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MLP TF kidnap - Cozy Glow Part 2
MLP TF kidnap interlude, Cozy Glow - Part 2
„There are sightings of strange rainbows during the night. Strangely though there is an eclipse that appeared without warning. Even more peculiar is the duration of this unusual event. No expert who we met has ever experienced a strange incident like this one. Stay on this channel and we'll keep you informed.“
The news channels were running wild. It was a hard fact indeed: nobody knew what it was and how long it would last. At least no ordinary human knew. But there were two pony-suited individuals who knew everything about it – as long as their mission would take as long the strange night would stay for sure. It was an important mission and failure was out of question.
Chrysalis entered through the door of Thomas' prison room.
„Whatever you want, I deny! I will bring you behind bars for years. All of you. I swear, I will hunt your crazy pony cult down. You will get therapies until you forget who you are.“ Thomas shouted.
„Are you finished?“ Chrysalis asked kind of bored, kind of amused at the same time.
„Never!“ was Thomas quick answer. He still was strapped tight to the bed on the wall and looked straight into his kidnapper's face. The staring contest continued for several minutes.
Chrysalis was impressed. Compared to her other subjects this particular individual had the willpower and strength to stand up against her.
„If you are so passionate for making this pony-mess end... Maybe I can give you a role to do that. Help me against those evil foes who call themselves 'Ponyville' and together we can end this. Once and for all“ Chrysalis proposed.
„Do you think I have the Stockholm-syndrome? How stupid do you think I am?“ was Thomas' quick answer.
„I don't think you are stupid. Quite the reverse. I could use a cunning and wit pony like you.“ Chrysalis continued.
„Helping you freaks? What would I get out of it?“ Thomas bargained.
„Didn't you listen to me? We CAN END this!“ Chrysalis shouted back, her eyes began to glow and Thomas twitched a bit.
„What if I refuse?“ Thomas replied, stubborn as ever.
„Then you can accustome yourself to this cozy walls until Ponyville finally assimilates you and imprisones me.“ Chrysalis pointed out. „Listen closely: We need to help each other. There is no other way. I did this to PROTECT you.“ her eyes were flickering at that specific word. Thomas had to blink shortly.
„I see we have a stuck situation here...“ Thomas contemplated.
„What is your decision?“ Chrysalis folded her arms in front of her chest and spread her wings. She was intimidating.
„And if I agree? What would be my 'reward' for that?“ Thomas dug further.
„Easy. You get famous for taking a dangerous pony cult down and you can do whatever you want in your human life again. Maybe even coming together with your beloved wife... What was her name again? Jessica, wasn't it?“ Chrysalis for sure knew how to make her moves. How did she know that?
„I see you are out of words. Yes, I was a human once myself, as you might have suspected before. I have collected all evidences to bring down Celestia, Luna and everyone else. For good. But I can't do it myself. The police are on our trails as you know. WE NEED YOUR HELP“ Chrysalis said, came closer and held his head between her hooves. He couldn't escape her menacing stare, her aura was enclosing him.
„Fine, I agree. I don't have any other choice either.“ Thomas decided.
Chrysalis' eyes glowed even more and she whispered something in his ears.
Then all of a sudden a strange tiredness began to spread all over his body.
„Don't forget our deal. Make us proud.“ Chrysalis mentioned. Thomas nodded and his eyes closed. Chrysalis couldn't hold it out anymore. She laughed and the surrounding walls began to tremble.
„I don't know how you did it or what you did but it somehow works.“ Rainbow Dash pointed out. She was impressed. The never-ending eclipse or night or whatever it was was Luna's doing. There was no way anyone didn't notice that. Rainbow Dash on the other hand had no problems. The watching people only saw a pale rainbow thanks to her speed.
„Yes, but it comes with a price. I swore to keep everything secret. I swore to not let the human society know about our doings. I swore to involve only the fitting recruits in our schemes. In the end I broke every single rule.“ Luna replied, thought about Celestia and suppressed a tear.
„How many Pinkies are left?“ Luna asked
„Just two. The others are safe and secured in the provided vans. Thanks to Twilight.
„And the memory-erasing-device?“ Luna said.
„Trixie and Twilight are doing the best they can.“ Rainbow Dash replied.
She still had her headphones on and was in constant contact with Celestia and the 'Pony-HQ'. She couldn't believe that there were still some people being awake out there. Maybe her magic power wasn't strong enough she assumed. Luna was on her own and she had to lure every single attention to her. Considering her dark blue tone and the pitch-black 'night' it wasn't so easy for her but it somehow worked. On the other hand she had to know the state of events. This whole incident was draining her powers and she wasn't sure how long she could hold out. In Ponyville many volunteers gathered for the rebuilding operation after the memory-erase. No traces should be left behind.
Something wasn't right. There were two Pinkie Pies left but only one tracing signal. One costume or maybe even more wasn't provided with a tracer. Rainbow Dash kept that information for her. Plus, they still hadn't found the 'real' Pinkie Pie, yet. Luna needed all her concentration and any unconfirmed worries wouldn't help her for sure.
In one van on the other hand Fluttershy and Applejack had all her hooves full finding out the real Pinkie Pie. But the only thing they found were many terrified changelings. Chrysalis could have them back, of course, since they needed her guiding figure. It was breaking Fluttershy's heart to see such loyal minions who yet were manhandled so badly. But they still believed in their empress and sat still. They were waiting for their queen coming for them. The opened Pinkie Pie costumes were put in a steel chest, locked and secured with multiple chains. The chest was bouncing a bit. Those suits were alive. Fluttershy wondered if her own costume was already affecting her as well. But work first. They needed to retrieve Pinkie as fast as possible.
In another van Twilight, Derpy and Trixie were fighting multiple Pinkie Pies. Some changelings had been freed. They made progress, slowly and but steadily. But it was a chaos nevertheless.
„How does Fluttershy tame them so easily?“ Twilight asked and tried to shove one resilient costume in the provided steel chest.
„How should I know. Maybe she has a little tea-time with them.“ Derpy wondered kicking back two Pinkies with a full-split side jump.
Trixie was preparing her special smoke bombs, she was having enough of it... Yes, it was a chaos for sure.
At least they could see the Pinkies through the smoke fumes and the smoke somehow managed to slow the Pinkies down.
„Fear the magnificence of the powerful Trixie.“ she exclaimed victoriously and Twilight was facepalming.
Thomas woke up to a laughing bunch of voices.
„Hey there, giant plushy! The toy store is up the street and I want my finder reward!“
Thomas wanted to answer but something in his mouth was preventing him.
„Mpph. Mmmphh?“
„Out of words?“ one of the guys asked.
„Hey I know what this costume depicts. It is from a kids- or rather girls show called...“ another guy began to explain but then he blushed.
„Called what? Just come out of your pants!“ the supposed leader of this group demanded.
„Erm... My Little Pony...“ he replied shyly and wanted to bury himself.
Everyone was bursting out laughing.
„Where do you know that kind of show? Wanted to find your girly side?“ another guy was mocking him.
„I have a little sister and... Just leave me be, allright?“ the brony guy was protecting himself.
„So what do we do with the mute Pony here?“
„She is called Pinkie Pie...“ the brony guy added.
„Did I allow you to talk?“ the gang leader scolded him.
„So... Pinkie Pie... I should bring you to your stables, I suppose...“ the gang leader continued.
„Pinkie Pie? What the hell is this guy talking about?“ Thomas thought. He wanted to stand up and go home. Trying to get up he pressed his arms against the floor and tried to push himself up. But he slipped. As he fell on his bottom he only felt something plushy. Then it was dawning to him. He was put in a Pinkie Pie suit, gagged and left open on the road only to deal with punks like that guy he was being confronted with. He raised his hand... hoof and his suspicions were confirmed. Just great. He shouldn't have dealt with maniacs. He knew it.
„Hey, I am talking to you, Pinkie!“ the gang leader pulled Thomas on his plush collar and threatened him with his knife. Being trained as a policeman surely had provided him with some martial arts skills but without his hands, wearing that clumsy outfit and the tunnel vision through the maskot head... There was no chance. Especially when he couldn't talk. Maybe it was better to play along until those guys were bored of him. Considering his situation he hadn't much hope of getting out of that scene unharmed.
„What do you think you guys are doing?!“ a strong voice appeared out of nowhere. A rainbow coloured flash hit every single one of the gang members. One after another they were send flying into a nearby trash container. With a 'clunk' the container lid fell shut, the gang members began to shout and some of them even cried.
„Are you ok Pinkie? I hope those punks didn't harm you or I swear I will get them out again and give them an even better lesson.“ Rainbow Dash announced.
Thomas tried to answer but it was to no avail.
„Pinkie being out of words? That would be the first time ever. Interesting. Maybe you are just exhausted of the whole kidnap thing. Climb on my back and I will bring you home.“ Rainbow Dash said, threw her fellow pony over her shoulder and lifted off.
„And here we are. Right on time, as always!“ Rainbow Dash happily announced and landed swiftly but smoothly behind the van. Meanwhile Twilight, Trixie and Derpy were almost done with their struggles. Fluttershy was greeting her with a slight smile. But Pinkie didn't react.
„What is wrong with her?“ Fluttershy asked.
„How should I know? That is why I came to you first...“ Rainbow Dash replied, slightly annoyed.
„Let me see...“ Fluttershy began her inspection and led the two ponies inside the van. Pinkie was sitting there, all calm, too calm... Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were looking to eachother and couldn't believe it.
„But... I was so sure it was the right one. I cannot believe this!“ Rainbow Dash gave her anger some space.
„Yes, I know you are upset. She must still be out there. So let's get this changeling out first and then we discuss Twilight's Plan B.“ Fluttershy suggested.
„How can you still be that positive? Pinkie is kidnapped, or, even worse, on the loose, she might be injured or without any memory. We have to do something. Now!“ Rainbow Dash said and was about to jump in the air again.
„Hold your horses.“ Twilight joined the party „We still don't know where Pinkie is and we cannot risk loosing our heads and going on a wild hunting spree. You cannot just jump out and risk everything Luna is doing for us right now.“ she scolded and pointed to the night sky. It seemed like the sky became brighter. They were running out of time.
„I don't want to interrupt you, girls, but there still is a slight chance we might... erm... use...?“ Fluttershy intervened and looked to the floor immediately.
Twilight and Rainbow Dash were so close to fighting again and Applejack had to seperate both of them. They weren't even listening. Fluttershy decided to do it herself. She approached the last remaining Pinkie and expected heavy resistance but there was nothing. The last one held still. In mere minutes Fluttershy was greeted by the still gagged face of Thomas, the candidate who was inscribed to be the next Pony in the village. He was angry, Fluttershy was sure of that.
„I am ripping your fancy tail of if you won't let me go, I swear!“ Rainbow Dash warned.
„I would put a spell for you before you could even try that!“ Twilight reacted.
Then she looked to Fluttershy, then to Thomas and she had to sit a moment. It was just too much.
Fluttershy ignored the pony conflict and removed Thomas' gag.
„Phew, finally. Thank you for the rescue, guys... I mean girls.“
„No problem.“ Fluttershy began the conversation „But before we let you go I need to ask you something. It is very important for all of us. Do you know who kidnapped you and our... Pinkie Pie?“ she pointed at the cutie mark of suit Thomas was still wearing.
„I don't know who kidnapped us but I can tell you where they took us.“ Thomas replied.
„Better than nothing. We should get started then.“ Rainbow Dash suddenly chimed in and pulled all of them outside.
„Wait, better we use the car. That wouldn't attract that much attention.“ Twilight hinted.
„Fine, have it your way then.“ Rainbow Dash jumped back inside and fastened hear seatbelt. „But don't forget: we are running out of time...“
„Yeah, yeah, I know what I am doing.“ Twilight said and brushed her off although she wasn't so sure about that but she had to act strong to uphold the morale of everyone, otherwise the whole operation would fall apart, she was sure of that.
Thomas was doing his best to help the group and showed the directions. He knew what he had to do. Chrysalis told him that.
Twilight was becoming more suspicious the longer it took. It was almost as if he learned that route by heart. Did they drive right into a trap after all?
„Yes, I think this is the place!“ Thomas shouted and pointed out of the side window. The building had been abandoned, for years supposedly. Twilight decided to stay behind. If anything would be about to go wrong she could see that right away.
Thomas led the ponies through the maze of the building and right into the cellar. Now Rainbow Dash became suspicious as well. Fluttershy was scared but she trusted Thomas, although he gave enough reason for her to mistrust him as well.
„How could you escape anyway?“ Twilight asked him all of the sudden.
Thomas didn't have an answer.
At that moment they found Pinkie, her fur was messed up and she was unconscious. Before anyone else Fluttershy stepped closer to Pinkie and looked at her with a well-trained eye. It was the real one this time. Fluttershy was relieved.
„Hey there, the magnificent Trixie is speaking. I finished the mind-eraser by myself. Thanks for leaving the work for me alone. Not that I wouldn't have done it anyways...“
„Nice one, we are coming right back. We have found Pinkie but she needs some rest and maybe some medical assistance.“ Rainbow Dash answered into the microphone.
Everyone untied the terrifyingly calm Pinkie from her restraints and Applejack carried her on her back.
„Did you hear that?“ Thomas asked.
„Hear what?“ every pony answered at once.
„That beeping sound.“ Thomas replied.
Fluttershy looked through the room and found a small metall box. The sound was coming directly out of that box for sure.
„Do you think what I am thinking?“ Twilight turned to Rainbow Dash.
„Wait I remember them having a conversation about...“
„About what?“
„...A time bomb...“ Thomas concluded.
Twilight wanted to say something but since Rainbow Dash took the lead all of a sudden she needed to keep up with her. The sky was so close to being normal again. Luna's powers were diminshing more every second they wasted.
„Hey Luna, we found Pinkie!“ Rainbow Dash shouted in the micro...
„Damn, she hasn't one. I forgot.“ she said and flew off into the sky.
Luna was almost out of energy. „Just a little longer, come on...!“ she said and pressed her teeth together. Then she saw Rainbow Dash heading right towards her. The big grin told Luna enough. She landed near Trixie's transporter, got the mind-eraser, took a deep breath and launched in the air again. „At last I reached the point of no return.“ she said to herself „I am going to miss you and I hope you won't forget about me...“
Then she activated the device. A large blast spreaded all over the land and everyone fell unconscious. It was done. Luna slightly nodded to Rainbow Dash and then she vanished into the dark sky. She was gone.
Rainbow Dash couldn't believe that all of this happened. She bowed to the leaving princess and returned to the other ponies again.
Chrysalis waited a little moment before she left the scene. Thomas would be better obeying her orders or else she would never get him out, she warned him before.
“So, what will we do to you since your knowledge about that place was very comfortable, almost too comfortable?” Twilight began to interrogate Thomas.
“Give him a break, please. He has gone through a lot and he might be exhausted, frightened and confused. I suggest we offer him shelter until he is rested completely.” Fluttershy held her friend back.
“And don’t forget about that explosive surprise. Would you think he was betraying us when his superior wanted to blow us in pieces? I doubt that. He is all right.” Rainbow Dash chimed in, grinned. and patted Thomas’ shoulder rudely.
“Yeah, we managed to fetch Pinkie back, that was freakin’ awesome.” Applejack added.
Twilight couldn’t believe they were so naïve. She shook her head and looked at Derpy and Trixie. Derpy was happy about the outcoming, wanted to show Thomas all the interesting places and was more than eager in giving him a little tour around the compound while Trixie was showing her tricks. Apparently, they were really looking forward to welcome Thomas in their society.
So, the ride to Ponville started and Twilight began to figure out a plan to reveal Thomas’ true motives. The problem with the changelings and the living Pinkie costumes remained. Maybe Celestia had an idea, Twilight was hoping.
“So here we are, good ol’ Ponyville, you’re welcome” Applejack welcomed Thomas and helped him in out of the car.
“Hey there wait, aren’t you forgetting about something?” Rainbow Dash interrupted her and pointed her hoof to Thomas.
“Oh yeah, we already have a Pinkie Pie. Follow me to the changing room over there.” Appeljack pulled him behind her until they reached an old industrial building.
It took her several attempts to get him out of the restrictive and clingy Pinkie suit. In the end Thomas was sitting on a bench. He was almost completely naked apart from his underwear. The suit began to move to him again but Applejack reacted in time, put the suit in a box nearby and locked it shut. The nightmare was over…
Thomas looked at Applejack, confused, and he was freezing. Applejack told him to wait and ran to the others.
Twilight had already explained everything and Celestia wished her sister had never exiled. With Pinkie being out of order for a longer period of time and all that chaos that happened, it was time to stop any plans until the waves calmed. There would be a disturbance in the human society for sure, mind wiping or not, it didn’t matter.
Maybe it was time to create another institution for the sake of Ponyville to relieve Twilight a bit. She seemed stressed since the last days.
Applejack busted in and demanded a decision for Thomas. The Pinkie suit was out of question and he had no ordinary clothes around. Achieving new ones would take too much time and cause too much attention for sure. There still remained the issue that no humans weren’t allowed in Ponyville.
“Fine, take the Cozy Glow costume and bring it to him. But keep watch on him. I agree with Twilight at that point. He was way too cooperative and we can’t trust him. Not yet at least.” Celestia decided.
Applejack delivered the Cozy Glow costume as demanded but Thomas was hesitating.
“What’s wrong? Slip in the suit and we can start with the first friendship lessons.” she urged.
“Ease up your horses. I need some time to get myself settled and I want to examine my “work gear” at first.” Thomas replied.
Applejack nodded and left the room. She waited outside until Thomas had changed into his new outfit.
The new costume was really cute and form fitting. It even had the tower piece cutie marks on both flanks, the scarlet eyes, the turquoise curls on the head, even with the attached ribbons, the bright pink and soft fur and even the silky inner lining of the costume- and the cute wings on the sides. All in all, it was perfect and looked innocent. The only issue Thomas had was the attached pawn-shaped lock on the neck section of the one-piece plush suit. He stroked the fur and then he remembered Chrysalis’ orders.
Coming to his senses again he looked for the hidden tracer chip in the seam and applied a sparkling liquid on the head of the suit. Then he slipped inside. But he had the strange feeling that the eyes of the lifeless (?) costume had moved. Maybe it had been his struggling mind. As he was about to exit the room his hands got stuck in the plush hooves and a strange voice appeared all of a sudden: “Hey, sweetie, it’s me, Cozy Glow. We are now in Ponyville and I am in control. So, it might be best when you forget about Chrysalis’ stupid plan and do exactly what I say!”
“I must be dreaming…” Thomas said being confused.
“No, it is no dream, not at all. But if you resist my will, I am sure going to make your future to a living nightmare for you.” Cozy Glow continued.
Thomas considered and after a while he agreed with his ‘ally’. Then he exited through the door and met with Applejack outside again.
Meanwhile in a different spot, Pinkie was put to rest on a bed and she was so weak she was almost mind absent. No joy, no happiness and not a single word or reaction. She was either sleeping or in a comatose state. Even Fluttershy wasn’t sure. They needed medical ponies soon she contemplated. Rainbow Dash on the other hand thought it was a prank and never left Pinkie alone for more than five minutes in a row. The other ponies had strict orders to show the new Cozy Glow around and make sure there wouldn’t be any trouble.
“Do you really think I need Ponyville lessons? Come on, you see I would do anything for our cute little village.” Thomas tried to persuade the ponies and his suit’s eyes blinked convincingly. Fluttershy was already convinced but the others weren’t so sure about their newest addition.
After a few days Cozy Glow knew all Pony-lessons so far and began to explore the compound every night. Chrysalis told about a secret forbidden cellar with strange devices, chemicals and the magic water.
Chrysalis demanded to torch that place and ground it for good. But the costume had a more appropriate idea.
“We should turn this whole area in our little training camp, secluded and out of sight. We can build up our own army and with their special water we are going to be unstoppable.” the costume persuaded and continued to hug him even more than before. It was taking his breath and he couldn’t do anything to prohibit that. He was the prisoner of the costume now and even his voice couldn’t be heard from the outside. There was just Cozy Glow, nothing else and Thomas was her prisoner for an indefinite time…
“Don’t look at me like that. You will get used to it” the costume solaced him.
It wasn’t helpful that the warmer he felt inside that thick plush suit the harder it became for him to focus. Almost as if the costume was trying to take away his thoughts and replacing them with her own. He tugged at the headpiece, tried to move the locked zipper on his back with his useless plush hooves and looked around for a sharp tool that would be useful to him. The voice became louder with every failed attempt and in the end, Thomas had to give up.
Applejack entered Cozy Glow’s new home: “Heya, I need to talk to you…” she was looking around nervously “in private.”
Cozy Glow wasn’t sure what her newest “friend” had in mind but she bet it was a silly task for Ponyville again.
Applejack asked again “Are you going to let me inside or not?”
“Fine.” Cozy Glow reacted and stepped aside to allow her visitor to step inside.
Applejack took a seat near the kitchen table and waited. Cozy Glow placed herself exactly at the opposite.
“What do you want?” Cozy Glow questioned her.
“I know what you are thinking. But we are on the same side.” Applejack began and peaked through the window. They weren’t being watched, yet.
“What are you talking about? I am on the side of Ponyville.” Cozy Glow defended her position.
“Don’t ya try playing stupid with me. I know who you are working for and I am telling you: Don’t trust Chrysalis. She does only one-sided deals and when she gets what she wants she will sacrifice you without having any second thoughts. I want to help you.”
Cozy Glow expected much; but that sentence surprised her. Nevertheless, she wasn’t trusting any pony around.
Applejack continued: “I don’t trust Luna and Celestia or their minions either. Well, Luna is out of the way for a while.” she nodded to the sky and grinned.
“We need to get Ponyville out of business. But we can’t risk any unwelcomed attention. We need to play this one as smart as we can. Celestia is weak, she has to get used to her new powers and her best servant is very unexperienced and full of doubts.” Applejack ended, stared to Cozy Glow and waited for an answer.
“How do you know all this? How do you think I am working for the crazy creature that kidnapped, tortured and almost blew me to smithereens? What are you thinking?” Cozy Glow complained.
Applejack was having enough of it, walked straight to Cozy Glow, grabbed her and raised her up. She almost choked her.
“All right, all right. I will do what you want.” Cozy Glow begged and was terrified. Applejack was behaving menacing all of a sudden and putting up a resistance would be a big mistake, especially in this situation.
“I don’t want you to do what I want. Instead, I am offering you a partnership. We strike against the ponies, together. Twilight will lose her position of trust and you are going to replace her. We will build up an army of loyal ponies in the shadows. You can take the lead, as you are the smart pony here. I know about the little secret laboratory and the secret training facility, Chrysalis told me about it as well. “
“Wait… You were a prisoner of Chrysalis, too?” Cozy Glow was surprised.
“Yes, I was, and she forced this horrific thing over me…” Applejack pointed out, opened the mouth section of her pony head to reveal a shiny black suit underneath.
“You are wearing this black thing and your pony suit at the same time? Isn’t this a bit much?” Cozy Glow said. She could swear she glimpsed that black stuff moving in the darkness...
“Of course, it is. But Fluttershy is working on a solution to get me out of this thing. As it seems I can endure longer when the pony suit covers the black suit. It somehow contains it and prevents the black suit from creating more unexpected changelings.” the orange pony explained and the black liquid closed the snout again.
“Now you have my full attention. Your plan seems doable and conclusive”. Cozy Glow said.
The story continues...
MLP characters are property of Hasbro
next: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/41465000/
„There are sightings of strange rainbows during the night. Strangely though there is an eclipse that appeared without warning. Even more peculiar is the duration of this unusual event. No expert who we met has ever experienced a strange incident like this one. Stay on this channel and we'll keep you informed.“
The news channels were running wild. It was a hard fact indeed: nobody knew what it was and how long it would last. At least no ordinary human knew. But there were two pony-suited individuals who knew everything about it – as long as their mission would take as long the strange night would stay for sure. It was an important mission and failure was out of question.
Chrysalis entered through the door of Thomas' prison room.
„Whatever you want, I deny! I will bring you behind bars for years. All of you. I swear, I will hunt your crazy pony cult down. You will get therapies until you forget who you are.“ Thomas shouted.
„Are you finished?“ Chrysalis asked kind of bored, kind of amused at the same time.
„Never!“ was Thomas quick answer. He still was strapped tight to the bed on the wall and looked straight into his kidnapper's face. The staring contest continued for several minutes.
Chrysalis was impressed. Compared to her other subjects this particular individual had the willpower and strength to stand up against her.
„If you are so passionate for making this pony-mess end... Maybe I can give you a role to do that. Help me against those evil foes who call themselves 'Ponyville' and together we can end this. Once and for all“ Chrysalis proposed.
„Do you think I have the Stockholm-syndrome? How stupid do you think I am?“ was Thomas' quick answer.
„I don't think you are stupid. Quite the reverse. I could use a cunning and wit pony like you.“ Chrysalis continued.
„Helping you freaks? What would I get out of it?“ Thomas bargained.
„Didn't you listen to me? We CAN END this!“ Chrysalis shouted back, her eyes began to glow and Thomas twitched a bit.
„What if I refuse?“ Thomas replied, stubborn as ever.
„Then you can accustome yourself to this cozy walls until Ponyville finally assimilates you and imprisones me.“ Chrysalis pointed out. „Listen closely: We need to help each other. There is no other way. I did this to PROTECT you.“ her eyes were flickering at that specific word. Thomas had to blink shortly.
„I see we have a stuck situation here...“ Thomas contemplated.
„What is your decision?“ Chrysalis folded her arms in front of her chest and spread her wings. She was intimidating.
„And if I agree? What would be my 'reward' for that?“ Thomas dug further.
„Easy. You get famous for taking a dangerous pony cult down and you can do whatever you want in your human life again. Maybe even coming together with your beloved wife... What was her name again? Jessica, wasn't it?“ Chrysalis for sure knew how to make her moves. How did she know that?
„I see you are out of words. Yes, I was a human once myself, as you might have suspected before. I have collected all evidences to bring down Celestia, Luna and everyone else. For good. But I can't do it myself. The police are on our trails as you know. WE NEED YOUR HELP“ Chrysalis said, came closer and held his head between her hooves. He couldn't escape her menacing stare, her aura was enclosing him.
„Fine, I agree. I don't have any other choice either.“ Thomas decided.
Chrysalis' eyes glowed even more and she whispered something in his ears.
Then all of a sudden a strange tiredness began to spread all over his body.
„Don't forget our deal. Make us proud.“ Chrysalis mentioned. Thomas nodded and his eyes closed. Chrysalis couldn't hold it out anymore. She laughed and the surrounding walls began to tremble.
„I don't know how you did it or what you did but it somehow works.“ Rainbow Dash pointed out. She was impressed. The never-ending eclipse or night or whatever it was was Luna's doing. There was no way anyone didn't notice that. Rainbow Dash on the other hand had no problems. The watching people only saw a pale rainbow thanks to her speed.
„Yes, but it comes with a price. I swore to keep everything secret. I swore to not let the human society know about our doings. I swore to involve only the fitting recruits in our schemes. In the end I broke every single rule.“ Luna replied, thought about Celestia and suppressed a tear.
„How many Pinkies are left?“ Luna asked
„Just two. The others are safe and secured in the provided vans. Thanks to Twilight.
„And the memory-erasing-device?“ Luna said.
„Trixie and Twilight are doing the best they can.“ Rainbow Dash replied.
She still had her headphones on and was in constant contact with Celestia and the 'Pony-HQ'. She couldn't believe that there were still some people being awake out there. Maybe her magic power wasn't strong enough she assumed. Luna was on her own and she had to lure every single attention to her. Considering her dark blue tone and the pitch-black 'night' it wasn't so easy for her but it somehow worked. On the other hand she had to know the state of events. This whole incident was draining her powers and she wasn't sure how long she could hold out. In Ponyville many volunteers gathered for the rebuilding operation after the memory-erase. No traces should be left behind.
Something wasn't right. There were two Pinkie Pies left but only one tracing signal. One costume or maybe even more wasn't provided with a tracer. Rainbow Dash kept that information for her. Plus, they still hadn't found the 'real' Pinkie Pie, yet. Luna needed all her concentration and any unconfirmed worries wouldn't help her for sure.
In one van on the other hand Fluttershy and Applejack had all her hooves full finding out the real Pinkie Pie. But the only thing they found were many terrified changelings. Chrysalis could have them back, of course, since they needed her guiding figure. It was breaking Fluttershy's heart to see such loyal minions who yet were manhandled so badly. But they still believed in their empress and sat still. They were waiting for their queen coming for them. The opened Pinkie Pie costumes were put in a steel chest, locked and secured with multiple chains. The chest was bouncing a bit. Those suits were alive. Fluttershy wondered if her own costume was already affecting her as well. But work first. They needed to retrieve Pinkie as fast as possible.
In another van Twilight, Derpy and Trixie were fighting multiple Pinkie Pies. Some changelings had been freed. They made progress, slowly and but steadily. But it was a chaos nevertheless.
„How does Fluttershy tame them so easily?“ Twilight asked and tried to shove one resilient costume in the provided steel chest.
„How should I know. Maybe she has a little tea-time with them.“ Derpy wondered kicking back two Pinkies with a full-split side jump.
Trixie was preparing her special smoke bombs, she was having enough of it... Yes, it was a chaos for sure.
At least they could see the Pinkies through the smoke fumes and the smoke somehow managed to slow the Pinkies down.
„Fear the magnificence of the powerful Trixie.“ she exclaimed victoriously and Twilight was facepalming.
Thomas woke up to a laughing bunch of voices.
„Hey there, giant plushy! The toy store is up the street and I want my finder reward!“
Thomas wanted to answer but something in his mouth was preventing him.
„Mpph. Mmmphh?“
„Out of words?“ one of the guys asked.
„Hey I know what this costume depicts. It is from a kids- or rather girls show called...“ another guy began to explain but then he blushed.
„Called what? Just come out of your pants!“ the supposed leader of this group demanded.
„Erm... My Little Pony...“ he replied shyly and wanted to bury himself.
Everyone was bursting out laughing.
„Where do you know that kind of show? Wanted to find your girly side?“ another guy was mocking him.
„I have a little sister and... Just leave me be, allright?“ the brony guy was protecting himself.
„So what do we do with the mute Pony here?“
„She is called Pinkie Pie...“ the brony guy added.
„Did I allow you to talk?“ the gang leader scolded him.
„So... Pinkie Pie... I should bring you to your stables, I suppose...“ the gang leader continued.
„Pinkie Pie? What the hell is this guy talking about?“ Thomas thought. He wanted to stand up and go home. Trying to get up he pressed his arms against the floor and tried to push himself up. But he slipped. As he fell on his bottom he only felt something plushy. Then it was dawning to him. He was put in a Pinkie Pie suit, gagged and left open on the road only to deal with punks like that guy he was being confronted with. He raised his hand... hoof and his suspicions were confirmed. Just great. He shouldn't have dealt with maniacs. He knew it.
„Hey, I am talking to you, Pinkie!“ the gang leader pulled Thomas on his plush collar and threatened him with his knife. Being trained as a policeman surely had provided him with some martial arts skills but without his hands, wearing that clumsy outfit and the tunnel vision through the maskot head... There was no chance. Especially when he couldn't talk. Maybe it was better to play along until those guys were bored of him. Considering his situation he hadn't much hope of getting out of that scene unharmed.
„What do you think you guys are doing?!“ a strong voice appeared out of nowhere. A rainbow coloured flash hit every single one of the gang members. One after another they were send flying into a nearby trash container. With a 'clunk' the container lid fell shut, the gang members began to shout and some of them even cried.
„Are you ok Pinkie? I hope those punks didn't harm you or I swear I will get them out again and give them an even better lesson.“ Rainbow Dash announced.
Thomas tried to answer but it was to no avail.
„Pinkie being out of words? That would be the first time ever. Interesting. Maybe you are just exhausted of the whole kidnap thing. Climb on my back and I will bring you home.“ Rainbow Dash said, threw her fellow pony over her shoulder and lifted off.
„And here we are. Right on time, as always!“ Rainbow Dash happily announced and landed swiftly but smoothly behind the van. Meanwhile Twilight, Trixie and Derpy were almost done with their struggles. Fluttershy was greeting her with a slight smile. But Pinkie didn't react.
„What is wrong with her?“ Fluttershy asked.
„How should I know? That is why I came to you first...“ Rainbow Dash replied, slightly annoyed.
„Let me see...“ Fluttershy began her inspection and led the two ponies inside the van. Pinkie was sitting there, all calm, too calm... Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were looking to eachother and couldn't believe it.
„But... I was so sure it was the right one. I cannot believe this!“ Rainbow Dash gave her anger some space.
„Yes, I know you are upset. She must still be out there. So let's get this changeling out first and then we discuss Twilight's Plan B.“ Fluttershy suggested.
„How can you still be that positive? Pinkie is kidnapped, or, even worse, on the loose, she might be injured or without any memory. We have to do something. Now!“ Rainbow Dash said and was about to jump in the air again.
„Hold your horses.“ Twilight joined the party „We still don't know where Pinkie is and we cannot risk loosing our heads and going on a wild hunting spree. You cannot just jump out and risk everything Luna is doing for us right now.“ she scolded and pointed to the night sky. It seemed like the sky became brighter. They were running out of time.
„I don't want to interrupt you, girls, but there still is a slight chance we might... erm... use...?“ Fluttershy intervened and looked to the floor immediately.
Twilight and Rainbow Dash were so close to fighting again and Applejack had to seperate both of them. They weren't even listening. Fluttershy decided to do it herself. She approached the last remaining Pinkie and expected heavy resistance but there was nothing. The last one held still. In mere minutes Fluttershy was greeted by the still gagged face of Thomas, the candidate who was inscribed to be the next Pony in the village. He was angry, Fluttershy was sure of that.
„I am ripping your fancy tail of if you won't let me go, I swear!“ Rainbow Dash warned.
„I would put a spell for you before you could even try that!“ Twilight reacted.
Then she looked to Fluttershy, then to Thomas and she had to sit a moment. It was just too much.
Fluttershy ignored the pony conflict and removed Thomas' gag.
„Phew, finally. Thank you for the rescue, guys... I mean girls.“
„No problem.“ Fluttershy began the conversation „But before we let you go I need to ask you something. It is very important for all of us. Do you know who kidnapped you and our... Pinkie Pie?“ she pointed at the cutie mark of suit Thomas was still wearing.
„I don't know who kidnapped us but I can tell you where they took us.“ Thomas replied.
„Better than nothing. We should get started then.“ Rainbow Dash suddenly chimed in and pulled all of them outside.
„Wait, better we use the car. That wouldn't attract that much attention.“ Twilight hinted.
„Fine, have it your way then.“ Rainbow Dash jumped back inside and fastened hear seatbelt. „But don't forget: we are running out of time...“
„Yeah, yeah, I know what I am doing.“ Twilight said and brushed her off although she wasn't so sure about that but she had to act strong to uphold the morale of everyone, otherwise the whole operation would fall apart, she was sure of that.
Thomas was doing his best to help the group and showed the directions. He knew what he had to do. Chrysalis told him that.
Twilight was becoming more suspicious the longer it took. It was almost as if he learned that route by heart. Did they drive right into a trap after all?
„Yes, I think this is the place!“ Thomas shouted and pointed out of the side window. The building had been abandoned, for years supposedly. Twilight decided to stay behind. If anything would be about to go wrong she could see that right away.
Thomas led the ponies through the maze of the building and right into the cellar. Now Rainbow Dash became suspicious as well. Fluttershy was scared but she trusted Thomas, although he gave enough reason for her to mistrust him as well.
„How could you escape anyway?“ Twilight asked him all of the sudden.
Thomas didn't have an answer.
At that moment they found Pinkie, her fur was messed up and she was unconscious. Before anyone else Fluttershy stepped closer to Pinkie and looked at her with a well-trained eye. It was the real one this time. Fluttershy was relieved.
„Hey there, the magnificent Trixie is speaking. I finished the mind-eraser by myself. Thanks for leaving the work for me alone. Not that I wouldn't have done it anyways...“
„Nice one, we are coming right back. We have found Pinkie but she needs some rest and maybe some medical assistance.“ Rainbow Dash answered into the microphone.
Everyone untied the terrifyingly calm Pinkie from her restraints and Applejack carried her on her back.
„Did you hear that?“ Thomas asked.
„Hear what?“ every pony answered at once.
„That beeping sound.“ Thomas replied.
Fluttershy looked through the room and found a small metall box. The sound was coming directly out of that box for sure.
„Do you think what I am thinking?“ Twilight turned to Rainbow Dash.
„Wait I remember them having a conversation about...“
„About what?“
„...A time bomb...“ Thomas concluded.
Twilight wanted to say something but since Rainbow Dash took the lead all of a sudden she needed to keep up with her. The sky was so close to being normal again. Luna's powers were diminshing more every second they wasted.
„Hey Luna, we found Pinkie!“ Rainbow Dash shouted in the micro...
„Damn, she hasn't one. I forgot.“ she said and flew off into the sky.
Luna was almost out of energy. „Just a little longer, come on...!“ she said and pressed her teeth together. Then she saw Rainbow Dash heading right towards her. The big grin told Luna enough. She landed near Trixie's transporter, got the mind-eraser, took a deep breath and launched in the air again. „At last I reached the point of no return.“ she said to herself „I am going to miss you and I hope you won't forget about me...“
Then she activated the device. A large blast spreaded all over the land and everyone fell unconscious. It was done. Luna slightly nodded to Rainbow Dash and then she vanished into the dark sky. She was gone.
Rainbow Dash couldn't believe that all of this happened. She bowed to the leaving princess and returned to the other ponies again.
Chrysalis waited a little moment before she left the scene. Thomas would be better obeying her orders or else she would never get him out, she warned him before.
“So, what will we do to you since your knowledge about that place was very comfortable, almost too comfortable?” Twilight began to interrogate Thomas.
“Give him a break, please. He has gone through a lot and he might be exhausted, frightened and confused. I suggest we offer him shelter until he is rested completely.” Fluttershy held her friend back.
“And don’t forget about that explosive surprise. Would you think he was betraying us when his superior wanted to blow us in pieces? I doubt that. He is all right.” Rainbow Dash chimed in, grinned. and patted Thomas’ shoulder rudely.
“Yeah, we managed to fetch Pinkie back, that was freakin’ awesome.” Applejack added.
Twilight couldn’t believe they were so naïve. She shook her head and looked at Derpy and Trixie. Derpy was happy about the outcoming, wanted to show Thomas all the interesting places and was more than eager in giving him a little tour around the compound while Trixie was showing her tricks. Apparently, they were really looking forward to welcome Thomas in their society.
So, the ride to Ponville started and Twilight began to figure out a plan to reveal Thomas’ true motives. The problem with the changelings and the living Pinkie costumes remained. Maybe Celestia had an idea, Twilight was hoping.
“So here we are, good ol’ Ponyville, you’re welcome” Applejack welcomed Thomas and helped him in out of the car.
“Hey there wait, aren’t you forgetting about something?” Rainbow Dash interrupted her and pointed her hoof to Thomas.
“Oh yeah, we already have a Pinkie Pie. Follow me to the changing room over there.” Appeljack pulled him behind her until they reached an old industrial building.
It took her several attempts to get him out of the restrictive and clingy Pinkie suit. In the end Thomas was sitting on a bench. He was almost completely naked apart from his underwear. The suit began to move to him again but Applejack reacted in time, put the suit in a box nearby and locked it shut. The nightmare was over…
Thomas looked at Applejack, confused, and he was freezing. Applejack told him to wait and ran to the others.
Twilight had already explained everything and Celestia wished her sister had never exiled. With Pinkie being out of order for a longer period of time and all that chaos that happened, it was time to stop any plans until the waves calmed. There would be a disturbance in the human society for sure, mind wiping or not, it didn’t matter.
Maybe it was time to create another institution for the sake of Ponyville to relieve Twilight a bit. She seemed stressed since the last days.
Applejack busted in and demanded a decision for Thomas. The Pinkie suit was out of question and he had no ordinary clothes around. Achieving new ones would take too much time and cause too much attention for sure. There still remained the issue that no humans weren’t allowed in Ponyville.
“Fine, take the Cozy Glow costume and bring it to him. But keep watch on him. I agree with Twilight at that point. He was way too cooperative and we can’t trust him. Not yet at least.” Celestia decided.
Applejack delivered the Cozy Glow costume as demanded but Thomas was hesitating.
“What’s wrong? Slip in the suit and we can start with the first friendship lessons.” she urged.
“Ease up your horses. I need some time to get myself settled and I want to examine my “work gear” at first.” Thomas replied.
Applejack nodded and left the room. She waited outside until Thomas had changed into his new outfit.
The new costume was really cute and form fitting. It even had the tower piece cutie marks on both flanks, the scarlet eyes, the turquoise curls on the head, even with the attached ribbons, the bright pink and soft fur and even the silky inner lining of the costume- and the cute wings on the sides. All in all, it was perfect and looked innocent. The only issue Thomas had was the attached pawn-shaped lock on the neck section of the one-piece plush suit. He stroked the fur and then he remembered Chrysalis’ orders.
Coming to his senses again he looked for the hidden tracer chip in the seam and applied a sparkling liquid on the head of the suit. Then he slipped inside. But he had the strange feeling that the eyes of the lifeless (?) costume had moved. Maybe it had been his struggling mind. As he was about to exit the room his hands got stuck in the plush hooves and a strange voice appeared all of a sudden: “Hey, sweetie, it’s me, Cozy Glow. We are now in Ponyville and I am in control. So, it might be best when you forget about Chrysalis’ stupid plan and do exactly what I say!”
“I must be dreaming…” Thomas said being confused.
“No, it is no dream, not at all. But if you resist my will, I am sure going to make your future to a living nightmare for you.” Cozy Glow continued.
Thomas considered and after a while he agreed with his ‘ally’. Then he exited through the door and met with Applejack outside again.
Meanwhile in a different spot, Pinkie was put to rest on a bed and she was so weak she was almost mind absent. No joy, no happiness and not a single word or reaction. She was either sleeping or in a comatose state. Even Fluttershy wasn’t sure. They needed medical ponies soon she contemplated. Rainbow Dash on the other hand thought it was a prank and never left Pinkie alone for more than five minutes in a row. The other ponies had strict orders to show the new Cozy Glow around and make sure there wouldn’t be any trouble.
“Do you really think I need Ponyville lessons? Come on, you see I would do anything for our cute little village.” Thomas tried to persuade the ponies and his suit’s eyes blinked convincingly. Fluttershy was already convinced but the others weren’t so sure about their newest addition.
After a few days Cozy Glow knew all Pony-lessons so far and began to explore the compound every night. Chrysalis told about a secret forbidden cellar with strange devices, chemicals and the magic water.
Chrysalis demanded to torch that place and ground it for good. But the costume had a more appropriate idea.
“We should turn this whole area in our little training camp, secluded and out of sight. We can build up our own army and with their special water we are going to be unstoppable.” the costume persuaded and continued to hug him even more than before. It was taking his breath and he couldn’t do anything to prohibit that. He was the prisoner of the costume now and even his voice couldn’t be heard from the outside. There was just Cozy Glow, nothing else and Thomas was her prisoner for an indefinite time…
“Don’t look at me like that. You will get used to it” the costume solaced him.
It wasn’t helpful that the warmer he felt inside that thick plush suit the harder it became for him to focus. Almost as if the costume was trying to take away his thoughts and replacing them with her own. He tugged at the headpiece, tried to move the locked zipper on his back with his useless plush hooves and looked around for a sharp tool that would be useful to him. The voice became louder with every failed attempt and in the end, Thomas had to give up.
Applejack entered Cozy Glow’s new home: “Heya, I need to talk to you…” she was looking around nervously “in private.”
Cozy Glow wasn’t sure what her newest “friend” had in mind but she bet it was a silly task for Ponyville again.
Applejack asked again “Are you going to let me inside or not?”
“Fine.” Cozy Glow reacted and stepped aside to allow her visitor to step inside.
Applejack took a seat near the kitchen table and waited. Cozy Glow placed herself exactly at the opposite.
“What do you want?” Cozy Glow questioned her.
“I know what you are thinking. But we are on the same side.” Applejack began and peaked through the window. They weren’t being watched, yet.
“What are you talking about? I am on the side of Ponyville.” Cozy Glow defended her position.
“Don’t ya try playing stupid with me. I know who you are working for and I am telling you: Don’t trust Chrysalis. She does only one-sided deals and when she gets what she wants she will sacrifice you without having any second thoughts. I want to help you.”
Cozy Glow expected much; but that sentence surprised her. Nevertheless, she wasn’t trusting any pony around.
Applejack continued: “I don’t trust Luna and Celestia or their minions either. Well, Luna is out of the way for a while.” she nodded to the sky and grinned.
“We need to get Ponyville out of business. But we can’t risk any unwelcomed attention. We need to play this one as smart as we can. Celestia is weak, she has to get used to her new powers and her best servant is very unexperienced and full of doubts.” Applejack ended, stared to Cozy Glow and waited for an answer.
“How do you know all this? How do you think I am working for the crazy creature that kidnapped, tortured and almost blew me to smithereens? What are you thinking?” Cozy Glow complained.
Applejack was having enough of it, walked straight to Cozy Glow, grabbed her and raised her up. She almost choked her.
“All right, all right. I will do what you want.” Cozy Glow begged and was terrified. Applejack was behaving menacing all of a sudden and putting up a resistance would be a big mistake, especially in this situation.
“I don’t want you to do what I want. Instead, I am offering you a partnership. We strike against the ponies, together. Twilight will lose her position of trust and you are going to replace her. We will build up an army of loyal ponies in the shadows. You can take the lead, as you are the smart pony here. I know about the little secret laboratory and the secret training facility, Chrysalis told me about it as well. “
“Wait… You were a prisoner of Chrysalis, too?” Cozy Glow was surprised.
“Yes, I was, and she forced this horrific thing over me…” Applejack pointed out, opened the mouth section of her pony head to reveal a shiny black suit underneath.
“You are wearing this black thing and your pony suit at the same time? Isn’t this a bit much?” Cozy Glow said. She could swear she glimpsed that black stuff moving in the darkness...
“Of course, it is. But Fluttershy is working on a solution to get me out of this thing. As it seems I can endure longer when the pony suit covers the black suit. It somehow contains it and prevents the black suit from creating more unexpected changelings.” the orange pony explained and the black liquid closed the snout again.
“Now you have my full attention. Your plan seems doable and conclusive”. Cozy Glow said.
The story continues...
MLP characters are property of Hasbro
next: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/41465000/
Category Story / Fantasy
Species Horse
Gender Any
Size 50 x 50px
File Size 20.8 kB