A doodle for anyone to interpret how they would like. It can mean many things and something different for everyone.
My cow character may change in the furture.
My cow character may change in the furture.
Category Artwork (Digital) / All
Species Raccoon
Gender Multiple characters
Size 1280 x 1044px
File Size 168.1 kB
the pacifist route saving your mind after the genocidal route X3
I actually never fully completed the Genocidal route .. true pacifist was too moving for me to want to kill anyone XD
Lol same and I have a mac laptop and thats what I was starting to use for genocide. I wanted to keep my PC pure XD
Draggy can relate to this in many ways and I believe I know what it is relating too as well.....
It's quite Dark and Emotionally driven....
It's good to come out into the light my friend, as the Darkness will envelop you if you let it. *Hugs*
It's quite Dark and Emotionally driven....
It's good to come out into the light my friend, as the Darkness will envelop you if you let it. *Hugs*
Many things can bring a person there.. I would say few things bring me out of it.
Its very easy to let the dark pull you in which is why I have a distraction system for when I feel that way. Like reading, playing game, focusing on animals, music and art. Stay too busy to think is what I say... because it's the thoughts that kill me
Its very easy to let the dark pull you in which is why I have a distraction system for when I feel that way. Like reading, playing game, focusing on animals, music and art. Stay too busy to think is what I say... because it's the thoughts that kill me
Indeed many thing's can drag you down in to those depths.
But simply staying to busy to think is nothing more than a patch on a leaking dyke. It will work for now, but for how long? How long before the pressure of that Darkness becomes to Vast and deep for that simple patch to restrain?
Trust me my friend, being someone who has traveled to the depths of that pool and somehow made it back to resurface, small patches do not hold it back for long. It will only grow, little by little week by week, year by year it will grow.
And soon it will become so powerful that you won't even notice it pulling you down for the last time.
It will become second nature to you, something you've always had control over....but you never did...in reality it's had control over you all along.
I've been there my friend, I've been were you are and back again....it's not a pretty place and it doesn't go away, it Never goes away unless you see someone.
I ask as a very dear and close friend that you seek out a therapist and let them help you. You will be amazed how Truly Beautiful life is when the Darkness is gone. *Hugs*
But simply staying to busy to think is nothing more than a patch on a leaking dyke. It will work for now, but for how long? How long before the pressure of that Darkness becomes to Vast and deep for that simple patch to restrain?
Trust me my friend, being someone who has traveled to the depths of that pool and somehow made it back to resurface, small patches do not hold it back for long. It will only grow, little by little week by week, year by year it will grow.
And soon it will become so powerful that you won't even notice it pulling you down for the last time.
It will become second nature to you, something you've always had control over....but you never did...in reality it's had control over you all along.
I've been there my friend, I've been were you are and back again....it's not a pretty place and it doesn't go away, it Never goes away unless you see someone.
I ask as a very dear and close friend that you seek out a therapist and let them help you. You will be amazed how Truly Beautiful life is when the Darkness is gone. *Hugs*