just a little something my dad did back in the 50,s before i was born he also did some other oddball cartoons though i never was able to find them before his house burnt down after he died anyway enjoy
Category Artwork (Traditional) / Doodle
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 1280 x 1039px
File Size 274.3 kB
wow this.. is kinda scary.... and thats coming from someone who has an ava that scares other people
It looks like your dad had a sense of humor & more than a bit of artistic ability. Who knows, if he were still around he might be into the furry scene himself. I'm sorry to hear about your loss and the loss of his artwork - I would've loved to see more of it.
he had lots of talent he did photography cartooning woodworking and many other things saddly he never seriously persued any of it he had the skill to be a photo journalist political cartoonest ,and towrds the end he had came to accept furry art and begain *though a bit late* to support my art, i figured i,d post this as sort a tribute to him he passed away year before last
My dad drew stuff too, this reminds me of 1930's era cartoons. My dad drew stuff in his ROTC manual mostly dirty unshaven Germans shooting at the nice clean cut American and getting shot down by a different allied plane. Then when he was in Germany he found this kid's room in a house in Aachen, the kid had these drawing like he used to do, but it had the dirty mean faced American being shot down from a nice clean cut Nazi. He wondered what happened to the kid and took a different view on prejudice after that. but the war was still going for another two years so he didn't think much more on it till he had kids.