The last seconds. The game still is a tie, but then suddenly a chance. An unexpected pass and a well placed shot. Nürnberg wins!
Yes this was a birthday picture for Lunatik It was a bit late but Wuschelwolf asked me to wait until he was with him. I hope they both enjoy this picture and that I managed to translate Wuschel's idea into a decent picture.
The background on this was almost literally killing me. I was trying to achive a decent grass effect with 3ds max, but everything I tried didnt look quite right, so I decided to go manually in photoshop. Well not completely but lets just say that it was a huge pain in the tail area.
In the end though I really like the final picture. And I hope you do too! ^^
Yes this was a birthday picture for Lunatik It was a bit late but Wuschelwolf asked me to wait until he was with him. I hope they both enjoy this picture and that I managed to translate Wuschel's idea into a decent picture.
The background on this was almost literally killing me. I was trying to achive a decent grass effect with 3ds max, but everything I tried didnt look quite right, so I decided to go manually in photoshop. Well not completely but lets just say that it was a huge pain in the tail area.
In the end though I really like the final picture. And I hope you do too! ^^
Category Artwork (Digital) / All
Species Lynx
Gender Male
Size 1024 x 640px
File Size 353.9 kB
Listed in Folders
gar nich gewusst das du deutscher bist, yay für fussball^^, tolle bilder machste^^
Alle Blumen blüh'n, alle Blumen blüh'n. Nur das Fürther Kleeblatt nicht! :D :D :D
Yeah Danke dir Tiger! :D
WIR sind der Club! WIR sind der Club! WIR sind der Club! :O
Trotzdem hat das Bild immer noch einen Fehler, Luchse schießen immer noch keine Tore. xx
Yeah Danke dir Tiger! :D
WIR sind der Club! WIR sind der Club! WIR sind der Club! :O
Trotzdem hat das Bild immer noch einen Fehler, Luchse schießen immer noch keine Tore. xx
Oh snappers! Not only is this good but it would make a nice game too. .
Do you think this would make a good game as well, aye?
Do you think this would make a good game as well, aye?
Nene, der "Drehhund" hat ja abgegeben statt selbst draufzuschießen. Aber Luchse stehen ja schon im Tor weil sie sich im Netz verharrt haben.
Ne der Drehhund hat vorher an den Pfosten geschossen und von dort kam er zum Luchs der getroffen hat