Another drawing of my character Azad, this time showing off his "sandstorm attire", with poncho, scarf and goggles. The goggles are a bit anachronistic, considering my setting is around "early renaissance" in term of technology, but he probably created them himself. After all, the technology to make transparent glass was there, and all he needed was some leather to do the rest.
Also, that weapon he's holding is a Keshara, a polearm typical of his desert regions. The spike on the back of the blade is pretty thick, and useful to pierce through some armors. Yes, I know... more useless worldbuilding XD
Also, that weapon he's holding is a Keshara, a polearm typical of his desert regions. The spike on the back of the blade is pretty thick, and useful to pierce through some armors. Yes, I know... more useless worldbuilding XD
Category Artwork (Traditional) / Fantasy
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 1224 x 1400px
File Size 1.78 MB
"Waa waa waaaa!" XD
I admit I watched "The good, the bad, the ugly" recently.
I admit I watched "The good, the bad, the ugly" recently.
Nice design! Also, there would be other possibilities besides glass for goggles. Ever have a camping candle lantern with windows that are sheets of isinglass (mica)? Also a lot of 18th-19th century parlor stoves. That's been known for a long time, shear it in thin enough sheets and it's transparent, and also fireproof.
Thank you! ^^ That would also be an option, though I think at this point normal glass would be easier to find.
I had no idea mica was used in such ways, thanks for sharing! ^^
I had no idea mica was used in such ways, thanks for sharing! ^^
That spear is awesome! It looks like a historically-accurate combat scythe! Also, I love the poncho. It's so pretty. *-*
Hehe thanks! Inspired by real glaives, just with a different curvature. ^^
Ponchos are awesome!
Ponchos are awesome!
"The spike on the back of the blade is pretty thick, and useful to pierce through some armors."
Also good for keeping anyone you run through from getting too stuck on your blade.
Also good for keeping anyone you run through from getting too stuck on your blade.
Indeed! And also good to hook and drag people off their mounts.
Slight Star Wars vibes here!
Looking amazing, ponchos definitely fit those cats!
Looking amazing, ponchos definitely fit those cats!
“Is that a real poncho? I mean is that a Mexican poncho or is that a Sears poncho? Mmm... No fooling?”
I love seeing comments like this when a bunch of my niche interests spontaneously collide. This reminded me of a few years ago when I went to see Zappa Plays Zappa and ran into, of all people, my 65 year old high school sewing teacher. I feel like his music really attracts all different types!
You made my day. I was beginning to think I was the only Zappa fan here.
It’s a bit of spoken dialog at the end of Frank Zappa’s song, “Camarillo Brillo”. The words are a reference to an earlier verse:
She stripped away her rancid poncho
And laid out naked by the door
We did it ‘til we were unconcho
And it was useless anymore.
She stripped away her rancid poncho
And laid out naked by the door
We did it ‘til we were unconcho
And it was useless anymore.
even if it's late medieval it gives me both western and post apocalyptic vibes, it's a very cool design
also that weapon looks a lot like a black knight glaive from dark souls
also that weapon looks a lot like a black knight glaive from dark souls
Agreed! ^^ It must be the goggles.
I confess my ignorance, though it is inspired by real glaives (except the blade curvature).
I confess my ignorance, though it is inspired by real glaives (except the blade curvature).
this has a slightly thinner blade and the spike is on the opposite side of the blade compared to that other weapon, this one also look way more lighter, so it should also be easier to wield effectively
Cool, I like the Keshara and the googles make perfect sense to me, he lives in the desert he's gotta keep the sand out of his eyes right?
Yes indeed! He has all the cool gadgets! XD Usually his people don't use glasses, just cloth.
i feel like something is taking over the cat... not sure what~
maybe it's the goggles =p totally~ not the poncho and scarf hehe x3
maybe it's the goggles =p totally~ not the poncho and scarf hehe x3
The cat with no name... Except Azad. But otherwise no name.
And I LOVE world building! ^^
And I LOVE world building! ^^
Haha! XD I admit I watched The Good, the Bad, the Ugly recently!
Glad to hear it! ^^
Glad to hear it! ^^
don't tie yourself to a 1:1 track with the real world's technological development
history and technology isn't an upgrade tree that goes one way and unlocks everything in the same order, we lost and rediscovered things many times over already, and some things we had the potential to make for a long time but never the need or curiosity to create it
you can have flintlocks and glass goggles it's valid
history and technology isn't an upgrade tree that goes one way and unlocks everything in the same order, we lost and rediscovered things many times over already, and some things we had the potential to make for a long time but never the need or curiosity to create it
you can have flintlocks and glass goggles it's valid
Good point, some things are always bound to be anachronistic. There are more "out of place" things I want to keep in my setting, like Archimedes' mirrors, despite the time period being more based on the renaissance.
Looks great and IRL the first eyeclasses recorded in the West were made in Italy in 1286 - by 1300 they were being mentioned in records kept by the Church, etc. A collection of images of early eyewear for corrective purposes. Now the Inuit snow goggles go back about 4000 years. Your feline there is rather on track for his invention.
Now keeping sand out of the ears during a sand storm would be interesting - some sort of head wrap would do the trick.
Now keeping sand out of the ears during a sand storm would be interesting - some sort of head wrap would do the trick.
Indeed, glasses are a pretty old invention! ^^ Usually his people cover their faces just with clothes, but he has all the weirdest "gadgets"
Sounds like me irl and some of my characters - one of my tigers is partial to using double barrel wheellock pistol in conjunction with a sword and claws.
As TuroOfAkesh said above, world-building is never useless. It makes us all richer and happier. Especially yours. The detailing you consistently use is incredible.
Thank you for sharing!
Thank you for sharing!
I have to agree, it makes a setting feel more "real". Even all the useless details on what people have for breakfast. ^^
Thank you so much!
Thank you so much!
Hahaha I will say that the best part is tha name you gave it XD it.
very nice character :) !
very nice look ^^! full details :p ! all is perfect ! loooooooove !!
very nice look ^^! full details :p ! all is perfect ! loooooooove !!
Hehe indeed! XD I watched the dollar trilogy recently, that must have helped!
Absolutely love this - big fan of ponchos and polearms. Would love to see this outfit in colour! Getting sand in those big ears can't be fun.
Thank you so much! ^^ I have yet to draw Azad in color, shame on me!
He has a special headwear to project the ears.
He has a special headwear to project the ears.
Lovely design of clothing and equipment.
Considering that a type of goggles called 風眼鏡 was invented and used in 18th century Korea, where the technology was more or less equivalent to early renaissance Europe (In fact, in some areas they were more primitive; above mentioned goggles were made of polished quartz instead of glass, as by that time glass making technology was lost in Korea), I'd say it's not that anachronistic.
Considering that a type of goggles called 風眼鏡 was invented and used in 18th century Korea, where the technology was more or less equivalent to early renaissance Europe (In fact, in some areas they were more primitive; above mentioned goggles were made of polished quartz instead of glass, as by that time glass making technology was lost in Korea), I'd say it's not that anachronistic.