An awesome requested pic for my good friend a.k.a pokeshiftmon760 featuring his awesome buizel character Stormer who wanted to have a sniff of Konogo"s toes.
Here"s Konogo and Stormer just hanging out after having a friendly spar, while chilling out Stormer was interested in Konogo"s paws and wonder how they feel and smell like and asked Konogo can he have a sniff of his toes, Konogo find it weird at first but he know"s better he does alot paw stuff already including for his other friends and decided it"s about time that Stormer gets his turn.
So Konogo got sit stand with his big tail get"s into a relax position in front of Stormer and presents one of his paws to him, Stormer finally got a chance and proceeded into sniffing Konogo"s toes as they wiggle on his nose because Konogo was teasing him a little but regardless Stormer is enjoying it and Konogo was more happy to help out a good friend including others especially with their wants and needs either with a helping hand or his soft durable paws.
Here"s Konogo and Stormer just hanging out after having a friendly spar, while chilling out Stormer was interested in Konogo"s paws and wonder how they feel and smell like and asked Konogo can he have a sniff of his toes, Konogo find it weird at first but he know"s better he does alot paw stuff already including for his other friends and decided it"s about time that Stormer gets his turn.
So Konogo got sit stand with his big tail get"s into a relax position in front of Stormer and presents one of his paws to him, Stormer finally got a chance and proceeded into sniffing Konogo"s toes as they wiggle on his nose because Konogo was teasing him a little but regardless Stormer is enjoying it and Konogo was more happy to help out a good friend including others especially with their wants and needs either with a helping hand or his soft durable paws.
Category Artwork (Traditional) / Paw
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Male
Size 1280 x 966px
File Size 372.8 kB
Absolutely love it to bits, and the description only made it better hehe x/3
thanks you again Im happy you like it and im glad to do it to.
What I heard from Stormer he says they smell like blueberries?
That's pretty cute honestly and knowing
How your paws are carn't say I blame them heh be careful tho your paws are really comfy he may use them s pillows befor u no it bud ^^
keep up the great work :)
How your paws are carn't say I blame them heh be careful tho your paws are really comfy he may use them s pillows befor u no it bud ^^
keep up the great work :)
I bet you wanna just shrink yourself and lie down on the sole of them while Im asleep?
Konogo can let you have a turn once he's through with Stormer