Vivian and her beloved Fox Fire Summon Fenrir the Wolf are back! Vivian is unique because Red Furred Foxkin can not normally control blue fox fire the most potent of fox fire, only the white furred Foxkin whom are refereed to as Inari can. What is her secret, how is she so powerful, and why was she cast out by her own people? Questions with answers in the future.
I had a lot of fun drawing them and the big challenge was doing Fenrir"s fox fire body but I think it turned out great!
Check out my Twitter and Deviant Art accounts here:
Have a great day everyone!
I had a lot of fun drawing them and the big challenge was doing Fenrir"s fox fire body but I think it turned out great!
Check out my Twitter and Deviant Art accounts here:
Have a great day everyone!
Category All / Fantasy
Species Fox (Other)
Gender Female
Size 1024 x 1280px
File Size 447.1 kB