While out treasure hunting, Coryn would often daydream about the lifestyle she desired. Her own airship, for starters, lavishly decorated for maximum relaxation. An outfit that was functional yet form-fitting, sophisticated yet daring. A crew that was...wait, scratch that. No need for a crew! Too many mouths to feed, and too many hands to split loot among. Just like her father, it'd be her, her ship, and the endless sky. For the adventurous young dragoness, there could be nothing better. All she needed was a lot of luck, and a small fortune...
This lovely depiction of steampunk Coryn was done by
This lovely depiction of steampunk Coryn was done by
Category All / All
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 960 x 1280px
File Size 245.7 kB
Listed in Folders
Now... I know I said I'd not finance her ship outright but, just to be clear, I never said helping with ship modifications was beyond the realm of possibility.
The sky is the limit, after all, especially with sky pirates!
dose she use clockwork dragonmen on her ship who do the repires to her ship or they do stuff for her like clean or act as guards when she is sleeping
She knows a thing or two about engineering, so she is able to make repairs and do maintenance herself, or sometimes with the help of her parent, Marrock! She's pretty tough and crafty too, so no need for bodyguards ^^