Just thought I'd upload a posed picture of this tail. I posed it fairly straight as it is a cat tail. And I like to show that posable tails don't necessarily have to be husky tails or posed in a full husky curl.
This tail is posed slightly away from my legs and butt. There is enough movement for it to swing back and forth and bounce up and down without it flopping over. Keeping in mind that these tails must be worn with a belt. I will eventually get a video uploaded.
This tail is posed slightly away from my legs and butt. There is enough movement for it to swing back and forth and bounce up and down without it flopping over. Keeping in mind that these tails must be worn with a belt. I will eventually get a video uploaded.
Category Crafting / Animal related (non-anthro)
Species Ocelot
Gender Any
Size 422 x 776px
File Size 445.4 kB