Dragon Fu, for Kumoricon! Which starts TOMORROW. D8
11x14" Markers, India Ink, and a tiny bit of colored pencil on smooth bristol. He looks a little dark and washed out on this computer, but the original is pretty vibrant. I'll have to mess with the file tomorrow.
A big thanks to all the peoples who stayed up with me. I was able to haul just enough ass to get this done, and I firmly believe it had everything to do with all your staring eyes. :3
11x14" black-matted prints will be available in around 2 weeks. Please send an email to TheusBeast at gmail dot com if you are interested. They will be $25, plus shipping.
11x14" Markers, India Ink, and a tiny bit of colored pencil on smooth bristol. He looks a little dark and washed out on this computer, but the original is pretty vibrant. I'll have to mess with the file tomorrow.
A big thanks to all the peoples who stayed up with me. I was able to haul just enough ass to get this done, and I firmly believe it had everything to do with all your staring eyes. :3
11x14" black-matted prints will be available in around 2 weeks. Please send an email to TheusBeast at gmail dot com if you are interested. They will be $25, plus shipping.
Category Artwork (Traditional) / Fantasy
Species Eastern Dragon
Gender Any
Size 608 x 765px
File Size 657.7 kB
Thank you! I need to work bigger because I'm still not quite satisfied - there could be more!
Incerdible artistry right there, such detail and beautiful colors! This is getting fav'd for my love of dragons, and as it also being my Chinese birth symbol.
omg allison stop being better than everyone
this is friggin ridiculous I love the sense of... intelligence you give to these guys
this is friggin ridiculous I love the sense of... intelligence you give to these guys
Sized down web version can never do something like this justice. Day-am.
i love these drawings of yours, are amazing, i love dragons and beasts =3
The detail on this is spectacular! And the colors and just everything!
This is spectacular. Kudos to you for sticking with it and all the detail! I know that must have felt like a marathon.
This picture is AMAZING beyond anything I've seen so far on this site. Masterful work with traditional media!!!
The colors are so vibrant, and the subject looks breathtaking. Time well-spent I say!
In short: I LOVE THIS picture <3
The colors are so vibrant, and the subject looks breathtaking. Time well-spent I say!
In short: I LOVE THIS picture <3
holy fuck your poor hand! D: such abuse... you must like do hand crunches in your sleep xD great work, the horns are fantastically designed and i applaud your non overlapping lines in it's hair. great work, and fantastic results!
Holy crap; all that detail is impressively stunning! O_O You must have the patience of Job!
This is easily one of the most goddamned inspiring things I've yet seen on FA.
Whoooooaaaaahhhhhhh... That's got to be the most beautiful oriental dragon I've ever seen.
More detail isn't necessarily better, I've been under the illusion in the past that it's what makes the artist (how much effort goes into a piece) but we could sit rendering details and push paint around all day and not get anywhere. That said your unique anatomy and composition coupled with the detail and pattern are what make this so great. <3
Oh, and forgot to say, what makes your details so powerful now is your more regular use of colour/tone.
this dragon, and that detail, is fucking insane. blown ze fuck away.
talk about imagination! Eastern dragons aren't, at least accoridign to what I've seen, so popular and THIS. THIS proves they should. D8 I want to draw one now. Thanks for being such a hugemorous inspiration!
This is awesome.
For a while I haven't been drawing dragons, probably because the majority of what I did was dragons and I wanted to expand my repitoire. This painting makes me want to get back into dragons, if only out of a sense of competition. And also that I don't have anything in this particular account's gallery.
For a while I haven't been drawing dragons, probably because the majority of what I did was dragons and I wanted to expand my repitoire. This painting makes me want to get back into dragons, if only out of a sense of competition. And also that I don't have anything in this particular account's gallery.
How many time does this took? as the first comment; the detail is just awesome!
The detail is amazing in this.. and such lovely use of color!