Title page for a project that stalled out for a bit, mainly because I bit off way more then I could chew. It's not dead! But we'll see what happens. The lovely ladies on the front are characters in csfaux 's story.
Darn magic mirrors and carnivals and junk...
Darn magic mirrors and carnivals and junk...
Category All / Baby fur
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Female
Size 823 x 1280px
File Size 250.4 kB
Well as long as there isn't a man in a suit who seem to be talking about events that have just happened, and events that will happen. Everything will be just fine, this suited man is just crazy talking to no one off in the distance, unless this well dressed man happens to be named rob sterling. Then this story takes place no in a dimension of sight and sound, but time and thought, a little place called the twilight zone.
I.... Really need to finish my comic.
The art is done, it just needs words... But I keep having other stuff to work on. D:
The art is done, it just needs words... But I keep having other stuff to work on. D:
This almost reminds me of part of Wayward Wings for some reason. o3o
When they were kidnapped by the goddess of childbirth or something. Was a fun story.
When they were kidnapped by the goddess of childbirth or something. Was a fun story.
Wish their was ones I want one giggle to make you little when want then back normal when want would be nice if their was real giggles