Pet portrait I finished a while back, of an adorable tortie named Baby! I hope i get to paint more tortie cats in the future, they have such beautiful colors.
6 hours in Photoshop with an Intuos Pro
6 hours in Photoshop with an Intuos Pro
Category Artwork (Digital) / All
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 850 x 1100px
File Size 1.48 MB
Divas of the cat world so lovely! I own two torties maybe if things die down around me I dan save to get them done by you Hon.
This reminds me so much of my cat, she was a tortoiseshell with very similar markings and green eyes. I can't help but feel especially attached to tortoiseshells after having one for so long.
AAHHHHHHH you draw torties so well. ;_;
I might have to commission either my character or one of my babies. ♥
Glad to see more quality art of torties. uwu
I might have to commission either my character or one of my babies. ♥
Glad to see more quality art of torties. uwu
Awww, this is so adorable! Almost looks like my tortie, Hershey. XD