For Christmas I received a superb graphics tablet. So as the first art of the year .... I decided to make the most famous monster of H.P. Lovecraft as well as pop-culture: the Great Cathulhu!
I hope you enjoy. It's my very first art on a graphics tablet and I put all my heart into it.
I hope you enjoy. It's my very first art on a graphics tablet and I put all my heart into it.
Category Artwork (Digital) / Fat Furs
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Male
Size 696 x 564px
File Size 211.8 kB
*Suddenly a human appears on a boat in front of Cthulhu and stares at the Old One in amazement*
Human : What is this monster?!
Human : What is this monster?!
Cthulhu: And really hungry. It feels like there's a beast in there, trying to claw its way out.
Cthulhu: I could go for a whale. Something to fill my belly. How does a whale sound, Belly?
Cthulhu: Belly says "yes."
As the human finds a whale, Cthulhu consoles his very hungry belly.
As the human finds a whale, Cthulhu consoles his very hungry belly.
Cthulhu eats it and rubs his belly.
Cthulhu: That hit the spot. You're pretty fast.
Cthulhu: That hit the spot. You're pretty fast.
Human : He seems to be as hard as a rock.
(Sorry but I don't think so)
(Sorry but I don't think so)