Kater findet alten historischen Wagen "Wartburg"
Flecky-Panther trifft alten Historischen Wagen aus den 60/70 Jahren "Wartburg/ Tourist" aus der DDR (GDR) bei seinem Suitwalk in der kleinen Stadt Storkow
Translate of English: by Google-TranslatorFlecky-Panther meets old historical wagons from the 60/70 years "Wartburg / Tourist" from the GDR (GDR) during his suit walk in the small town of Storkow
Flecky-Panther trifft alten Historischen Wagen aus den 60/70 Jahren "Wartburg/ Tourist" aus der DDR (GDR) bei seinem Suitwalk in der kleinen Stadt Storkow
Translate of English: by Google-TranslatorFlecky-Panther meets old historical wagons from the 60/70 years "Wartburg / Tourist" from the GDR (GDR) during his suit walk in the small town of Storkow
Category Photography / 60s
Species Feline (Other)
Gender Male
Size 1200 x 972px
File Size 1.16 MB