Released by the Disney Store for the 25th anniversary of Disney's beloved animated classic Beauty and the Beast, the Limited Edition 17" Platinum Doll Set captures the iconic ballroom scene of the tale as old as time. Belle sparkles in her classic yellow gown as the Beast holds her hand, ready for the dance. Be my guest in this episode of Kitwana's Toys as I take a look at one of Disney's rarest, most valuable doll sets!
This episode of Kitwana's Toys recorded May 16, 2020.
Title card artwork by Sarah "Tod Puppy" Painter.
Lions are social animals!
Telegram: kitwanalion
This video does not contain any product placement.
The toys featured are part of my private collection and are not for sale.
While this video is family-friendly and safe to watch for everyone, its main target audience are adult collectors. It has therefore been set as "Not for kids" to comply with the COPPA. Should you be unable to leave a comment below, please use my social media outlets listed above.
Thank you!
Yours Cuddly,
Released by the Disney Store for the 25th anniversary of Disney's beloved animated classic Beauty and the Beast, the Limited Edition 17" Platinum Doll Set captures the iconic ballroom scene of the tale as old as time. Belle sparkles in her classic yellow gown as the Beast holds her hand, ready for the dance. Be my guest in this episode of Kitwana's Toys as I take a look at one of Disney's rarest, most valuable doll sets!
This episode of Kitwana's Toys recorded May 16, 2020.
Title card artwork by Sarah "Tod Puppy" Painter.
Lions are social animals!
Telegram: kitwanalion
This video does not contain any product placement.
The toys featured are part of my private collection and are not for sale.
While this video is family-friendly and safe to watch for everyone, its main target audience are adult collectors. It has therefore been set as "Not for kids" to comply with the COPPA. Should you be unable to leave a comment below, please use my social media outlets listed above.
Thank you!
Yours Cuddly,
Category Fursuiting / Fursuit
Species Lion
Gender Any
Size 1280 x 721px
File Size 223.9 kB