"March, the 8th, 2017. A new patient has arrived at our facility today, a spirited lynx named Lukos...
"...Lukos has been committed to this center after being diagnosed with a very severe case of Dissociative Identity Disorder and Schizophrenia. After conducting an interview with Lukos myself, he does appear to swap between different 'characters.' The most interesting of which is the belief that he is, 'An elven werewolf shape-shifting god,' named 'Malek Lukos.' In addition, he is usually reacting to his surrounding environment as if it were a medieval fantasy world. While I do believe he is a kind individual at heart, and does not wish to hurt anyone, he was deemed a danger to himself and others after being witnessed occasionally grabbing objects and swinging them around like a martial weapon to combat 'monsters.' While under our care, he will first undergo a series of tests and analysis to determine the best treatment for him, but a straitjacket has been deemed necessary in the meantime and has been administered to him to prevent any possible violent outbursts, even if they are playful."
"March, the 15th, 2017. This date marks the first full week of Lukos being under our care. Our preliminary tests are complete and we have scheduled a treatment program for his condition. Unfortunately, for this program it has been determined that it is necessary for Lukos to be outfitted with a straitjacket at all times, excluding meal times, bathing, and therapy sessions. It is to be determined later if he will be allowed to be free of his straitjacket if he exhibits good behavior. This conclusion was reached after the initial interviews with him, where Lukos appears to be very rooted in his fantasies and exhibits the behavior of one of his other personalities almost constantly, without end. To this date, I am not sure we have gotten to speak to the real Lukos for any longer than a total of fifteen minutes. He is very ill, but will hopefully show some level of improvement after a few more days taking part in his program."
"One interesting bit of news is that in just one week of his stay here, Lukos has made a very close friend in one of our long-time patients, Sef Highwind. The two seem to love each other's company and have gotten along impeccably well. It is almost as if they had been lifelong friends even before Lukos came to us here at our center. We are happy that the two socialize together so well. However... We are slightly concerned about their interaction together in moments when Schizophrenia kicks in. We worry that Lukos and Sef feed into each other's delusions during these episodes, and it may be detrimental to both of their treatments. They share and swap stories about their fantasies together, strengthening each other's beliefs. Sef in particular has been very eager to listen to Lukos' fresh creativity. For the moment we try to separate them as soon we can when we see them both in a possible episode, but will need to judge later if this practice is necessary if it is truly unhealthy for them."
"March, the 18th, 2017. Three days after the last entry on our new patient, Lukos. I am saddened to say that his condition may be worse than we thought, and he has caused his first incident at the asylum. At some point during Lunch, Lukos climbed on top of his cafeteria table, struck a very heroic pose, and began a speech to the other inmates under one of his personalities. He quickly proclaimed to the crowd that he was a demigod, sent to them to free his people from the tyranny of their overlords and the dark lord, 'Gulraith Tol.' Lukos did not attack anyone or show aggressive behavior, but we feared that he may have riled up some of the other inmates. His friend, Sef Highwind, had been egging Lukos on, and was cheering during his speech. Both Lukos and Sef were safely removed from the cafeteria and the excitement was quelled, but they were to be restrained in their jackets and placed into solitary padded rooms for a while."
"Personally, I worry that solitary might be problematic for Lukos, but it is policy. When placed into Solitary, he continues to behave as one of his characters, but merely as a captured prisoner in his fantasy. During which he seems to enjoy purposely (and futilely) struggling against his restraints and the padded cell. This is sometimes a cause for Lukos to be confined for longer than standard procedure, as we need to wait for him to grow bored of his fantasy. This is a concern because it can interfere with his eating and sleeping schedules as well as his general program if it is a particularly long episode.
"After this incident, we are going to schedule Lukos for further tests and personal therapy, to see if we can adjust his treatment to something more suitable that will hopefully yield better results. In any case, I'm afraid Lukos may need to stay in our care for quite some time..."
Random drawing after a lot of chatting which became a big inspiration to me. I just had to draw it, and it was super fun to make. @w@
Characters belong to
Artwork created by me.
Category All / Bondage
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Male
Size 1000 x 1000px
File Size 684.9 kB
Listed in Folders
This is cool! So is it truly a delusion, or are the two interacting with a parallel plane of existence? Either way, I think this is a great story and picture! And would love to see it expanded on!
Or the god, Malek Lukos, is real and he's not crazy. :3
I'm not entirely sure, I think I like the idea that LukosLynx is an avatar of the god on another reality (plane of existance.) I think in real life, this was kind of an excuse to make LukosLynx an actual character in some fashion. x3
I'm not entirely sure, I think I like the idea that LukosLynx is an avatar of the god on another reality (plane of existance.) I think in real life, this was kind of an excuse to make LukosLynx an actual character in some fashion. x3
so nice that there are shared rooms instead of just solitary rooms easier to shared stories with than with the paddings in the walls :3
I thought a padded background was better than just plain nothing color. I wouldn't say they actually "share solitary" in the story, that wouldn't make a lot of sense. x3
It's a very cute read that matches well with the pic! Thank you once more for this surprise!
You're very welcome buddy, was so fun to talk about and draw! ^w^
Fun drawing. Like the premises.
Looks like Lukos was a Lynx this whole time, just believing he was a wolf who draws on the the internet
Nah, he is a physical manifestation of the wolf's imaginings in a different reality. The lynx wasn't prepared to handle the memories of a god's life though, so he can't help but to behave a little eccentric and screwy to everyone else. x3
You already have! Apart from Sef, he's also good friends with Malek Lukos, Vakos Lukos, Vilith, Aydren, Malos, Ravaksun, and Azvaldür! The whole gang is there, at his side... At all times. :3
LOL!!! That aside, it sounds like only a few of the immates may hate him. Sounds like around half enjoy him and his stories, am I right?