Overcoming Obstacles
The idea of using Corgis as Military Working Dogs just seems so humorous. I did a couple of these Corgi-themed comics on behalf of a family acquaintance that had lost her beloved old Corgi after many years of companionship.
Category Artwork (Digital) / Comics
Species Dog (Other)
Gender Any
Size 989 x 1280px
File Size 356.1 kB
Listed in Folders
This intel was only declassified last year. During WW2, British dog-handling soldiers would marshal a group of about 20 Pembroke Welsh Corgis. When the Nazis moved into attack position, the lead British soldier would toss a single Cressite rubber ball into the midst of the enemy. The dogs would topple whatever was in their way to retrieve the ball. Hitler tried to have the battle technique banned by the Geneva Convention, but the panel thought it sounded to crazy to exist.
I dunno, hard to do anything with one of those chewing *through* an ankle . . .