Alita/Gally from Battle Angel Alita! The original manga design, not the remake/live action... She was fun to try out! Always need more humanoid practice. Request by Eric D.
Posted using PostyBirb
Posted using PostyBirb
Category All / All
Species Human
Gender Female
Size 679 x 1079px
File Size 250.9 kB
Listed in Folders
Aw yeah~ Such a great manga, loved reading this when it came out in the 90's
Didn't read the manga and didn't watch the anime, but I loved the film (might watch the anime one day)
Same boat here. Went in with tempered expectations... The critics got this one so wrong man
I sincerely hope they'll do a number 2. I would rather see that than an avatar 2 that is awaited for far too long..
Agreed. When I saw Avatar, not once did I think "I really wanna see a sequel".
Alita has so much more to tell, Avatar does not (imo)
Alita has so much more to tell, Avatar does not (imo)
Well, avatar was a good film on its own. It doesn't need a sequel in which we'll just see some more human landing on pandora and some more wars against them. Then, Alita could tell so much about Zalem, Jeru or even Mars..