Service to a modern noble in Akrilan has little difference from that of ancient times. You live on the estate of your lord, paid a large dividend, and live at the beck and call of your master. In some parts of the empire you may have enforced holidays where you are released from service for a time. In others, your rest only comes when your lord deems it necessary. The types whom fulfill this particular job are usually well mannered people of the lower classes. Those who wish to avoid military service, married women who wish to provide extra for their children, or simply wandering souls who only seek purpose even if to serve another. The list of reasons is of no concern, for the list of chores and duties is more important to the master. This of course is not to say they are slaves. Their wages are high compared to other unskilled types of labor. Enough to uplift a family from poverty and well into the middle class. But the task of caring for the highest in the land is enough to justify the paycheck. Of all the estates and nobles in the land, two are most flooded with applicants. The Drachonic estate, and the Empress' own palace. To work in either is one of the highest honors, even if your only job is to sweep the floors.
Art done by the Absolutely lovely
And the darling maid cat belongs to my great friend Catto
Art done by the Absolutely lovely
And the darling maid cat belongs to my great friend Catto
Category Artwork (Digital) / Abstract
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Multiple characters
Size 994 x 768px
File Size 507 kB