Dragon_Drop_Designs - Rito Design
A very fun bird design for Dragon_Drop_Designs!
A mix of a Belted Kingfisher, Phillipine Eagle, and a Great-tailed Grackle c:
NSFW will be on NSFW Twitter and Patreon sometime soon!
Commission Info
SFW Twitter | NSFW Twitter | Pokemon Twitter
FurAffinity | Tumblr | DeviantArt
Patreon | Ko-Fi
Posted using PostyBirb
Category Artwork (Digital) / All
Species Avian (Other)
Gender Male
Size 2556 x 1150px
File Size 2.15 MB
And thank you for the commish! Was so much fun c:
Those colors and the design with the mix of birds looks really cool! nice to see a rito with a different beak once in a while x)
I agree! As much as I love predatory birds I like seeing others too.
Very lovely! Another pointy-beak Rito like me! How did this Rito come by an extra toe on each foot?
Dominus tecum
Dominus tecum
Yeeess pointy beaks! C: Sometimes I just draw them with an extra toe if I think it suits the design more.
Pointy beaks are the best and look so dashing! Ah, I want to stick with the two-toe for my Rito-self. Are you open for commissions, as I was thinking of getting a Ref sheet for my Rito self?
Dominus tecum
Dominus tecum
Sadly, I won't be open for commissions for a month or two :C I will let you know when I open again though! You're always awesome to do commissions for.
(Even if you don't want the commission when I message you that is totally ok. I just want to offer before opening them via journals and whatnot).
(Even if you don't want the commission when I message you that is totally ok. I just want to offer before opening them via journals and whatnot).
I fully intend to take up the commission offer once you are free; the extra month or two will give me the time to make sure I have the funds for it!
Thank you very much! I really look forward to more Rito by you!
Dominus tecum
Thank you very much! I really look forward to more Rito by you!
Dominus tecum