◕Personal art◕
A dark and japanese inspired piece I just did.
I'm always really inspired by japanese culture, myth and stories.
This is a girl with all her masks. Showing her several personalities...
Woman can be really different and secret sometimes.. even deadly :p
Hope you like it !
Super inspired by this awesome band, song and video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cK3NMZAUKGw
Comments, favs are appreciated and always welcome !
Category Artwork (Digital) / All
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Female
Size 849 x 1200px
File Size 1.05 MB
OMG! I love me some masks and especially some Yokai stuff as well. You did a great job on this that's for sure!
I think i could actually fall in love with a deadly woman, rather than an angel one
But what is amazing with womens, it's that they are lovely everyway they are
Like when you do art like this ;)
But what is amazing with womens, it's that they are lovely everyway they are
Like when you do art like this ;)
Maximumsune. La compo est tellement cool, hâte de le voir tiré en print d'art !
ps : stipé
ps : stipé
harkens back to okami with amerteratsu and the demons that stole the dragon kingdoms relic //.o
I really love the dramatic lighting. This is very well done.
Scaring! xD But I love for the deep meaning it carries and for being so uncommon! :D
je crois que je ferais dans mon froc si je la croisait IRL x3. super taf Shal, ça envoi du steak sévère là
Incredible work! It represents the shapeshifting capabilities of the kitsune very well
I don't like it at all... cause I love it! This is beyond great, mesmerizing!~
Wow, this is super cool! A very authentic feel to it... and on a technical level, that lighting and composition is superb!
I always wanted to see art inspired by this music vid. Looks soo good
This is so beautiful and inspiring, and my muse is screaming. q A q
Je kiffe grave. en même temps, les yokaï, quoi... (j'en ai un sur mon mur, de masque traditionnel de kitsune)
Si tu connais pas...
Je T'ORDONNE de regarder Kakurenbo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqQ.....;nohtml5=False (qualité pourrie, si tu trouve mieux fais toi plaise, mais vu que c'est pas très connu...)
C'est ce truc là qui m'a fait commencer à faire des costumes en fait.
Si tu connais pas...
Je T'ORDONNE de regarder Kakurenbo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqQ.....;nohtml5=False (qualité pourrie, si tu trouve mieux fais toi plaise, mais vu que c'est pas très connu...)
C'est ce truc là qui m'a fait commencer à faire des costumes en fait.
oh ca a l'air super cool je met ca dans ma liste de watchage *w*
merchi ^^
merchi ^^
Euh l'anim est pas toujours nickel c'est pas fait par des pros de ce dont je me souviens, maaaaais ça reste très cool.
Ya des masques (de kitsune), des monstres, une partie de cache-cache et des enfants qui se font buter, que demande le peuple?
Ah et une gamine avec un rire flippant, aussi.(qui m'a servi de sonnerie de portable pendant longtemps :3 )
Ah et une gamine avec un rire flippant, aussi.(qui m'a servi de sonnerie de portable pendant longtemps :3 )
Amazing, I can feel the energy from this art. Great job.
Wow this is awesome! O_O
I think the rendering on the masks is especially good! *thumbs up*
I think the rendering on the masks is especially good! *thumbs up*