After what feels like an eternity, I've finally done what I've intended to for years, and am giving Rayman Legend's Aurora another turn in the spotlight, and THIS time she's got company in the form of her sister, Twila.
You know, it's funny, all these years after the first pic and I STILL haven't actually played Rayman Legends (heck, I haven't even played ORIGINS!) the only installments in the franchise I actually have experience with are 1 on the GBC, 2 on the N64, Rayman R for the PSX, and 3 on the PS2. I seriously need to get on that.
You know, it's funny, all these years after the first pic and I STILL haven't actually played Rayman Legends (heck, I haven't even played ORIGINS!) the only installments in the franchise I actually have experience with are 1 on the GBC, 2 on the N64, Rayman R for the PSX, and 3 on the PS2. I seriously need to get on that.
Category Artwork (Digital) / Fanart
Species Human
Gender Multiple characters
Size 972 x 900px
File Size 326.3 kB