With Easter around the corner, I thought I'd throw my pitch in somewhere somehow.
Here's a delightful illustration from a Baby's First Year book, printed in 2005 and illustrated by Peter Stevenson, who has done many a furry children's books that are still being read today.
Now with rabbits in cartoons, be they comics, movies or TV, it might often hard to tell how many babies the mother-to-be's carrying. Always a good example is Bill Holbrook with not only Kevin & Kell but Safe Havens and On the Fastrack as all of his pregnancy comics seem to appear that the mothers-to-be - from Chelonia from the latter in 2001, Ming & Jenny's double-pregnancy from the middle in 2015 to Danielle and even Lindesfarne from the former in 2006 and 2017 - are big enough to be having multiples, yet only produce one child a time. Course, the other one is wallarooblacke, but he's often drawing extremely big-looking pregnancies - even when drawing normal pregnancies like he did for this special page of GeneCatlow; http://genecatlow.keenspot.com/d/20060408.html
Sometimes, it certainly gives you something to think about regarding anthro rabbits and their pregnancies (not to mention their feet as shown here regarding if they really would wear shoes and socks at all)...
Here's a delightful illustration from a Baby's First Year book, printed in 2005 and illustrated by Peter Stevenson, who has done many a furry children's books that are still being read today.
Now with rabbits in cartoons, be they comics, movies or TV, it might often hard to tell how many babies the mother-to-be's carrying. Always a good example is Bill Holbrook with not only Kevin & Kell but Safe Havens and On the Fastrack as all of his pregnancy comics seem to appear that the mothers-to-be - from Chelonia from the latter in 2001, Ming & Jenny's double-pregnancy from the middle in 2015 to Danielle and even Lindesfarne from the former in 2006 and 2017 - are big enough to be having multiples, yet only produce one child a time. Course, the other one is wallarooblacke, but he's often drawing extremely big-looking pregnancies - even when drawing normal pregnancies like he did for this special page of GeneCatlow; http://genecatlow.keenspot.com/d/20060408.html
Sometimes, it certainly gives you something to think about regarding anthro rabbits and their pregnancies (not to mention their feet as shown here regarding if they really would wear shoes and socks at all)...
Category Artwork (Digital) / Pregnancy
Species Rabbit / Hare
Gender Female
Size 1004 x 1280px
File Size 409.2 kB