Foxstals are a specie I designed awhile back that I forgot about honestly
Instead of big ploofy ears, on the head adorn short fluffs with floating crystals above them.
Their tails have glass like containers that also have a crystal inside.
The color of the crystal determines power, how rare the shape of the crystal is determines rank in the system.
If anyone would like to commission one of these beauties let me know, I would love to expand the Foxstals family, story, and well in general see them all over FA!
Artwork, and Foxstals race is mine LadyOfWicca
Instead of big ploofy ears, on the head adorn short fluffs with floating crystals above them.
Their tails have glass like containers that also have a crystal inside.
The color of the crystal determines power, how rare the shape of the crystal is determines rank in the system.
If anyone would like to commission one of these beauties let me know, I would love to expand the Foxstals family, story, and well in general see them all over FA!
Artwork, and Foxstals race is mine LadyOfWicca
Category Artwork (Digital) / General Furry Art
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Female
Size 914 x 1280px
File Size 189.6 kB
Listed in Folders
Thank you very much, I drew this a few years ago, I love the design as well. I hope they go far :D
You are most welcome. A few years ago? Just developing the design?
I hope they go far as well! ^^
I hope they go far as well! ^^
Foxstals are absolutely sensational! This is waaaaay cute <3
I wonder how other OCs would look in a Foxstal style? 8)
Foxstals are absolutely sensational! This is waaaaay cute <3
I wonder how other OCs would look in a Foxstal style? 8)
I was thinking the same thing, like taking my girls and turning them into foxstals, or even doing other species in the foxstals style.
Seren would indeed make a very cute Wolfstals hahaha
Seren would indeed make a very cute Wolfstals hahaha
She TOTALLY would!!! As if she weren't cute enough already... <3