Type of commission: Painting -Fullbody
Timescale: 5 hours
Commissioner: Tito Outlaw (FB)
Characters: Leonidas Olmos
Species: Albino Lion therianthrope
Gender: Male
I had fun doing an anthro with its wild form n.n
Tablet: Wacom Bamboo Create
Program: Paint tool SAI
Art: Kerotzuki
My other account: Tzukikero
My Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ArteComolli
Timescale: 5 hours
Commissioner: Tito Outlaw (FB)
Characters: Leonidas Olmos
Species: Albino Lion therianthrope
Gender: Male
I had fun doing an anthro with its wild form n.n
Tablet: Wacom Bamboo Create
Program: Paint tool SAI
Art: Kerotzuki
My other account: Tzukikero
My Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ArteComolli
Category All / All
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 878 x 1111px
File Size 740.6 kB
It is mentioned that it is a therianthrope, does that mean it is just a shape-shifter or does it mean it specifically transforms into a lion?
Lycanthrope and Otherkin deal with shape shift.
Therian is a spiritual belief in animal spirituality, and souls that we are. It's Native American culture And study. Id appreciate a bit more respect than this of someone using the term properly.
Therian is a spiritual belief in animal spirituality, and souls that we are. It's Native American culture And study. Id appreciate a bit more respect than this of someone using the term properly.
I only know that my client's character can change human, human half-beast, 'Therianthrope' and Feral
I'm just trying to be educational :) Therianthrope just means you feel your soul/spirit is a feral animal guiding you. Like a totem. It's not the ability to change. It's just obnoxious people such as your client get things mixed up this bad is all.
It's a shame that he hasnĀ”'t been informed well, thanks for clearing n.n
At first I was like 'RENGER' and then I was like, na, he needs dreadlocks for that :3