So me, atanders93, and 0plm came across this strange crystal. When we touched we were suddenly push into each other and merged as we started to lose some of our body and merge together as we suddenly start sprouting blue and black fur on faces and a tail as we realized that we were turning into Lucarios, or a three headed Lucario.
This was an amazing commission piece that I got from a collab between crazy-husky and surrii. They are both very talented and did an amazing job, and I love it so much! This was even the first time Surrii's first time doing a merge TF and he did a very fine job. So if you enjoyed this piece, please go favorite the original:
is the one that did the line work and has done other nice TF art himself.
is the one that colored it and does lots of pieces with many different kinds of art, including TF.
Please give both of them a watch if you liked this piece or any of their other works.
Oh, and in order from left to right in the picture its , , and
This was an amazing commission piece that I got from a collab between crazy-husky and surrii. They are both very talented and did an amazing job, and I love it so much! This was even the first time Surrii's first time doing a merge TF and he did a very fine job. So if you enjoyed this piece, please go favorite the original:
is the one that did the line work and has done other nice TF art himself.
is the one that colored it and does lots of pieces with many different kinds of art, including TF.
Please give both of them a watch if you liked this piece or any of their other works.
Oh, and in order from left to right in the picture its , , and
Category All / Transformation
Species Pokemon
Gender Male
Size 1280 x 1169px
File Size 259.8 kB