This map took a while. Actually, it's four 11x14 color panels carefully laid together. You can make out the quadrants if you look carefully.
I'm going to do some illustrated stories centered in this setting. I like to draw, sure, but it's going to be a part of something bigger.
I'm going to do some illustrated stories centered in this setting. I like to draw, sure, but it's going to be a part of something bigger.
Category All / All
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 752 x 760px
File Size 140.4 kB
Damn, this one great image, love the detail you put in with the lakes and the forests.
You should make a living out of drawing. I can totally see this map in some sort of strategy or RPG game :D
Lovely work!
Lovely work!
Only in the descriptive sense. It's a volcanic island, so it ramps up into the middle.
Worldbuilding is it? I know the feeling, it's a truly wonderful thing to let your mind wander off into a whole other world and then document every nook and cranny in stuff like this. I eagerly await for more :^D
Do you have a name for this continent?
Do you have a name for this continent?
Wow, I wish I could make maps like that. For my role playing game I have been looking for a map making program, doesn't look like you even needed one. :P
What happened to the original Rym material you had? It was certainly interesting reading, and if you have some archives left I'd love to peruse through it again.
Felt like a good basis for down-to-character stories without the necessary major involvement in world politics that seems commonplace in today's RPG supplementary.
Felt like a good basis for down-to-character stories without the necessary major involvement in world politics that seems commonplace in today's RPG supplementary.
I want to play that game, read about it and it inspired me a lot!
Always been amazed at your ability to draw maps. I just can't seem to get the look. Yours always come out so vibrant and detailed.
I really love maps, especially ones that are as detailed as this one. The land looks very much alive, as though the island itself is a living creature (the northeast region looks a lot like a dragon's head). Truly worthy of high fantasy. Excellent work on this one!
Ohmigawsh o_O ... the detail ... the color ... simply overwhelming.
That landmass looks fantastic, like something I'd like to explore on foot for sure.
I'll definitely look forward to the stories you create for this world.
I'll definitely look forward to the stories you create for this world.
I miss the Rym setting. It was fun reading, and looked like it would go places. The robots were fun stuff. Robots are always fun.
This map is great. I've always wondered if it was the only continent, though.
This map is great. I've always wondered if it was the only continent, though.