Alt Title: Brutus Teddger was a bear...
Brutus Teddger
was a bear
Brutus Teddger
lost his hair
Brutus the bear
was he happy being bare
without hair?
Just having a little fun messin" around with Brutus and such. So I wonder wh"s next to be a victim of... THE SHAVING MEME! *bum bum BUUUUM* :-O
Hope you all like! :3
Brutus Teddger © konanarillah
Brutus"s hair © Brutus Teddger
Meme © to claire_lamouf
Original Template:
Brutus Teddger
was a bear
Brutus Teddger
lost his hair
Brutus the bear
was he happy being bare
without hair?
Just having a little fun messin" around with Brutus and such. So I wonder wh"s next to be a victim of... THE SHAVING MEME! *bum bum BUUUUM* :-O
Hope you all like! :3
Brutus Teddger © konanarillah
Brutus"s hair © Brutus Teddger
Meme © to claire_lamouf
Original Template:
Category All / Fat Furs
Species Bear (Other)
Gender Male
Size 1280 x 1151px
File Size 1.2 MB
Try it out! Link to the template is in the description box!
It would be quite awkward trying to do it with mine... I mean, look! Dragon-y-ness!
Well you go hair on your head, so shave it off! Then you'll be bald! :D
Probably, but wouldn't that strip the right for the bear to bear bareness?
Lol Nice meme. Too bad the majority of all my guys have scales XD I might upload my meme here some time.
It wouldn't work for characters with scales at all. Unless if they have hair they can shave off... I can't wait to see your meme!
haha o please
who comes up with these ideas?
it is funny though :3
he looks quite embarrased.
who comes up with these ideas?
it is funny though :3
he looks quite embarrased.
I dunno, but somewhere, somehow, something will always catch on! And yes embarrassed and furious!
But what? Don't want to shave your hair? It's okay. ^^
i just start to draw me as i imagine, i cant imagine him without fur XD
He might tear you up limb from limb. He is not in a good mood right now!
*becomes a big bush of hair*
Brutus: Hey! That was too much! D:<
Brutus: Hey! That was too much! D:<
Oopsie, sorry about that. *clips it down to the right level* That better?
Brutus: Kinda, but still... *covers self, ears lower, blushes and scowls* DX<
I dunno, he probably would be the same way. Thank you!
Oh dear.
Kids, do not try this at home!
He's kinda cute when he's incensed, though...
Kids, do not try this at home!
He's kinda cute when he's incensed, though...
Incensed? *sniffs* Hmm... smells like murderous intent! :-O Angry, very angry indeed!
But I'm behind him and ...*Take a peek* ....oh my, a full bare moon !
Brutus: Grrr! GET OUT OF HERE! DX< *blushes and steams*
Look Brutus, it's not that bad to be bald during hot season. If you still feel awkward, hear, I brought you some these paints, including black, white, and brown.
I believe you prefer your good'ol brown one, yet you may enjoy being a black bear, polar bear, or panda!
Nothing to be embarrassed, tough guy! *Bear hug*
I believe you prefer your good'ol brown one, yet you may enjoy being a black bear, polar bear, or panda!
Nothing to be embarrassed, tough guy! *Bear hug*
Brutus: I like my hair better... *pouts* >X(
Don't worry he'll get over it!
Don't worry he'll get over it!
YAAAAAY!!! FINALLY,ANOTHER FELLOW BEAR HAS BEEN SHAVED BALD AND BARE LIKE ME! i knew since Claire shaved me,i wont be the only and last bear to be shaved completely naked and btw..feel good about being a bare look pretty sexy naked
Brutus: Grrr... D:<
Well he doesn't think so! X3
Well he doesn't think so! X3
dont worry,brutus! trust me,i never liked it at first either but trust me,when you go out into that hot would thank whoever had the balls enough to strip you :-P and besides,you should appy,you are a sex symbol now...well,u always were but yer even more of one now..all guys and ladies want u including me hehehehe *pets him on his bare bald back*
Don't worry bear, once you also shaved your eyebrow, you look naturally beautiful!
Me want to smooch him!
Me want to smooch him!