Tyla et Tayarinne dorment dans le même endroit, la température est très basse ce qui fait que le corps du petit thylacine n'arrive pas a lutter contre le froid. Tayarrine voit qu'il tremble de froid et décide de le prendre dans sa gueule et le rechaufer avec sa grande langue räpeuse.
Fait par Tayarinne
Thyla and Tayarinne sleeping at the same place, the temperature is too low , Thyla's body can't keep this warm.
Tayarinne decides to take him into her maw and warm up with her lioness rough tongue.
Made by Tayarinne.
Fait par Tayarinne
Thyla and Tayarinne sleeping at the same place, the temperature is too low , Thyla's body can't keep this warm.
Tayarinne decides to take him into her maw and warm up with her lioness rough tongue.
Made by Tayarinne.
Category Artwork (Digital) / Comics
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Multiple characters
Size 2000 x 3000px
File Size 2.55 MB
Well. I'd like the same thing to happen to me. Digestion or being covered in saliva would be better than freezing to death.