Here be a more up to date picture of Sylvar with markings aglow and all.
A pic I've had sitting around for a while that I probably should have posted a while back. Though only recently shaded and finished it to some degree.
Something of a test with a different style with the markings and shading, seems to have come out okay though.
Sylvar and art © sylvar
A pic I've had sitting around for a while that I probably should have posted a while back. Though only recently shaded and finished it to some degree.
Something of a test with a different style with the markings and shading, seems to have come out okay though.
Sylvar and art © sylvar
Category All / All
Species Western Dragon
Gender Male
Size 1000 x 800px
File Size 252.4 kB
Mhmm, hehe though perhaps not so much Sister in the pic *point to male tag* XP