Here's a 4 of 5 pic for what David-967 requested me to make.
Now here's something for anyone who might have a foot fetish would enjoy even though Bowser's wouldn't be pleased, here's Bowser's feet and his feet have sharp claws just imagine him playing soccer with those there, the soccer ball that he would kick might pop on him and the game would be over and they're too big for him to wear shoes. Well we've only got one more part of the body to go with Bowser and we're going to take it to the back, so by the back I don't really mean his punk turtle shell nor his big booty either instead it's something else.
Bowser is owned by Nintendo
Now here's something for anyone who might have a foot fetish would enjoy even though Bowser's wouldn't be pleased, here's Bowser's feet and his feet have sharp claws just imagine him playing soccer with those there, the soccer ball that he would kick might pop on him and the game would be over and they're too big for him to wear shoes. Well we've only got one more part of the body to go with Bowser and we're going to take it to the back, so by the back I don't really mean his punk turtle shell nor his big booty either instead it's something else.
Bowser is owned by Nintendo
Category Artwork (Digital) / Fanart
Species Turtle / Tortoise
Gender Male
Size 1280 x 720px
File Size 237.6 kB
Martin: *Just then, i heard his stomach growl* Oh, you hungry?
*I slid down his throat and landed into his stomach* Wow~