Luca with a little support, gave up trying to be so thin and embraced his inner hungry and lazy side, his little twink physique had very rapidly turned into a chubby lard within the last 6 months due to all of his stuffing sessions, but this time he for sure overdid it. The very full and bloated peacock gripped his overstuffed belly and let out a massive belch. The poor bird moaned and whined as his gizzard was working it’s absolute hardest to digest the cacophony of foods inside his belly, letting out thick, loud, and nasty gurgles as his friend Maxwell, a seagull rubbed the birds belly and applauded him for his wonderful stuffing session and letting go of his fit physique, deciding to let his inner glutton take control.
Luca: “I *Buoorp!* I feel like I’m g- *BWOOOOOORP!*-gonna burst…”
Maxwell: Oh nonsense, that ought to have freed up MORE than enough space for that cheesecake you were “too full” for. Now, eat up. We wouldn’t want our little birdie to STARVE now would we?~”
An adorable request from the adorable Peckish! OwO
Luca: “I *Buoorp!* I feel like I’m g- *BWOOOOOORP!*-gonna burst…”
Maxwell: Oh nonsense, that ought to have freed up MORE than enough space for that cheesecake you were “too full” for. Now, eat up. We wouldn’t want our little birdie to STARVE now would we?~”
An adorable request from the adorable Peckish! OwO
Category Artwork (Digital) / Fat Furs
Species Peacock
Gender Male
Size 1280 x 755px
File Size 212.1 kB
You look so good chubby, really makes me want to service that belly and see how many burps could be forced out~