige Unterschiede bei den Feiertzagen im Bundesgebiet. Aber naja, schlimmer wär´s wenn keine freien Tage mehr Gäbe.
Love it but I have one crit.
You gave her five fingers on her front paw thats on the ground and only four on her back one. :)
You gave her five fingers on her front paw thats on the ground and only four on her back one. :)
I was living Tahiti before, and over there holidays just started too. TxT
awe...seeing you want and don't
this drawing is beyond words...
this drawing is beyond words...
Hehe... wenn man das ausweiten würde auf alle Staaten der Welt. "Die haben aber auch frei!!" x3
Awwww, no holiday for you. What is it for in Bavaria? Or what's it called?
Ahhh, I actually read about that earlier today. Thanks for clearing it up!
Willst du frei haben müsst du wieder auf die Südseite des Weißwurstäquators :P
Weisswurstäquator! Endlich kenne ich das deutsche Gegenstück des Röstigrabens!
Jeder tag ein neues Wort...
Jeder tag ein neues Wort...
Bei mir wars andersrum, ich wollte heut einkaufen gehn und stand vor verschlossenen Geschäften ^^;
D'awww, I can't resist those puppy-schnolf eyes... Have the day off. Ah hell, have the whole week off... :D
Oh... We had in Poland holiday too. Well... Legalized finally in this year. :3
Oh man ich hab gerade total doof geguckt
ich dachte dass:
Wenn du auf das Bild guckst
die pfote links
ich dachte sie hätte nun 5 Zehen xD Lol
Aber dann sah ich genauer hin und sah dass dort noch das hinterbein ist :3
Süßer blick und piercing :3
ich dachte dass:
Wenn du auf das Bild guckst
die pfote links
ich dachte sie hätte nun 5 Zehen xD Lol
Aber dann sah ich genauer hin und sah dass dort noch das hinterbein ist :3
Süßer blick und piercing :3
Hrhrhr.... Ist halt wirklich tiefstes Ausland dort, dass es da Feiertage gibt, die sonst keiner hat. ;P
Incredibly nice pic, and I'm sorry to hear that you don't have that holiday.
love your art work, pure adorable. SQUEAK SQUEAK!!!
love your art work, pure adorable. SQUEAK SQUEAK!!!
In here we celebrate it, but it's no holiday per se (non work day and stuff).
It's mainly a day to give children yet another gift XD
It's mainly a day to give children yet another gift XD
Ich wohne in Hessen, und arbeite in Bayern.. und ich durfte heute extra faul sein :3c
It's also a holiday in Austria! But if I'm not mistaken, there are other Holidays for you now that aren't in Bavaria, aren't there?
Yah in Bavaria, where the trees of made of wood!
Heh, couldn't resist a Python reference.
Heh, couldn't resist a Python reference.
okay, well...Happy...whatever holiday that is! X3 hope it's a good one!
Today is also a holiday over here because of the arrival of the three wise men at where baby Jesus was born
haha I wish I had the power to do so then I would give you a holiday :)
Because of the eyes, I command your wish to be made real (I am a Commander...)
Might be a stretch but find your local Society for Creative Anachronisms chapter. They often have Twelfth Night festivities. (assuming that Twelfth Night is the Jan 6 holiday you're talking about).
Aww that's really cute.
And I don't see why not.
And I don't see why not.
In spanish class we celebrated it.. we had atole! A warm, milk drink!
Lookit the eyes!!!
The eyes!
How can you possibly say no to that :|
The eyes!
How can you possibly say no to that :|
wait, since todays my birthday...dammit its just like having a birthday on christmas, the presents just get lumped together D:
Aww, you're all "Bavaria Plz"! x3
What I wouldn't give to go on Holiday in the Bavarian province...good food, rich culture, beautiful scenery.
Ehh...perhaps one day. Cute picture Tani. ^^ I guess it's true what you say, no matter where you go you still keep your culture/home land in your heart always.
What I wouldn't give to go on Holiday in the Bavarian province...good food, rich culture, beautiful scenery.
Ehh...perhaps one day. Cute picture Tani. ^^ I guess it's true what you say, no matter where you go you still keep your culture/home land in your heart always.
I wonder what is getting celebrated in january 6. As far I know, between Sylvester and a specific day of February, there is no holyday around Here in Hungary... At lest not any public.
*hangs up the phone after speaking to the EU* yep, they just allow the holiday to pass :3
Kings Day!! leave your shoes out for the wise men to fill 'em with goodies!
Lol wirklich ne super idee :)
Du willst den Feiertag und wir wollten den net, da sitzt man dann daheim und weiss net was machen weil alles zu hat,is auch blöd^^
Du willst den Feiertag und wir wollten den net, da sitzt man dann daheim und weiss net was machen weil alles zu hat,is auch blöd^^
Why do Bavarians have so many holidays? They must be lazy people. No one works more than those from the north of Germany ^^
We may have a lot of Holidays but we work faster then the other People from Germany!
It´s easy. We in bavaria have less time after your opinion, but we one of the highest Gross domestic product in germany here
Erm... Schreib das nochmal in Deutsch bitte. Dein Bayern-Denglisch kann ich mit meinem B2 Cambridge Business English nicht verstehen Oo
Eh klar. Ich meinte wir haben evtl. oft frei aber trotzdem das zweit höchste Bruttoinlandsprodukt. Und Entschuldigung für mein Englisch - zum Unterhalten reichts
Macht nichts... ^^ Du hast nur etwas die Satzstellung verdreht ^^ und wann redet man mit Jemandem in Englisch über das Bruttoinlandsprodukt ^^
Ich hätte schon auf deutsch mit dir gesprochen wenn ich gewusst hätte, dass du auch Deutscher bist oder zumindest sprichst. Das BIP ist mir halt so eingefallen. Aber ist ja auch egal.
Liegt einfach daran das die Bayern immer noch den Papst anhimmeln. Haben halt mehr Freiertage :D
Am 6. Hatten alle Schulkinder in Niedersachsen frei ;)
Leider aber wegen Glatteis.
Leider aber wegen Glatteis.
heheh well u can allways hope for it )
try to ask ure boss lol
try to ask ure boss lol
Boah der Blick ist sooo Süß. Aber das ist wie der Buß und Bettag den es nur in Sachsen gibt oder den Reformationstag den es auch nur in Sachsen und ein paar anderen Bundesländer gibt. (Immer toll wenn man wo anders Arbeitet.) *meeps*
Heh, in Luxemburg ist's zwar ein Feiertag, und dennoch kriegen wir keinen Tag frei. Paradox, paradox... X)
Luxemburger o.O das sieht man hier echt selten
Schein emol en ze gesin xD
Schein emol en ze gesin xD
Exotisch, wie? X) Hab bisher erst einen anderen Lux-o-fur gesehen, aber vergessen, zu watchen, und jetzt find ich den nimmer wieder ^^"
Für mich bitte auch einmal Frei, bin zwar kein geborener Bayer, aber dagegen hätt ich nix :)
Even if im a snow leopard sabertooth tiger... could i count for schnolf holiday??
Daww hehe cute, i love the expression <3 big eyes say.. please!!
Daww hehe cute, i love the expression <3 big eyes say.. please!!
Wait... if Schnolf is a snow kitty/wolf, then am I a Drolf? (Dragon/Wolf)
I love the eyes. reminds me of some Loony Tunes characters. awesome work!
Hier in Brandenburg haben wir am 06. Januar auch keinen Feiertag. :(
Hmm sadly I don't think this holiday applies to me But I approve of you having it though!
Wenn ich könnte, dann hätte ich Dir sofort den Tag frei gegeben.
Can you turn this into a calendar widget for andriod? Pleaaaase?
Over here, we have a holiday that not only is celebrated in just one state, but only by state employees, although that means I get to have it. Many people in the South objected to having a holiday for Martin Luther King, so they celebrated Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson (Confederate War generals) on that day (third Monday in January). My state took Lee-Jackson day away and made it a separate holiday on the previous Friday, but only the state observes it. The problem is, it bunches up the holidays too much. Half of our days off are in three consecutive months (Nov. - Jan.) I don't mind having an holiday, but I wish they'd but it in April or August, when we have long stretches with no holidays.
As soon as we are talking about the 6th of January everybody mutates into a super catholic beliver
my birthday is on a holiday i didnt even know about? ... awsome!
Poor fluffy, maybe time for a 1 day road trip 8D
Wait, that defeats the point XP
Wait, that defeats the point XP
Oh how I miss September 20th being a holiday too! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riograndense_Republic
I think you'd get the day off up here at the Baverian Inn in Michigan
of course you can has holiday
has all the holidays :3
has all the holidays :3
Well, I'm quite sure that your church does have it's Epiphany celebration, and you can have your own in your home, at least!