Remy: they/them
Emi: they/she
Beau: he/him
Remy’s dimensional counterpart, Emi, decides that Remy would be of much more use as a pair of pretty boots, and she intends to keep them like that for a good while!
The following shirt story contains: inanimate tf, very light foot stuff, and a sort of life takeover thing that’s a little dubious but mostly just playful bullying between two different versions of the same person who know what each other like, I guess? I don’t care it’s huffy that’s what matters smh
“So… you’re this dimension’s version of me, huh?”
When Remy left the apartment that morning, the last thing they expected was to meet a tanuki that claimed to be them from another dimension. Yet, here they stood, being shaken down by a tanuki who looked eerily similar to them. The hoodie was the same colour and pattern, even if it left her midriff exposed. Her hair was the same colour as theirs, albeit longer. She even had Remy’s bright blue eyes, with the unmistakable star-shaped glint.
“I, uh…” Remy was at a momentary loss for words, even if such an occurrence wasn’t exactly impossible in their world. They’d already bore witness to multiple dimensional mishaps before, but not one that seemed to directly relate to them. “How…”
“Dunno. Just kinda fell into a rift and landed here. Well, about a hundred kilometres north of here anyway, but I had a funny little feeling in the back of my head that sorta, uh, pointed me to you, I guess?” The tanuki girl shrugged. “Luckily this dimension seems almost identical to mine. Would have sucked if they didn’t take my money for the train ride here.”
“So you’re… me?” Remy was slowly catching on.
“Mhm, mhm!” The tanuki nodded enthusiastically. “Emi Margrave, they-slash-she pronouns. Oh, uh, you guys do pronoun introductions here, right?”
“Yeah, of course!” Remy smiled. “Remy Margrove, they-slash-them. Wow, this is a lot to take in…!”
The two started to converse as Remy led their recently discovered dimensional counterpart back to their apartment. Through extensive conversation, they found they were almost identical to each other in a lot of ways, save for some small differences - Emi didn’t like nachos, for example, which broke the raccoon’s heart. Emi was also an artist back in her own dimension, as opposed to Remy making online videos about video games.
Remy also noticed the tanuki was wearing a cute little pair of boots - Remy wouldn’t be caught dead with anything on their own feet. Except maybe some comfy socks. They commented on this, and Emi gave the raccoon a strange look, wondering how they got around all the time barefoot, to which they said they hated having their toes cramped up in footwear in general let alone for hours at a time.
The biggest difference - apart from being a tanuki and assigned a different gender at birth - was her shapeshifting ability. She showed this by pulling a strange leaf from her tail and placing it to her forehead, and a pink cloud swallowed her up for a moment, leaving behind a shiny gold statue of herself. Remy examined the statue but was shocked when the statue returned to flesh and blood in another pink explosion. Turns out the leaves had shapeshifting powers, and she could use them on herself, or others.
Obviously, Remy immediately asked if they could be transformed into something, and Emi happily agreed, though she said to wait until they arrived at the apartment. Once there, Remy gave their partners Beau, Ryker Deacon and Bubblegum a quick introduction - the former three were a little taken back by it all, while Bubblegum seemed unfazed, although it was hard to tell with its perma grinning pooltoy face.
In the living room, as the others left the two alone, Remy eagerly awaited what was about to happen to them, as Emi fished a green leaf out of her ringed tail. “So, you got any preferences?”
“Well, if I could choose, I guess I’d be, like… a lizard of some kind? Oh, maybe a robot! Or…”
“Ooh, good choices! I spend a lot of time as a chameleon myself.”
“My god, we really are the same person.” Remy rubbed a finger against their brow. “I dunno… how about I leave it up to you?”
“I was hoping you’d say that!” She replied, tail swishing ecstatically as she gently pressed the leaf to Remy’s forehead.
In an instant, a pink cloud of magical energy swallowed the raccoon whole, slowly dissipating to reveal that the raccoon was no more. Instead, hanging briefly in mid-air was a pair of black, lace-up canvas boots with darker, chunky soles and moulded treads and a zipper along the back. A dual chevron motif ran around the body of the boots.
The boots clattered to the ground, and Emi kneeled down to scoop them up, feeling the soft material around the calves. “Oh, you are GORGEOUS.”
Remy was having trouble distinguishing what had happened to them. It was as if they suddenly occupied two identical, hollow bodies at once, and they could see through each at the same time, which was very disorienting considering their bodies were facing opposite directions in Emi’s arms. It was a lot to process!
Emi sat herself down on the couch and steadily lowered her left foot into the left half of the former raccoon, and as the brown paw settled in to its snug new home, Remy felt… weirdly comfy. Like they were giving the tanuki’s leg a never ending hug. She slipped her foot into the remaining boot and the feeling only amplified, more so as she tightened the laces and secured the zipper to the top of the boots, not too far below her knee. They were a little snug around the calf, she critiqued to herself, but otherwise very comfortable. And oh, so pretty.
Once Remy had caught on to what they’d become, there were equal feelings of confusion, comfort and embarrassment. They were nothing more than a pair of fashionable footwear! Their only purpose to house a pair of dainty tanuki feet and protect them from the dangers of nature, and people’s inability to *not* throw glass bottles to the pavement! And… maybe to make their wearer look nice, too, they supposed. But all this came with a realisation: Emi had done this on purpose. She knew the raccoon didn’t like wearing shoes, so what better than to make them into the thing they most despised?
The two were very alike in many ways, but that seemed to be a key difference between them - this Emi was very cheeky.
For a few moments, Emi wriggled her toes around inside Remy’s hollow body, pressing and kneading them into their soles. The former raccoon wouldn’t dare admit to anyone the sudden wave of goosebumps - or, a goosebumps-adjacent feeling considering shoes don’t really get goosebumps - that swept through their form. Then she hopped up and pranced around in her new boots for a minute, as Beau entered the room. “So, what happened to Remy?”
She responded by kicking her leg back and holding it in the air behind her. “Aren’t they cute?!”
Beau snorted and turned away for a moment. Holy shit, they’re cool as hell. “Uh, yeah, haha! Um… they… Remy… suits you.”
“Cool! Then I wanted to ask… mind if I keep ‘em for a while?”
Remy would have gasped, if they had the means to do so.
Beau raised an eyebrow. “I dunno… that means we’d be down an income source. Without Remy’s ad revenue, we’d have to cut back a little…” The rabbit thought for a moment, flicking his hair back. “Question. Can you go back to your own dimension?”
“Uh.” Emi hadn’t even thought about how to get back to her own world, now that Beau was bringing it up. Ever since she arrived, she was only really focused on heading where that strange feeling was taking her. “Unless you know how to open a big ol’ dimensional rift back to my home, then I might be stuck here, actually.”
“Okay, so what if we let you stay here? I mean, you’re basically Remy, so it wouldn’t be much different than normal. You can just take over for ‘em a bit or something.”
Wait. What’s happening?
“Yeah? You’d let me crash here?”
What’s going on here?
“I’d have to talk to Ryker first but I don’t think he’d be that hard to win over. So, yeah, sure.”
“Aw, thank you!!” Emi scooped the rabbit’s hands up in hers with a heartwarming smile. “You’re just as sweet as Beatrice, you know?”
“Yeah! My dimension’s version of you. She’s the most charming violinist you’d ever meet!”
“Huh.” The two made for the hallway. “You’ll have to tell me about your universe sometime.”
“Oh, it’s not that interesting. It’s pretty much the same as here. Maybe a little less chaotic?” She said, as Beau led them to Remy’s room. “Oh, this is almost the same as my room! Though…” She eyed the workstation in the corner, a black corner desk with a towering PC set alongside two monitors. “I might have to rearrange things to fit a drawing tablet in here.”
“Remy’s not using their room right now, so just crash in here, I guess.” Beau shrugged as he dawdled out of the room. “Just yell if you need anything, yeah?”
“Sure, thanks!” Emi leapt onto the bed and threw her legs and arms out, crumpling the black covers as she stretched. After a moment, she sat up again, tucking her legs in and wrapping her arms around them, leaning down to speak to her shoes. “You and I are gonna have so much fun together, Remy.”
Thee former raccoon would have shuddered if they could. Emi giggled as she ran her paw down the side of one of the boots. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you, and I’ll wear you lots so you don’t get lonely. Honestly, I think your bunny boyfriend might wanna try you on at some point, too? Assuming those big feet of his can fit.” She threw her legs out again, loosened the laces, and slipped both boots off, before rolling over onto her stomach, setting her head in her palms and admiring the fancy footwear. “This should be a fun few months, I reckon!”
Wait. MONTHS?!
“And I know what you’re thinking - ‘wait, MONTHS?’” She mocked, making quotation marks with her digits. “But look on the bright side! That’s months where all you have to do is look pretty! It’ll be like a vacation!”
I don’t wanna go on vacation! I don’t wanna be BOOTS! Change me back, you stupid tanuki!
“‘Change me back, you stupid tanuki!’” She giggled, making air quotes again. “Hey, if you’re good, maybe I’ll let you get revenge on me when you turn back. I know that pooltoy partner of yours can do transformation stuff, too, you know.” She tapped the toes of the right boot a couple of times. “Unless I find a way back to my own dimension beforehand, because then, you’re coming with me!”
WH… It was so hard to tell whether the tanuki was being sincere, or whether she was just bullying the stuck racc.
“And besides, I know you better than anyone else - I bet you’re getting off on this, huh? You wanna be turned back of course, but something about being stuck like that… ooh, that really presses your buttons, doesn’t it?” She teased with a devilish smirk.
Remy hated to admit it, and thankfully in this form, they weren’t capable of doing so, but Emi was right. Not being able to move or speak, and being seen as nothing more than an article of clothing to anyone who didn’t know their predicament… They cursed themself. How could they possibly feel horny if all they were were a pair of canvas boots? This definitely wasn’t fair. And having someone who was basically them, who knew what they would be thinking and feeling, only made it all the more unbearable.
“My only regret is that I can’t call you ‘it.’ Cause, you know, you’re… two things. It’d be weird. And I know you’d like that.” Emi pushed herself up and leaped off the bed, heading for the desk to get herself acquainted with her temporary setup. “Ah well! We’ll get up to mischief later, boots!”
And so for the time being, Remy sat idly on the bed, stuck facing their pillows, with no way to speak their mind or holler for attention. While, perhaps, a minor fantasy was being fulfilled by the sudden appearance of their cheeky dimensional counterpart…
Why the hell did it have to be shoes?!
NEW LORE UNLOCKED! Remy’s about to spend a few months as a pair of their alternate dimension tanuki self’s laced, knee high boots!
What this means is, Emi will be taking over Remy duties for a bit. While she’ll be subject to some of the scenarios Remy would have ended up in in their stead, Emi’s cheeky personality and shapeshifting powers means she gets to cause scenarios herself!
This is part of a plan to get me to draw characters other than Remy, because admittedly I do draw them a lot. By formlocking them as boots, that means I gotta resort to using other characters in my art instead. Plus, the idea of drawing Emi in different scenarios while she’s wearing Remy is kinda huffy ngl.
How long Remy remains as Emi’s boots is currently being decided by Twitter - you know, one of those “1 like = 12 hours” things. At the time of writing, Remy’s stuck as footwear for over two months, with 30 or so hours to go before I tally it all up. Hopefully it goes much higher, mwehehe. Anyway you should totally, like, help increase the timer and stuff
Emi: they/she
Beau: he/him
Remy’s dimensional counterpart, Emi, decides that Remy would be of much more use as a pair of pretty boots, and she intends to keep them like that for a good while!
The following shirt story contains: inanimate tf, very light foot stuff, and a sort of life takeover thing that’s a little dubious but mostly just playful bullying between two different versions of the same person who know what each other like, I guess? I don’t care it’s huffy that’s what matters smh
“So… you’re this dimension’s version of me, huh?”
When Remy left the apartment that morning, the last thing they expected was to meet a tanuki that claimed to be them from another dimension. Yet, here they stood, being shaken down by a tanuki who looked eerily similar to them. The hoodie was the same colour and pattern, even if it left her midriff exposed. Her hair was the same colour as theirs, albeit longer. She even had Remy’s bright blue eyes, with the unmistakable star-shaped glint.
“I, uh…” Remy was at a momentary loss for words, even if such an occurrence wasn’t exactly impossible in their world. They’d already bore witness to multiple dimensional mishaps before, but not one that seemed to directly relate to them. “How…”
“Dunno. Just kinda fell into a rift and landed here. Well, about a hundred kilometres north of here anyway, but I had a funny little feeling in the back of my head that sorta, uh, pointed me to you, I guess?” The tanuki girl shrugged. “Luckily this dimension seems almost identical to mine. Would have sucked if they didn’t take my money for the train ride here.”
“So you’re… me?” Remy was slowly catching on.
“Mhm, mhm!” The tanuki nodded enthusiastically. “Emi Margrave, they-slash-she pronouns. Oh, uh, you guys do pronoun introductions here, right?”
“Yeah, of course!” Remy smiled. “Remy Margrove, they-slash-them. Wow, this is a lot to take in…!”
The two started to converse as Remy led their recently discovered dimensional counterpart back to their apartment. Through extensive conversation, they found they were almost identical to each other in a lot of ways, save for some small differences - Emi didn’t like nachos, for example, which broke the raccoon’s heart. Emi was also an artist back in her own dimension, as opposed to Remy making online videos about video games.
Remy also noticed the tanuki was wearing a cute little pair of boots - Remy wouldn’t be caught dead with anything on their own feet. Except maybe some comfy socks. They commented on this, and Emi gave the raccoon a strange look, wondering how they got around all the time barefoot, to which they said they hated having their toes cramped up in footwear in general let alone for hours at a time.
The biggest difference - apart from being a tanuki and assigned a different gender at birth - was her shapeshifting ability. She showed this by pulling a strange leaf from her tail and placing it to her forehead, and a pink cloud swallowed her up for a moment, leaving behind a shiny gold statue of herself. Remy examined the statue but was shocked when the statue returned to flesh and blood in another pink explosion. Turns out the leaves had shapeshifting powers, and she could use them on herself, or others.
Obviously, Remy immediately asked if they could be transformed into something, and Emi happily agreed, though she said to wait until they arrived at the apartment. Once there, Remy gave their partners Beau, Ryker Deacon and Bubblegum a quick introduction - the former three were a little taken back by it all, while Bubblegum seemed unfazed, although it was hard to tell with its perma grinning pooltoy face.
In the living room, as the others left the two alone, Remy eagerly awaited what was about to happen to them, as Emi fished a green leaf out of her ringed tail. “So, you got any preferences?”
“Well, if I could choose, I guess I’d be, like… a lizard of some kind? Oh, maybe a robot! Or…”
“Ooh, good choices! I spend a lot of time as a chameleon myself.”
“My god, we really are the same person.” Remy rubbed a finger against their brow. “I dunno… how about I leave it up to you?”
“I was hoping you’d say that!” She replied, tail swishing ecstatically as she gently pressed the leaf to Remy’s forehead.
In an instant, a pink cloud of magical energy swallowed the raccoon whole, slowly dissipating to reveal that the raccoon was no more. Instead, hanging briefly in mid-air was a pair of black, lace-up canvas boots with darker, chunky soles and moulded treads and a zipper along the back. A dual chevron motif ran around the body of the boots.
The boots clattered to the ground, and Emi kneeled down to scoop them up, feeling the soft material around the calves. “Oh, you are GORGEOUS.”
Remy was having trouble distinguishing what had happened to them. It was as if they suddenly occupied two identical, hollow bodies at once, and they could see through each at the same time, which was very disorienting considering their bodies were facing opposite directions in Emi’s arms. It was a lot to process!
Emi sat herself down on the couch and steadily lowered her left foot into the left half of the former raccoon, and as the brown paw settled in to its snug new home, Remy felt… weirdly comfy. Like they were giving the tanuki’s leg a never ending hug. She slipped her foot into the remaining boot and the feeling only amplified, more so as she tightened the laces and secured the zipper to the top of the boots, not too far below her knee. They were a little snug around the calf, she critiqued to herself, but otherwise very comfortable. And oh, so pretty.
Once Remy had caught on to what they’d become, there were equal feelings of confusion, comfort and embarrassment. They were nothing more than a pair of fashionable footwear! Their only purpose to house a pair of dainty tanuki feet and protect them from the dangers of nature, and people’s inability to *not* throw glass bottles to the pavement! And… maybe to make their wearer look nice, too, they supposed. But all this came with a realisation: Emi had done this on purpose. She knew the raccoon didn’t like wearing shoes, so what better than to make them into the thing they most despised?
The two were very alike in many ways, but that seemed to be a key difference between them - this Emi was very cheeky.
For a few moments, Emi wriggled her toes around inside Remy’s hollow body, pressing and kneading them into their soles. The former raccoon wouldn’t dare admit to anyone the sudden wave of goosebumps - or, a goosebumps-adjacent feeling considering shoes don’t really get goosebumps - that swept through their form. Then she hopped up and pranced around in her new boots for a minute, as Beau entered the room. “So, what happened to Remy?”
She responded by kicking her leg back and holding it in the air behind her. “Aren’t they cute?!”
Beau snorted and turned away for a moment. Holy shit, they’re cool as hell. “Uh, yeah, haha! Um… they… Remy… suits you.”
“Cool! Then I wanted to ask… mind if I keep ‘em for a while?”
Remy would have gasped, if they had the means to do so.
Beau raised an eyebrow. “I dunno… that means we’d be down an income source. Without Remy’s ad revenue, we’d have to cut back a little…” The rabbit thought for a moment, flicking his hair back. “Question. Can you go back to your own dimension?”
“Uh.” Emi hadn’t even thought about how to get back to her own world, now that Beau was bringing it up. Ever since she arrived, she was only really focused on heading where that strange feeling was taking her. “Unless you know how to open a big ol’ dimensional rift back to my home, then I might be stuck here, actually.”
“Okay, so what if we let you stay here? I mean, you’re basically Remy, so it wouldn’t be much different than normal. You can just take over for ‘em a bit or something.”
Wait. What’s happening?
“Yeah? You’d let me crash here?”
What’s going on here?
“I’d have to talk to Ryker first but I don’t think he’d be that hard to win over. So, yeah, sure.”
“Aw, thank you!!” Emi scooped the rabbit’s hands up in hers with a heartwarming smile. “You’re just as sweet as Beatrice, you know?”
“Yeah! My dimension’s version of you. She’s the most charming violinist you’d ever meet!”
“Huh.” The two made for the hallway. “You’ll have to tell me about your universe sometime.”
“Oh, it’s not that interesting. It’s pretty much the same as here. Maybe a little less chaotic?” She said, as Beau led them to Remy’s room. “Oh, this is almost the same as my room! Though…” She eyed the workstation in the corner, a black corner desk with a towering PC set alongside two monitors. “I might have to rearrange things to fit a drawing tablet in here.”
“Remy’s not using their room right now, so just crash in here, I guess.” Beau shrugged as he dawdled out of the room. “Just yell if you need anything, yeah?”
“Sure, thanks!” Emi leapt onto the bed and threw her legs and arms out, crumpling the black covers as she stretched. After a moment, she sat up again, tucking her legs in and wrapping her arms around them, leaning down to speak to her shoes. “You and I are gonna have so much fun together, Remy.”
Thee former raccoon would have shuddered if they could. Emi giggled as she ran her paw down the side of one of the boots. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you, and I’ll wear you lots so you don’t get lonely. Honestly, I think your bunny boyfriend might wanna try you on at some point, too? Assuming those big feet of his can fit.” She threw her legs out again, loosened the laces, and slipped both boots off, before rolling over onto her stomach, setting her head in her palms and admiring the fancy footwear. “This should be a fun few months, I reckon!”
Wait. MONTHS?!
“And I know what you’re thinking - ‘wait, MONTHS?’” She mocked, making quotation marks with her digits. “But look on the bright side! That’s months where all you have to do is look pretty! It’ll be like a vacation!”
I don’t wanna go on vacation! I don’t wanna be BOOTS! Change me back, you stupid tanuki!
“‘Change me back, you stupid tanuki!’” She giggled, making air quotes again. “Hey, if you’re good, maybe I’ll let you get revenge on me when you turn back. I know that pooltoy partner of yours can do transformation stuff, too, you know.” She tapped the toes of the right boot a couple of times. “Unless I find a way back to my own dimension beforehand, because then, you’re coming with me!”
WH… It was so hard to tell whether the tanuki was being sincere, or whether she was just bullying the stuck racc.
“And besides, I know you better than anyone else - I bet you’re getting off on this, huh? You wanna be turned back of course, but something about being stuck like that… ooh, that really presses your buttons, doesn’t it?” She teased with a devilish smirk.
Remy hated to admit it, and thankfully in this form, they weren’t capable of doing so, but Emi was right. Not being able to move or speak, and being seen as nothing more than an article of clothing to anyone who didn’t know their predicament… They cursed themself. How could they possibly feel horny if all they were were a pair of canvas boots? This definitely wasn’t fair. And having someone who was basically them, who knew what they would be thinking and feeling, only made it all the more unbearable.
“My only regret is that I can’t call you ‘it.’ Cause, you know, you’re… two things. It’d be weird. And I know you’d like that.” Emi pushed herself up and leaped off the bed, heading for the desk to get herself acquainted with her temporary setup. “Ah well! We’ll get up to mischief later, boots!”
And so for the time being, Remy sat idly on the bed, stuck facing their pillows, with no way to speak their mind or holler for attention. While, perhaps, a minor fantasy was being fulfilled by the sudden appearance of their cheeky dimensional counterpart…
Why the hell did it have to be shoes?!
NEW LORE UNLOCKED! Remy’s about to spend a few months as a pair of their alternate dimension tanuki self’s laced, knee high boots!
What this means is, Emi will be taking over Remy duties for a bit. While she’ll be subject to some of the scenarios Remy would have ended up in in their stead, Emi’s cheeky personality and shapeshifting powers means she gets to cause scenarios herself!
This is part of a plan to get me to draw characters other than Remy, because admittedly I do draw them a lot. By formlocking them as boots, that means I gotta resort to using other characters in my art instead. Plus, the idea of drawing Emi in different scenarios while she’s wearing Remy is kinda huffy ngl.
How long Remy remains as Emi’s boots is currently being decided by Twitter - you know, one of those “1 like = 12 hours” things. At the time of writing, Remy’s stuck as footwear for over two months, with 30 or so hours to go before I tally it all up. Hopefully it goes much higher, mwehehe. Anyway you should totally, like, help increase the timer and stuff
Category Artwork (Digital) / Transformation
Species Tanuki
Gender Non-Binary
Size 3166 x 1318px
File Size 913.7 kB
(Remy uses they/them pronouns!)
I thought about that first actually, but it was more ironic to turn Remy into something they dislike imo. Plus, I wanted something that was always visible as part of Emi’s design; undies aren’t, boots definitely are :P
I thought about that first actually, but it was more ironic to turn Remy into something they dislike imo. Plus, I wanted something that was always visible as part of Emi’s design; undies aren’t, boots definitely are :P
Maybe! They’ll probs be boots for a long while but we can always change em again after. Plus, there’s always others to turn stuff into…
I’ve never put much thought into the fact that shoes aren’t usually called “it,” but yeah, now that you mention it, that’s definitely a downside of shoe TF over other clothing TFs, haha.
Here’s hoping Remy’ll be stuck in their current predicament for a good long while!
Here’s hoping Remy’ll be stuck in their current predicament for a good long while!
YEAH LIKE I was about to get to a part where Emi teases Remy by calling them “it” and when I found out I couldn’t, I was like “aw man :(“
Still tho! I hope so too! The longer Remy’s stuck, the more I get to draw Emi :3
Still tho! I hope so too! The longer Remy’s stuck, the more I get to draw Emi :3
If emi ever met Sky they’d practically beg her to be placed in this scenario~
Maybe when Remy’s time is up, Emi will need a new pair of boots 🤔
I really like what you're doing with your characters, I really like Emi and their style and personality, and still like seeing all the fun things Remi goes through and their reactions to everything! Keep up the good work c:
You know I see Emi changing Remy’s form some every once in a while to adjust things. Make the boots taller, shorter, add platforms, add heels, etc
Wonderful story and set up alllllll around, I adore such devious impish actions, and someone being so matter-of-fact about it.
Just when you think you're processing it - "And if I find the way back you're coming back with me~" Bam another good thought. And I've so much love for the whole 'get someone stuck as something they dislike a ton' thing.
Wonderful all around <3
Just when you think you're processing it - "And if I find the way back you're coming back with me~" Bam another good thought. And I've so much love for the whole 'get someone stuck as something they dislike a ton' thing.
Wonderful all around <3
Thanks, moogle friend! You basically love everything I love about it hehe
Fun scenario!! Absolutely love the artwork and story!!
I loved the pic when I saw it on twitter, but oh my GOD the writing in the description here is sensational!! I'm loving every word!!
Oh boy, once Remy finally gets to transform back, they're gonna be MAD at Emi! Although I feel like she's the type to make up for it by transforming into whatever they want. Curious what that might end up being?
Really late
but I love the idea of Remy becoming a pair of boots a lot!!
It's a really cute idea!!
but I love the idea of Remy becoming a pair of boots a lot!!
It's a really cute idea!!