iz electric........debbie gibson would be smiling...
......it'z what it iz, lovez......
.....kaklez like witch hazel....the one from the bugz bunny cartoonz.......yai....that one with the hairpinz when she klik'd her heelz.....
.....kaklez like witch hazel....the one from the bugz bunny cartoonz.......yai....that one with the hairpinz when she klik'd her heelz.....
Category All / All
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 2592 x 1944px
File Size 802.8 kB
....the shit?....ya klik the download button and it comez up correktly..........wtf iz up with this site......?....
Yuppers, if I right-click on the picture and select View Image it goes to full size and right-side up. Throw away your camera and buy a $3,000 one, and the same stupidity will still happen!
I waz gonna comment that all the food would fall out, but now I won't.
I guess, it's down by some device which uses rotation metadata. It's like iPhones and their vertical videos. Photo was made this way, then a marker added containing designation where "up" is. Browsers (and some image viewers) have no obligation to grace that, because metadata isn't a standard thing.
nly way to fix it is to process image through an editor.
nly way to fix it is to process image through an editor.
lol @ buggy code, I thought this was some kind of avant-garde zero G oven or something at first
It took me a while to figure it out because of the orientation - this happens to me sometimes. Looks good!
Is your deer friend still around?
Is your deer friend still around?
I was thinking for a few seconds - how this "gravitational" oven works ...
Oh. It was your pet rabbit. It does not matter ..... - do not eat deer.
Oh. It was your pet rabbit. It does not matter ..... - do not eat deer.
So, wuzzup with that oven with the bloo heating element?
....i never understood it.....the photo just came out that way......electric-blue!