I said I wanted to get this up and so here it be! The various fluffy, scaley, and chitinous races of Spall! These are not all the ones in the universe however as explorers are being sent out often. But the most well known ones are listed here. The stats you gain for being certain races will likely be next. And then the various classes those more adventurous members of each species and locations tend to be.
Common means people wont really pay much attention to them in a crowd, they are used to seeing them.
Uncommon means people may give them an extra glance and pay more attention.
Rare draw eyes and often danger as they are known to carry lots of rare items or skills.
The average height on the continent is around six feet. Though several of the common races are below this.
* Kobold (Common - around 4 feet. Gain 1 to Agility and Technique) - The most represented species of Auro these are some of the only residents of the city who were there when Auro showed up. They assisted their new dragon overlord in overthrowing the mammals who used to own the swamp and then accepted a position in his new land as workers and travelers looking for materials. They are often tradesmen, merchants, and construction workers for the city. And despite their size and often lack of big magical ability as one of Auros most favored residents they are treated very well.
* Lizardfolk (Common - Average. Gain 2 to Understanding) - A loose confederation of tribes who willing traveled from an archipelago once Auro found them off the coast to come and populate his new city. While all the same general size their tribal lineage, and now noble houses, give them wildly different appearances. Ranging from horned Lizards, Skinks, and Geckos. While each may have separate unique quirks that you would need to discuss with the DM they are all very good at manipulating the mana that Auro taught them. As such they are often seen in the University or as tutors in other places. Most of the Houses top nobility are still dwelling on their island - and send out their younger to learn and prove themselves on the main continent.
* Crocodiles/Alligators (Uncommon - Seven feet or taller - Gain 1 to Brawn and Vitality) - The big and "brutish" reptilian species that used to feebly clash with the Dragontouched. Ever since Auro's takeover and new city, they have settled into a new life opposite of mercantile Snakes. With large and bulky frames they are often laborers, ferry men, and enforcers for the banks. The Alligators tend to prefer the canals and freshwater rivers coming from the mainland into Auro. While the Crocodiles tend to prefer the saltwater of the mouth of the rivers and the open sea. Both species are frequently confused for one another, which can get your hand chomped off if you mess up in front of one of them.
* Snakes (Uncommon - size varies wildly - gain 1 to Understanding Mage Hand) - Lowly beings who used to formally be slaves to the Dragontouched. But have since turned that around with a little application of banking and finances. The most common of the Auro Snakes are just that. Large snakes that slither through the streets often with a cloak and a fancy hat. They have no hands but all of them learn from a young age to let magic be their hands and so summon gently glowing lizard claws when needed to pick up items. Nearly all the variants of snakes work with money in some capacity but some have been breed to be a little more versatile. The Nagi for example was the result of an Auro approved experiment to breed Snake and Lizardfolk together and the resulting Rare breed now bears the upper body of a Lizardfolk and the lower of a snake. Or the even more Rare Seeltak who look like a normal Lizardfolk but often bear the hood and longer tale of a snake that spawned them. All breeds can also possess a deadly bite but these days most of them see use of that as uncouth of a respected banker!
- Dragontouched - The former rulers of the archipelago that the lizardfolk came from. Who formally ruled over the confederation through martial might. But with a new overlord over them they happily accepted a station as the cities elite warriors. These massive lizards have wings and can glide easily or fly with difficulty (With Understanding this becomes much easier). Dragontouched is not their proper name but they encourage the myth that Auro chose them. Makes them feel more important.
- Turtles: Ancient and deep sleeping historians of Auro. On whose shells are painted the history of his Conquest.
** Relationships: Auro is the home and main base of the Adventurers guild.
In general Auro residents are distrusted or worse. Sanctum residents dislike them on the basis of both leaders having an open hostile relationship that often has both magically shouting across the distance between them about how much the other smells. Forest dwellers dislike them from their history and spirits of their realm remembering when Auro himself almost burnt the forest down as he was claiming his new land. And it was only the sacrifice of their student that saved their home from being taken. Flatlanders distrust the lizards as often they come over to their more simple land boasting about magical gifts they wish to bestow that end up costing months of pay just to break. Or to raid 'dungeons' for valuable treasure that is often former battlefields they are looting. Only the Badlands welcome Auro lizards, the few brave enough to go, as they always want to learn more about their magic and their bodies inner workings.
* Kenku (Common - Around four feet tall - Gain 1 to Empathy and Agility) - The flightless birds who occupy the base of the mountains they call home. As such they often deal with the Deer who they often share the planes with and otherwise travel as Preacher and Pilgrims to other locations t o set up locations of worship or trade. They are well known for their great speaking ability and are often well liked where they travel. Even if they have to fight against their magpie like tendencies to take shinies when they are able. This is something Solatic is trying to teach them not to do.
* Avoen (Uncommon - Standard size - Gain 1 to Agility, can fly) - Occupying the middle reaches of the Sanctum's hundreds of steps these birds are also travelers but are a mix of the land walker and larger bird species in the sense that they have wings for arms. They can perform simple operations with the larger feathers of these arms but often have to use their feet instead. They are skilled however at flying above enemies and firing down at them with a bow held in said feet.
* Telanl (Rare - Slightly larger than normal - Gain 1 to Understanding, can fly) - The high dwellers of the Mountain these are the most dedicated to Solatics religion and spreading it. They are also the most skilled at dispensing the holy light through their own body. Rather than the smaller Avoen their wings are on their back still giving them standard arms and legs. These are rarely seen outside the mountain unless a high level priest is needed somewhere.
Accrials (Rare - Large, ten feet and much wider at full wing span) - While not as large as Solatic himself many believe that he created these large birds of prey in his own image. They are few in number but dwell at the peaks of the mountains and are often sent on missions to recon and observe the other lands for him. Few have even been seen by the other races and when they are its often the last thing many see before they are crushed under talon.
** Relationships: The Sanctum is obviously the home and epicenter of Solatics faith.
As mentioned above Auro and Solatic do not like each other and his followers are taught to always distrust the lizards. Always looking to con and fill you with sin! They, however, dislike the insects of the badlands even more. Tearing apart corpses to sew them back together again to make a mockery of life!
They are slightly more open to the forest tribes especially the deer who they often work with but see the Squirrels and Frogs as meddling thieves and tainted slimey scum respectively. The flatlands however are of special interest to Solatic as without an overlord or overwatching force he sees them as a perfect place to spread. And often sends people there to try and get a foothold and maintain good relations.
Someone living in an area they are not common in are often called Deserters (Rodents are given a pass for the most part) - and are often ready to be arrested to even executed for being a spy. That is until they join a lord or community in which case they are moved up to Switch-Axe and are sought after for news, technology, and knowledge from the other side.
Flatlands (Northern "Vermin");
* Rat (Common - Slightly below average size - Gain 1 to Agility and Technique) - The grunts, common folk, and crafters of the north. See the Mouse description for their history.
* Ferret/Weasel/Stoat (Uncommon - Six and a half to seven feet - Gain 1 to Brawn and Vitality) - Often the officers in the employ of the various Lords of the North these tall and thin creatures of various fur patterns are often the ones tasked with whipping the rats into shape and get them ready should they ever need to fight. They don't often care much for those outside their family which they hold onto with a death grip. They also tend to be more loyal to their fellow tubes. But money and employment is needed as they don't like doing menial farm work. That's a rats job.
* Wolf (Rare - Seven feet tall - Gain 1 to Brawn and Agility) - Often seen alone as mercenaries they are quickly snapped up when available for the various forces that inhabit the North. Not only because they are some of the best and most vicious soldiers that a person can command but also out of a sense of fear. Fear that should another Alpha rise and unite the various small packs that whoever's section of land they happen to unite in will quickly find his fortress no longer theirs and their body torn apart by the wolves. This has happened a few times historically and the area is basically out of bounds for most other Lords till the currently Alpha dies and the pack devolves into infighting before they are weak enough to be conquered again.
* Feline (Rare - Seven and a half feet tall - Gain 2 to Vitality) - Mainly dangerous because they have a nasty habit of never really dying when they should. Giving credence to the legend they often tell about themselves that they have multiple lives and you never can tell what one they are. A rather wide ranging set of beasts despite there being so few. From Lions to Tigers and even a few Panthers have been seen. They however, due to population density, are rather under represented in the Lords of the North.
** Relationships: Many other lands tend to see Northern residents as violent oafs and so are hesitant when first meeting them.
Thankfully with Midtown keeping the South and the North more separate than they would otherwise be the dislike is mostly historical. Besides they have other northerners to dislike more. The north is in a general state of low level civil war at most times which is often fought over border lines being crossed. But when not stabbing each other over farm land they interact with the Insects to clean up their lands and get important medical knowledge. Auro is distrusted because of many lizard conmen coming over to sell defective and dangerous magical artifacts or to loot before the Vermin can. Solatic is mainly a distant thing to laugh at as the few incisions the birds have made have not lasted long with the lands constantly changing hands. Forest dwellers are fairly rare and are mainly just looked at oddly as they do whatever it is they are there to do as they rarely stay.
They are however the main suppliers of ore to the various areas of the continent.
Flatlands (Mountain/Both sides/Misc);
* Bears (Rare - Large, eight feet or taller - Gain 1 to Brawn and 1 to Vitality) - A secluded and matriarchal society that lives high above in the eastern mountains. Generally keep to themselves and aggressively keep others out of their territory. The few times they descend to the lower lands is often to smash aside any who seek to control the moles who live below them. The only group they trust as friends as the moles are needed to help excavate deeper caves for the bears. These caves are rumored to go entirely through the mountains and would lead to quick passage - if anyone besides bears or moles were allowed through. The few individuals who venture lower still are often sent on a quest by one of their Matrons. And while they would be a great soldier and fighter their sense of duty as so far not been broken. They may fight in midtown but it is only to gather funds for their objective.
* Moles (Uncommon - Around five feet tall - Gain 2 to Technique) - Grand craftsmen and excavators of the land. While others could perhaps match them on weapons and armor their tunneling work is second to none. And they are often given very generous pay to even just supervise construction work. Taking after Auros Adventurer's guild the Moles have businesses set up in every major port to offer their services to anyone. For a fee of course.
* Foxes (Uncommon - Slightly taller than average - Gain 1 to Empathy and 1 to Agility) - Sly and clever beasts from the western mountains who work both sides of the Flatlands for their own gain. Generally former Looters who have worked their guile and swordplay enough to get them an official spot. They do good work, no question, but things often just go missing around them. Its a curse they swear! That new golden ring they have has nothing to do with it! Its just an honest foxes work!
* Otters (Uncommon - Average size - Gain 1 to Brawn and 1 to Technique) - Experts of the water ways that scythe through the entire continent the otters often have Holts on or around the main rivers. These are on route repair and re supply stations that earn them a healthy living through trade. But they move along the rivers too either as crewmen for boats or small bands of River Sharks looking for weaker boats to steal, retrofit and loot, and then use themselves or sell back. Hard to tell which side of the oar an otter is on so generally they are treated with suspicion.
Flatlands (Southern "Goodbeasts");
* Mouse (Common - Slightly smaller than rats - Gain 1 to Agility and Technique) - The grunts, common folk, and crafters of the south. Often not given many rights or respect by the other species of its side of the mountain but they have a great sense of community. In fact extended community. In ages past before Midtown there was a great war between the north and the south. The rodents were the main footsoldiers in this conflict and it was often just masses of similar looking and clearly unhappy soldiers clashing at the commands of the officers. The North was pushing in and had the momentum however before a young female Mouse rose up. This was The Uniter. Leading the disheartened South on a frenzied assault and pushing the North back to the main mountain pass, capturing many of the troops of the North before there was a halt at the main pass.
The Uniter was from a small farm before she joined - and joined to protect her younger siblings. But in the captured rats of the North she could only see them. Scared and not wanting to be there. Which was mirrored in her own mouse force as the Badger Lord who was the leader of the South made a historic decision.
To execute all the rats to ensure the South would be safe. The Uniter denied this order - and in a fight that has been made into hundreds of artworks defeated the Badger in single combat with the assistance of a male rat bard who sung around his chained body to push the Uniter into victory. With both sides stunned by this defeat the Uniter made a new order. Severing the chains holding the rat bard she pulled him to his feet before holding up her blade and commanding the prisoners to be freed. The Badger who despite being at her mercy had been spared had no choice but to comply. The couple then took the footsoldiers of both sides and created Midtown in that mountain pass to separate the two sides and prevent a war like this from ever happening again. As a result of this historic event the rodents of both sides are united in an alliance stronger than the sides of the mountain they are on and often live in the other side - further diluting the chance for more war.
The Uniters armor and weapons have long been suspected to be very strongly magical but no-one has been able to find all of the pieces together to find out. The weapon is supposedly held in the deepest reaches of Solatics mountain and the shield in the Southern Royal Court but the armor pieces are spread out among the Northern Lords. And they are not ones to share their shiniest toy.
* Canines (Uncommon - Standard Size - Gain 1 to Brawn and Empathy) - Rather than the ferrets who care only about those closest to them and their own kind the various flavors of Canines seem to care about the good will and health of anyone they meet. Always willing to help out and make sure everyone is doing ok. Like their other halves they are often officers but instead of a general apathy of those below them they care a great deal about them which makes the unit run better but they are generally less eager to attack and prefer to fight from a defensive position. They are more than willing to get stuck in with their troops to help construct forts and farm should it be needed as well.
* Hares (Rare - Standard size ears - Gain 1 to Brawn and the Training skill) One of the main reasons that the South has not been conquered by the more aggressive North so far. The Hares of the Plains are renowned throughout the Flatlands and even abroad as some of the best combat trainers and duelists that money can buy as their techniques are precise and very effective. They often clash with foxes to hone their own skill and occasionally lead sorties into the North. Though they have to get permission from mid town to march through which is often denied. That is unless money or loot changes hands. So they often brave the mountain passes to begin their attack.
* Badger (Rare - Eight feet or taller - Gain 2 to Brawn) - The Defacto lords of the South who's massive size makes them tower over all their subjects. While there as not been a single Lord/Lady in a long time there are often a selection of Badgers who control different areas of the South. After the whole Uniter incident the Badgers decided that putting all their eggs in one basket was asking for it to happen again. So now they have several Barons/Barronness that control their own area so they would just lose a part of the army should that happen again. Not all of it.
** Relationships:
Despite being on guard for the North to try something Midtown keeps the peace well. So instead the South mainly works on keeping itself running smoothly and keeping their own power. The Insects are the distant threat to them and they, under the much closer influence from Solatic, see them as unclean and disgusting. Allied with Solatic his method of belief is common practice for them. Auro is still distrusted like he is in the North for the same reason as conmen and fake magical items. Even more so due to Solatics influence. The forest residents are actually welcome in the South and several of them have a small conclave there. Even if they are just there to spy and watch the Badgers would prefer to also keep an eye on them rather than have them sneaking around.
They are the main supplier of argicultural food stuffs for the continent.
Forest; The forest tribes do not like each other but like each other more than outsiders so mingle a little.
* Frog (Common in the north - Slightly below average size - 1 Agility 1 Understanding) - Experts in water combat and coming in almost every color under the sun the Frogs look like a very diverse group! But are rather united in their main goal of keeping the minions of the Mantii out of their swamps. There are of course the outliers who go against this goal but they often don't stay in the swamps alive for long if they make this public. As they are in a state of almost constant preparedness and defense from the occasional sortie they are the most actively xenophobic of the tribes. Often chasing away or even killing trespassers to their lands. They have learned much from their main enemy however and have learned to meld the water like the Insects meld bone.
* Squirrel (Common in the middle - Standard size though their tail often makes them taller - 1 Agility 1 Empathy) - The ones often pointed to by those outside the forests, especially Auroians, to epitomize the tribal idea. Barely clothed, worshipping trees, and living in a wide spanning main tribe led by elders! Hah! 4 of them, two of each gender. They often attempt to steal from those who try to make it through the main forest area but don't generally do more than that. A few bruises from their staff slings or other light injuries to make people go away. But their Elders are always worried about being seen as directly hostile which could lead to a larger force marching into their home which they want to avoid. They do however despise the main port town in their lands and occasionally launch raids against it. Often attempting to steal food and weapons to try and make them leave.
* Deer (Common in the south - Above average size Antlers for males - 1 Brawn 1 Empathy) - The Noble of the tribals. Tall, well groomed and attired, and often respectful if a little arrogant. Hard to tell if this is from their proximity to the Solatic mountain or just their culture but they are masters of beasts. The smallest of the beasts acting as scouts for the main horde so the few Flatland raids into the plains have been swiftly charged down by prepared and positioned calvary. Due to the rapid trampling danger that awaits most people just leave them alone now. Save for traders who wish for some creatures to help with farming or construction.
** Relationships:
They tolerate each other enough as knowing they collectively control the middle and want to keep it that way. They have worked directly together in the past during large invasions so keep outposts in each others lands for when needed.
Otherwise relationships are all over the place. The squirrels don't like Auro, the Frogs hate the necros, and the deers love Solatic. But as wide spanning groups it would often be up to each individual what they like and don't like.
Badlands; Most of the young of these races appear far different from their adults, and they are put to work early on in life to grow into their future roles. Most insects are rather poor at being empathic as they see most none insects as walking experiments to examine and take apart.
* Antal(Ants) (Common - Around four feet tall - Gain 1 to Brawn and Agility) The four armed Antals are not imposing to look at like their larger flying cousins but looks can be very deceiving. As the workhorses of the Badlands they are very good at this. Carrying things far heavier than they are over large distance or climbing up the steep hills and cliffs with very little difficulty. They however don't do the crafting with the items they collect that often. Just the lifting and gathering.
* Mosquneti(Mosquito) (Uncommon - Standard size - Gain 1 to Agility, can fly) The Mosqs' are not the crafters either - in fact the are very far from quiet crafters. These hot headed and blooded speedsters have a deserved reputation as angry and eager to fight as their culture is one of the strong control the weak. So it is almost a constant struggle for supremacy. They have a reputation of scavenging blood and other fluids from the recently dead or even the living with their large beak like mouths. They claim this can benefit them greatly with increased power or other benefits but a lot of other residents of the land just find this disgusting and terrifying. This does allow them to temporarily boost their stats however if they get a good succ. But this only lasts for a few hours. They often wear masks when outside the badlands that make their heads look like birds instead to better blend in (or to deflect blame). Wearing large coats and cloaks to hide their insect appendages. Also possessing six limbs but their arm and leg distinction is less pronounced than the Antals.
* Termenni(Termite) (Common - Around four feet tall - Gain 2 to Technique) Often the most common seen Insect by those outside the Badlands the Termenni are the builders and tradesmen of the Badlands. Managing the northern dock and the large nest mounds where they intake materials from all over the continent and then spit out completed and highly prized items. They also travel to assist in construction projects that are beyond the skills of other residents. And despite what several assume they are allies not rivals to the moles. In fact some of the largest construction projects in the land have been the two of them working together. Very few of them even have wings but these can often just help them glide not fly.
* Mathon(Moth) (Rare - Standard size - Gain 1 to Understanding, can fly) Generally the more reserved insect of the Badlands the Mathon are the closest the Badlands has to proper mages and philosophers. Though how they achieve these roles is often frowned upon outside the Badlands - as they were the ones who spearheaded the creation of the Essense hosts. This makes them highly prized allies to the various conflicts and their importance has been taken full advantage off by them. As such their fluff is often colored and wings decorated with elaborate designs to make them stand out and show how awesome they are. These designs range from purely pretty colors and patterns to more obvious and sinister designs like skulls and jagged ones to denote danger. Their wings often draped around them to act as an elaborate cloak and shawl while also hiding what they are holding - its often a self defense weapon or some magical artifact. They seem to have their own system of belief as well and odd among the dank and darkness that often denotes the Badlands they seem to worship the sun. And often keep bright lights around their studies and laboratories. Perhaps its to make the darker loving insects ill at ease around them?
Spidean (Very Rare - Very large, fully grown they are up to twelve feet high and more so wide) Constructing large web masses in the west of the Badlands near the Auro border the Spidean are one of the two ruling houses of the Badlands. Which they generally hold by just being bigger and very strong. And since their young are often accomplished mages as well as construction skilled the /few/ attempts that have been taken to dislodge them from this command position have ended in just massive feasts for the Spidean. They employ officials of other races to act as their representatives in the Badlands and courts of other realms as they are aware that they scare like everything with their bulk and appearance. They are also aware through intense scientific study (dissection's) that they undertook that they are not insects. But mostly just give a four armed shrug when asked and admit its far too late in time now to do much about it - besides they like being kings.
Mantii (Very Rare - Very large, tall and spindly up to fifteen feet tall and long) Taking control of the few remaining wood groves on the east of the Badlands these are the second Ruling house. Very fast and strong crushers of resistance they are similar to the Spidean in many ways but different ideologically. They believe that their station is one that can and will be expanded upon in time and soon they will control the forests and then everywhere else. While the Spideans are happily to sit and wait for things to come into their webs. As such they often make overtures and experiments that spread outside the Badlands. They tend not to know much magic but are incredibly fast despite their size and can easily puncture and crush armor between their arms. A few of them can also fly - and are common horror stories in other cultures.
** Relationships
It would be best to say the Insects of the Badlands have a strained relation to the other lands. Openly hostile to Solatic and the Frogs it doesn't get much better going down the list. The squirrels and Deer find them creepy and distrustful. Same as the center and lower Flatlands. And Auro and the Northern Flatlands only tolerate them because of magical and scientific curiosity and the need for doctors. The Northern flatlands however is more open during wartime as financial burdens can be eased greatly by selling corpses of either side to Insect body wagons for a fine profit. Most commoners dislike this greatly however but the Lords of the Flatlands just tell them to deal.
Borderlands can home anyone. But you generally need a reason to be living there instead of another home.
Naked Snakes - looking like thin Lizardfolk without the scales or tails these beings have been glimpsed across the waves by Auro and Flatlands explorers extorting the hell out of others who look just like them. As such they have been tentatively named Naked Snakes for their cruel money behavior. The Snakes of Auro are working on lobbying to get this changed.
Common means people wont really pay much attention to them in a crowd, they are used to seeing them.
Uncommon means people may give them an extra glance and pay more attention.
Rare draw eyes and often danger as they are known to carry lots of rare items or skills.
The average height on the continent is around six feet. Though several of the common races are below this.
* Kobold (Common - around 4 feet. Gain 1 to Agility and Technique) - The most represented species of Auro these are some of the only residents of the city who were there when Auro showed up. They assisted their new dragon overlord in overthrowing the mammals who used to own the swamp and then accepted a position in his new land as workers and travelers looking for materials. They are often tradesmen, merchants, and construction workers for the city. And despite their size and often lack of big magical ability as one of Auros most favored residents they are treated very well.
* Lizardfolk (Common - Average. Gain 2 to Understanding) - A loose confederation of tribes who willing traveled from an archipelago once Auro found them off the coast to come and populate his new city. While all the same general size their tribal lineage, and now noble houses, give them wildly different appearances. Ranging from horned Lizards, Skinks, and Geckos. While each may have separate unique quirks that you would need to discuss with the DM they are all very good at manipulating the mana that Auro taught them. As such they are often seen in the University or as tutors in other places. Most of the Houses top nobility are still dwelling on their island - and send out their younger to learn and prove themselves on the main continent.
* Crocodiles/Alligators (Uncommon - Seven feet or taller - Gain 1 to Brawn and Vitality) - The big and "brutish" reptilian species that used to feebly clash with the Dragontouched. Ever since Auro's takeover and new city, they have settled into a new life opposite of mercantile Snakes. With large and bulky frames they are often laborers, ferry men, and enforcers for the banks. The Alligators tend to prefer the canals and freshwater rivers coming from the mainland into Auro. While the Crocodiles tend to prefer the saltwater of the mouth of the rivers and the open sea. Both species are frequently confused for one another, which can get your hand chomped off if you mess up in front of one of them.
* Snakes (Uncommon - size varies wildly - gain 1 to Understanding Mage Hand) - Lowly beings who used to formally be slaves to the Dragontouched. But have since turned that around with a little application of banking and finances. The most common of the Auro Snakes are just that. Large snakes that slither through the streets often with a cloak and a fancy hat. They have no hands but all of them learn from a young age to let magic be their hands and so summon gently glowing lizard claws when needed to pick up items. Nearly all the variants of snakes work with money in some capacity but some have been breed to be a little more versatile. The Nagi for example was the result of an Auro approved experiment to breed Snake and Lizardfolk together and the resulting Rare breed now bears the upper body of a Lizardfolk and the lower of a snake. Or the even more Rare Seeltak who look like a normal Lizardfolk but often bear the hood and longer tale of a snake that spawned them. All breeds can also possess a deadly bite but these days most of them see use of that as uncouth of a respected banker!
- Dragontouched - The former rulers of the archipelago that the lizardfolk came from. Who formally ruled over the confederation through martial might. But with a new overlord over them they happily accepted a station as the cities elite warriors. These massive lizards have wings and can glide easily or fly with difficulty (With Understanding this becomes much easier). Dragontouched is not their proper name but they encourage the myth that Auro chose them. Makes them feel more important.
- Turtles: Ancient and deep sleeping historians of Auro. On whose shells are painted the history of his Conquest.
** Relationships: Auro is the home and main base of the Adventurers guild.
In general Auro residents are distrusted or worse. Sanctum residents dislike them on the basis of both leaders having an open hostile relationship that often has both magically shouting across the distance between them about how much the other smells. Forest dwellers dislike them from their history and spirits of their realm remembering when Auro himself almost burnt the forest down as he was claiming his new land. And it was only the sacrifice of their student that saved their home from being taken. Flatlanders distrust the lizards as often they come over to their more simple land boasting about magical gifts they wish to bestow that end up costing months of pay just to break. Or to raid 'dungeons' for valuable treasure that is often former battlefields they are looting. Only the Badlands welcome Auro lizards, the few brave enough to go, as they always want to learn more about their magic and their bodies inner workings.
* Kenku (Common - Around four feet tall - Gain 1 to Empathy and Agility) - The flightless birds who occupy the base of the mountains they call home. As such they often deal with the Deer who they often share the planes with and otherwise travel as Preacher and Pilgrims to other locations t o set up locations of worship or trade. They are well known for their great speaking ability and are often well liked where they travel. Even if they have to fight against their magpie like tendencies to take shinies when they are able. This is something Solatic is trying to teach them not to do.
* Avoen (Uncommon - Standard size - Gain 1 to Agility, can fly) - Occupying the middle reaches of the Sanctum's hundreds of steps these birds are also travelers but are a mix of the land walker and larger bird species in the sense that they have wings for arms. They can perform simple operations with the larger feathers of these arms but often have to use their feet instead. They are skilled however at flying above enemies and firing down at them with a bow held in said feet.
* Telanl (Rare - Slightly larger than normal - Gain 1 to Understanding, can fly) - The high dwellers of the Mountain these are the most dedicated to Solatics religion and spreading it. They are also the most skilled at dispensing the holy light through their own body. Rather than the smaller Avoen their wings are on their back still giving them standard arms and legs. These are rarely seen outside the mountain unless a high level priest is needed somewhere.
Accrials (Rare - Large, ten feet and much wider at full wing span) - While not as large as Solatic himself many believe that he created these large birds of prey in his own image. They are few in number but dwell at the peaks of the mountains and are often sent on missions to recon and observe the other lands for him. Few have even been seen by the other races and when they are its often the last thing many see before they are crushed under talon.
** Relationships: The Sanctum is obviously the home and epicenter of Solatics faith.
As mentioned above Auro and Solatic do not like each other and his followers are taught to always distrust the lizards. Always looking to con and fill you with sin! They, however, dislike the insects of the badlands even more. Tearing apart corpses to sew them back together again to make a mockery of life!
They are slightly more open to the forest tribes especially the deer who they often work with but see the Squirrels and Frogs as meddling thieves and tainted slimey scum respectively. The flatlands however are of special interest to Solatic as without an overlord or overwatching force he sees them as a perfect place to spread. And often sends people there to try and get a foothold and maintain good relations.
Someone living in an area they are not common in are often called Deserters (Rodents are given a pass for the most part) - and are often ready to be arrested to even executed for being a spy. That is until they join a lord or community in which case they are moved up to Switch-Axe and are sought after for news, technology, and knowledge from the other side.
Flatlands (Northern "Vermin");
* Rat (Common - Slightly below average size - Gain 1 to Agility and Technique) - The grunts, common folk, and crafters of the north. See the Mouse description for their history.
* Ferret/Weasel/Stoat (Uncommon - Six and a half to seven feet - Gain 1 to Brawn and Vitality) - Often the officers in the employ of the various Lords of the North these tall and thin creatures of various fur patterns are often the ones tasked with whipping the rats into shape and get them ready should they ever need to fight. They don't often care much for those outside their family which they hold onto with a death grip. They also tend to be more loyal to their fellow tubes. But money and employment is needed as they don't like doing menial farm work. That's a rats job.
* Wolf (Rare - Seven feet tall - Gain 1 to Brawn and Agility) - Often seen alone as mercenaries they are quickly snapped up when available for the various forces that inhabit the North. Not only because they are some of the best and most vicious soldiers that a person can command but also out of a sense of fear. Fear that should another Alpha rise and unite the various small packs that whoever's section of land they happen to unite in will quickly find his fortress no longer theirs and their body torn apart by the wolves. This has happened a few times historically and the area is basically out of bounds for most other Lords till the currently Alpha dies and the pack devolves into infighting before they are weak enough to be conquered again.
* Feline (Rare - Seven and a half feet tall - Gain 2 to Vitality) - Mainly dangerous because they have a nasty habit of never really dying when they should. Giving credence to the legend they often tell about themselves that they have multiple lives and you never can tell what one they are. A rather wide ranging set of beasts despite there being so few. From Lions to Tigers and even a few Panthers have been seen. They however, due to population density, are rather under represented in the Lords of the North.
** Relationships: Many other lands tend to see Northern residents as violent oafs and so are hesitant when first meeting them.
Thankfully with Midtown keeping the South and the North more separate than they would otherwise be the dislike is mostly historical. Besides they have other northerners to dislike more. The north is in a general state of low level civil war at most times which is often fought over border lines being crossed. But when not stabbing each other over farm land they interact with the Insects to clean up their lands and get important medical knowledge. Auro is distrusted because of many lizard conmen coming over to sell defective and dangerous magical artifacts or to loot before the Vermin can. Solatic is mainly a distant thing to laugh at as the few incisions the birds have made have not lasted long with the lands constantly changing hands. Forest dwellers are fairly rare and are mainly just looked at oddly as they do whatever it is they are there to do as they rarely stay.
They are however the main suppliers of ore to the various areas of the continent.
Flatlands (Mountain/Both sides/Misc);
* Bears (Rare - Large, eight feet or taller - Gain 1 to Brawn and 1 to Vitality) - A secluded and matriarchal society that lives high above in the eastern mountains. Generally keep to themselves and aggressively keep others out of their territory. The few times they descend to the lower lands is often to smash aside any who seek to control the moles who live below them. The only group they trust as friends as the moles are needed to help excavate deeper caves for the bears. These caves are rumored to go entirely through the mountains and would lead to quick passage - if anyone besides bears or moles were allowed through. The few individuals who venture lower still are often sent on a quest by one of their Matrons. And while they would be a great soldier and fighter their sense of duty as so far not been broken. They may fight in midtown but it is only to gather funds for their objective.
* Moles (Uncommon - Around five feet tall - Gain 2 to Technique) - Grand craftsmen and excavators of the land. While others could perhaps match them on weapons and armor their tunneling work is second to none. And they are often given very generous pay to even just supervise construction work. Taking after Auros Adventurer's guild the Moles have businesses set up in every major port to offer their services to anyone. For a fee of course.
* Foxes (Uncommon - Slightly taller than average - Gain 1 to Empathy and 1 to Agility) - Sly and clever beasts from the western mountains who work both sides of the Flatlands for their own gain. Generally former Looters who have worked their guile and swordplay enough to get them an official spot. They do good work, no question, but things often just go missing around them. Its a curse they swear! That new golden ring they have has nothing to do with it! Its just an honest foxes work!
* Otters (Uncommon - Average size - Gain 1 to Brawn and 1 to Technique) - Experts of the water ways that scythe through the entire continent the otters often have Holts on or around the main rivers. These are on route repair and re supply stations that earn them a healthy living through trade. But they move along the rivers too either as crewmen for boats or small bands of River Sharks looking for weaker boats to steal, retrofit and loot, and then use themselves or sell back. Hard to tell which side of the oar an otter is on so generally they are treated with suspicion.
Flatlands (Southern "Goodbeasts");
* Mouse (Common - Slightly smaller than rats - Gain 1 to Agility and Technique) - The grunts, common folk, and crafters of the south. Often not given many rights or respect by the other species of its side of the mountain but they have a great sense of community. In fact extended community. In ages past before Midtown there was a great war between the north and the south. The rodents were the main footsoldiers in this conflict and it was often just masses of similar looking and clearly unhappy soldiers clashing at the commands of the officers. The North was pushing in and had the momentum however before a young female Mouse rose up. This was The Uniter. Leading the disheartened South on a frenzied assault and pushing the North back to the main mountain pass, capturing many of the troops of the North before there was a halt at the main pass.
The Uniter was from a small farm before she joined - and joined to protect her younger siblings. But in the captured rats of the North she could only see them. Scared and not wanting to be there. Which was mirrored in her own mouse force as the Badger Lord who was the leader of the South made a historic decision.
To execute all the rats to ensure the South would be safe. The Uniter denied this order - and in a fight that has been made into hundreds of artworks defeated the Badger in single combat with the assistance of a male rat bard who sung around his chained body to push the Uniter into victory. With both sides stunned by this defeat the Uniter made a new order. Severing the chains holding the rat bard she pulled him to his feet before holding up her blade and commanding the prisoners to be freed. The Badger who despite being at her mercy had been spared had no choice but to comply. The couple then took the footsoldiers of both sides and created Midtown in that mountain pass to separate the two sides and prevent a war like this from ever happening again. As a result of this historic event the rodents of both sides are united in an alliance stronger than the sides of the mountain they are on and often live in the other side - further diluting the chance for more war.
The Uniters armor and weapons have long been suspected to be very strongly magical but no-one has been able to find all of the pieces together to find out. The weapon is supposedly held in the deepest reaches of Solatics mountain and the shield in the Southern Royal Court but the armor pieces are spread out among the Northern Lords. And they are not ones to share their shiniest toy.
* Canines (Uncommon - Standard Size - Gain 1 to Brawn and Empathy) - Rather than the ferrets who care only about those closest to them and their own kind the various flavors of Canines seem to care about the good will and health of anyone they meet. Always willing to help out and make sure everyone is doing ok. Like their other halves they are often officers but instead of a general apathy of those below them they care a great deal about them which makes the unit run better but they are generally less eager to attack and prefer to fight from a defensive position. They are more than willing to get stuck in with their troops to help construct forts and farm should it be needed as well.
* Hares (Rare - Standard size ears - Gain 1 to Brawn and the Training skill) One of the main reasons that the South has not been conquered by the more aggressive North so far. The Hares of the Plains are renowned throughout the Flatlands and even abroad as some of the best combat trainers and duelists that money can buy as their techniques are precise and very effective. They often clash with foxes to hone their own skill and occasionally lead sorties into the North. Though they have to get permission from mid town to march through which is often denied. That is unless money or loot changes hands. So they often brave the mountain passes to begin their attack.
* Badger (Rare - Eight feet or taller - Gain 2 to Brawn) - The Defacto lords of the South who's massive size makes them tower over all their subjects. While there as not been a single Lord/Lady in a long time there are often a selection of Badgers who control different areas of the South. After the whole Uniter incident the Badgers decided that putting all their eggs in one basket was asking for it to happen again. So now they have several Barons/Barronness that control their own area so they would just lose a part of the army should that happen again. Not all of it.
** Relationships:
Despite being on guard for the North to try something Midtown keeps the peace well. So instead the South mainly works on keeping itself running smoothly and keeping their own power. The Insects are the distant threat to them and they, under the much closer influence from Solatic, see them as unclean and disgusting. Allied with Solatic his method of belief is common practice for them. Auro is still distrusted like he is in the North for the same reason as conmen and fake magical items. Even more so due to Solatics influence. The forest residents are actually welcome in the South and several of them have a small conclave there. Even if they are just there to spy and watch the Badgers would prefer to also keep an eye on them rather than have them sneaking around.
They are the main supplier of argicultural food stuffs for the continent.
Forest; The forest tribes do not like each other but like each other more than outsiders so mingle a little.
* Frog (Common in the north - Slightly below average size - 1 Agility 1 Understanding) - Experts in water combat and coming in almost every color under the sun the Frogs look like a very diverse group! But are rather united in their main goal of keeping the minions of the Mantii out of their swamps. There are of course the outliers who go against this goal but they often don't stay in the swamps alive for long if they make this public. As they are in a state of almost constant preparedness and defense from the occasional sortie they are the most actively xenophobic of the tribes. Often chasing away or even killing trespassers to their lands. They have learned much from their main enemy however and have learned to meld the water like the Insects meld bone.
* Squirrel (Common in the middle - Standard size though their tail often makes them taller - 1 Agility 1 Empathy) - The ones often pointed to by those outside the forests, especially Auroians, to epitomize the tribal idea. Barely clothed, worshipping trees, and living in a wide spanning main tribe led by elders! Hah! 4 of them, two of each gender. They often attempt to steal from those who try to make it through the main forest area but don't generally do more than that. A few bruises from their staff slings or other light injuries to make people go away. But their Elders are always worried about being seen as directly hostile which could lead to a larger force marching into their home which they want to avoid. They do however despise the main port town in their lands and occasionally launch raids against it. Often attempting to steal food and weapons to try and make them leave.
* Deer (Common in the south - Above average size Antlers for males - 1 Brawn 1 Empathy) - The Noble of the tribals. Tall, well groomed and attired, and often respectful if a little arrogant. Hard to tell if this is from their proximity to the Solatic mountain or just their culture but they are masters of beasts. The smallest of the beasts acting as scouts for the main horde so the few Flatland raids into the plains have been swiftly charged down by prepared and positioned calvary. Due to the rapid trampling danger that awaits most people just leave them alone now. Save for traders who wish for some creatures to help with farming or construction.
** Relationships:
They tolerate each other enough as knowing they collectively control the middle and want to keep it that way. They have worked directly together in the past during large invasions so keep outposts in each others lands for when needed.
Otherwise relationships are all over the place. The squirrels don't like Auro, the Frogs hate the necros, and the deers love Solatic. But as wide spanning groups it would often be up to each individual what they like and don't like.
Badlands; Most of the young of these races appear far different from their adults, and they are put to work early on in life to grow into their future roles. Most insects are rather poor at being empathic as they see most none insects as walking experiments to examine and take apart.
* Antal(Ants) (Common - Around four feet tall - Gain 1 to Brawn and Agility) The four armed Antals are not imposing to look at like their larger flying cousins but looks can be very deceiving. As the workhorses of the Badlands they are very good at this. Carrying things far heavier than they are over large distance or climbing up the steep hills and cliffs with very little difficulty. They however don't do the crafting with the items they collect that often. Just the lifting and gathering.
* Mosquneti(Mosquito) (Uncommon - Standard size - Gain 1 to Agility, can fly) The Mosqs' are not the crafters either - in fact the are very far from quiet crafters. These hot headed and blooded speedsters have a deserved reputation as angry and eager to fight as their culture is one of the strong control the weak. So it is almost a constant struggle for supremacy. They have a reputation of scavenging blood and other fluids from the recently dead or even the living with their large beak like mouths. They claim this can benefit them greatly with increased power or other benefits but a lot of other residents of the land just find this disgusting and terrifying. This does allow them to temporarily boost their stats however if they get a good succ. But this only lasts for a few hours. They often wear masks when outside the badlands that make their heads look like birds instead to better blend in (or to deflect blame). Wearing large coats and cloaks to hide their insect appendages. Also possessing six limbs but their arm and leg distinction is less pronounced than the Antals.
* Termenni(Termite) (Common - Around four feet tall - Gain 2 to Technique) Often the most common seen Insect by those outside the Badlands the Termenni are the builders and tradesmen of the Badlands. Managing the northern dock and the large nest mounds where they intake materials from all over the continent and then spit out completed and highly prized items. They also travel to assist in construction projects that are beyond the skills of other residents. And despite what several assume they are allies not rivals to the moles. In fact some of the largest construction projects in the land have been the two of them working together. Very few of them even have wings but these can often just help them glide not fly.
* Mathon(Moth) (Rare - Standard size - Gain 1 to Understanding, can fly) Generally the more reserved insect of the Badlands the Mathon are the closest the Badlands has to proper mages and philosophers. Though how they achieve these roles is often frowned upon outside the Badlands - as they were the ones who spearheaded the creation of the Essense hosts. This makes them highly prized allies to the various conflicts and their importance has been taken full advantage off by them. As such their fluff is often colored and wings decorated with elaborate designs to make them stand out and show how awesome they are. These designs range from purely pretty colors and patterns to more obvious and sinister designs like skulls and jagged ones to denote danger. Their wings often draped around them to act as an elaborate cloak and shawl while also hiding what they are holding - its often a self defense weapon or some magical artifact. They seem to have their own system of belief as well and odd among the dank and darkness that often denotes the Badlands they seem to worship the sun. And often keep bright lights around their studies and laboratories. Perhaps its to make the darker loving insects ill at ease around them?
Spidean (Very Rare - Very large, fully grown they are up to twelve feet high and more so wide) Constructing large web masses in the west of the Badlands near the Auro border the Spidean are one of the two ruling houses of the Badlands. Which they generally hold by just being bigger and very strong. And since their young are often accomplished mages as well as construction skilled the /few/ attempts that have been taken to dislodge them from this command position have ended in just massive feasts for the Spidean. They employ officials of other races to act as their representatives in the Badlands and courts of other realms as they are aware that they scare like everything with their bulk and appearance. They are also aware through intense scientific study (dissection's) that they undertook that they are not insects. But mostly just give a four armed shrug when asked and admit its far too late in time now to do much about it - besides they like being kings.
Mantii (Very Rare - Very large, tall and spindly up to fifteen feet tall and long) Taking control of the few remaining wood groves on the east of the Badlands these are the second Ruling house. Very fast and strong crushers of resistance they are similar to the Spidean in many ways but different ideologically. They believe that their station is one that can and will be expanded upon in time and soon they will control the forests and then everywhere else. While the Spideans are happily to sit and wait for things to come into their webs. As such they often make overtures and experiments that spread outside the Badlands. They tend not to know much magic but are incredibly fast despite their size and can easily puncture and crush armor between their arms. A few of them can also fly - and are common horror stories in other cultures.
** Relationships
It would be best to say the Insects of the Badlands have a strained relation to the other lands. Openly hostile to Solatic and the Frogs it doesn't get much better going down the list. The squirrels and Deer find them creepy and distrustful. Same as the center and lower Flatlands. And Auro and the Northern Flatlands only tolerate them because of magical and scientific curiosity and the need for doctors. The Northern flatlands however is more open during wartime as financial burdens can be eased greatly by selling corpses of either side to Insect body wagons for a fine profit. Most commoners dislike this greatly however but the Lords of the Flatlands just tell them to deal.
Borderlands can home anyone. But you generally need a reason to be living there instead of another home.
Naked Snakes - looking like thin Lizardfolk without the scales or tails these beings have been glimpsed across the waves by Auro and Flatlands explorers extorting the hell out of others who look just like them. As such they have been tentatively named Naked Snakes for their cruel money behavior. The Snakes of Auro are working on lobbying to get this changed.
Category All / All
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
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