At wars End (1820)
Dec of 1820
The old lady in the back is Anais Greybeard (1732-1823) Great Grandmother of Analisosis
The old man is Alphonse Greybeard (1740-1830) Great Grandfather of Analisosis Greybeard
Pink Gryphon with one arm, is Fantine Saverolia (1787-1820), she was the first wife of Buroski, died of Colera
Dark Pink Bird in back, Corporal Davik Hyacinthia (1806-1912) former Corporal of Dreamworld first Major General of Infanty in Darklands history
Knight in the back, Sir Arthur Tavis(1744-1835) would be killed in Dreamworld war I (1835)
Human in red coat, Henry Veskil (1790-1840) Grandfather of Artreas Veskil Jr. Killed in Dreamworld II (1840) Killed ironically by Allunde Legataux
Blue Gryphon, Buroski (1800-1825) founded the Order of the Blue Feather would be shot and killed by a Dreamworld Loyalist, founded Darklands
Fancy Dressed Uniform, Colonel Allunde Legataux (1782-1928) led the Armies of the Order of the Bluefeather was rewarded Hero of War from both Darklands and Dreamworld for his actions during the war he was granted a full pardon by King Axlosian at the wars end due to his Honor in bringing down Head General Hugo Javert (1777-1832) he would become a Legend due to his Military Record aswell as his Students Analisosis Greybeard (1820-Alive) and Artreas Veskil Jr. (1920-Alive) who are considered 2 of the Greatest Commanders in The History of War
The old lady in the back is Anais Greybeard (1732-1823) Great Grandmother of Analisosis
The old man is Alphonse Greybeard (1740-1830) Great Grandfather of Analisosis Greybeard
Pink Gryphon with one arm, is Fantine Saverolia (1787-1820), she was the first wife of Buroski, died of Colera
Dark Pink Bird in back, Corporal Davik Hyacinthia (1806-1912) former Corporal of Dreamworld first Major General of Infanty in Darklands history
Knight in the back, Sir Arthur Tavis(1744-1835) would be killed in Dreamworld war I (1835)
Human in red coat, Henry Veskil (1790-1840) Grandfather of Artreas Veskil Jr. Killed in Dreamworld II (1840) Killed ironically by Allunde Legataux
Blue Gryphon, Buroski (1800-1825) founded the Order of the Blue Feather would be shot and killed by a Dreamworld Loyalist, founded Darklands
Fancy Dressed Uniform, Colonel Allunde Legataux (1782-1928) led the Armies of the Order of the Bluefeather was rewarded Hero of War from both Darklands and Dreamworld for his actions during the war he was granted a full pardon by King Axlosian at the wars end due to his Honor in bringing down Head General Hugo Javert (1777-1832) he would become a Legend due to his Military Record aswell as his Students Analisosis Greybeard (1820-Alive) and Artreas Veskil Jr. (1920-Alive) who are considered 2 of the Greatest Commanders in The History of War
Category All / All
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 1280 x 720px
File Size 184.5 kB